A Course in Miracles Blog

by Paul West - (Page 111)
AcceptanceAcimAngelsAtonementAtonement planAttackAwakeningBeliefBodyCause and effectChoiceChristCommunicationCreationDeathDenialDreamingEarth world hellEgoEmpathyEqualityEternityEvilFaith and trustFearForgiven worldForgivenessFormFreedomGiving and receivingGodGrievancesGuiltHappinessHealingHealth and sicknessHeavenHologramsHoly spiritHonestyIdentityIdol worshipIllusionsImmortalityInnocenceJesusJudgementKnowledgeLawLearningLevelsLightLogic and reasonLoss lack and needLoveMagicMeaningMeditationMindMiraclesNon dualityOnenessPeacePerceptionPerfectionPossibilityPowerPrayerProjectionReal worldRealityRecognitionRelationshipsResponsibilityResurrectionSalvationSanitySelfishnessSeparationSharingSinSons of godSpacetimeSpecialnessSufferingSurrenderTeachingTemptationThoughtTruthVictims and victimizersWholenessWillWorth

22. Your deep belief that you're unworthy of God

Saturday, Apr 02, 2016 644 words 2 mins 51 secs

Somewhere deep down inside you believe you are unworthy of God. You think God doesn't want you and doesn't love you. Or that even if He does, you don't deserve it.

Because you forgot who you are - that you are...

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21. Offering guilt in an attempt to atone for doing something wrong

Friday, Apr 01, 2016 943 words 4 mins 11 secs

It is easy to offer guilt as a way to atone for doing something wrong or not doing what you were supposed to. We give little 'gifts' of guilt. We're trying to say, ok, I acknowledge that I failed in...

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20. The idea of having healthy boundaries

Thursday, Mar 31, 2016 903 words 4 mins 0 secs

Healthy boundaries.. it's a concept thrown around as something to strive for. But what are boundaries and how do you make them and do they even exist?

You can only theoretically have boundaries between separate people. It's as though, if you...

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19. The ego's version of forgiveness and learning to correct it

Monday, Mar 21, 2016 1405 words 6 mins 14 secs

Quite often while reading the ACIM text I am blown away by Jesus's crystal-clear clarity on various topics. It's like, there couldn't possibly be any way to explain MORE clearly. Last night as I read about forgiveness it was no...

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18. Forgiving the dishonesty of food packaging

Monday, Mar 21, 2016 623 words 2 mins 46 secs

I complain that food manufacturers constantly package food in containers which are way larger than the contents, and when you go to open it up you find it's half empty and feel deceived. It IS a dishonest practice. At first...

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17. The world isn't heaven in disguise, it isn't real at all

Sunday, Mar 20, 2016 865 words 3 mins 50 secs

Many course students believe that the physical world is a kind of heaven-in-disguise, but simply hidden behind their mistaken perceptions. It's as if to say, once they purify their mind of false perceptions, they will see it 'how God intended...

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16. Trying to wake up from the ego with the ego is painful

Sunday, Mar 20, 2016 1182 words 5 mins 15 secs

Trying to wake up from the ego while still having the ego is PAINFUL. We have identified ourselves AS the very ego that we're apparently trying to undo. And even as we take some small steps to undo it, we...

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15. We must wake up from isolation into a shared reality, together

Friday, Mar 18, 2016 534 words 2 mins 22 secs

Probably most of us start working on a spiritual path from a state of isolation. We see everyone else as flawed or a reason to want to be more spiritual, and so we work on ourselves - separately from them...

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14. Exploring the mindset of Oneness

Wednesday, Mar 16, 2016 879 words 3 mins 54 secs

The course speaks from a perspective of Oneness. That means quite literally that you and all other people are ONE person - one mind, one being. It means you SHARE a mind with everyone else. It should be immediately obvious...

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13. The illusion of many separate problems

Friday, Mar 11, 2016 429 words 1 mins 54 secs

The ego wants you to believe that there are many separate problems because this implies that there are many separate CAUSES of problems. It suggests if you fix this one problem it will be solved, but there will always be...

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12. Idol worship and victimhood

Monday, Feb 29, 2016 1432 words 6 mins 21 secs

It basically works like this. You believe you are not loveable and are separate from the love that you ARE. You experience a sense of lacking love. This creates a false need. The need motivates you to search. You search...

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11. Truth is an experience, not information

Thursday, Feb 04, 2016 770 words 3 mins 25 secs

The truth is not information. It is not an idea or a thought. It is not a fact, like a statement about something. It is not some piece of information you can learn mentally through studying it. It isn't a...

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10. An early experiment in miracle working

Friday, Jan 29, 2016 653 words 2 mins 54 secs

Practiced a little bit of `miracle working` this morning ... the 'change the dream' and 'reverse cause and effect' kind. I am reporting this just because I'm still experimenting/learning/discovering what is possible and maybe it is useful.

I had back pain...

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9. Are you being tempted by the ego?

Thursday, Jan 21, 2016 581 words 2 mins 34 secs

In ACIM the idea of evil is defined as 'ego', more or less. Not just individual egos but also a collective one.

The ego uses temptation to distract you from the truth. It is capable of creating scenarios in which...

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8. People believe they are supposed to suffer

Tuesday, Sep 22, 2015 419 words 1 mins 51 secs

I think a lot of people have a belief that they are 'supposed' to suffer.

When an opportunity for healing is presented, unconditionally, with no strings attached, we actually recoil a bit in suspicion that we're not 'supposed' to be free...

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7. You have a secret plan to deny and reject God's Love

Monday, Apr 27, 2015 1278 words 5 mins 40 secs

To accomplish this you need to portray yourself as different from God - not loving and not lovable.

You proceed to arrange for a whole bunch of people to come along and attack you. They are to do it out of...

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6. Stop being dead serious

Sunday, Dec 14, 2014 113 words 0 mins 30 secs

If you do a lot of very important things in your life, you will become dead serious.

Do unimportant things. Keep it simple and light.

Beware of the lure of important success and achievement.

The ego lures you with importance and seriousness into...

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5. There are multiple levels to the dream

Thursday, May 01, 2014 503 words 2 mins 14 secs

There are multiple levels/dimensions to the overall dream, of which the physical world is just one. The dream is not just the physical world. And awakening from the physical level is only one step in full awakening. For example:


Christ consciousness...

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4. Gratitude helps you to receive what you don't yet have

Wednesday, Apr 30, 2014 422 words 1 mins 52 secs

It is possible to be grateful for what you do not have, in order to manifest it.

When you get stuff, you become grateful after the fact. You usually reserve all of your gratitude for receiving. This is the ego's version...

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3. Seek and do not find is the rule of the ego

Friday, Apr 25, 2014 846 words 3 mins 45 secs

"Seek and do not find" is the absolute rule of the ego's way of perceiving.

It's very simple logic.

1) You already have everything you need. You are love.

2) Deny everything you are. "It's not in you".

3) Feel deprived and lacking and...

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