51. You are living in denial - don't deny it!
You can either accept what is real and true, or you can deny it. Denying it doesn't mean you change it, or make it go away. It just means you are unwilling to accept that it's still true. It...
You can either accept what is real and true, or you can deny it. Denying it doesn't mean you change it, or make it go away. It just means you are unwilling to accept that it's still true. It...
You can either be selfish, or you can share. The entire separation from God is about becoming selfish. The atonement is entirely about learning how to share again. The entire problem in this world is that everyone is selfish,...
What our minds really need is a paradigm shift. That means a really radical sweeping upgrade in terms of premise, context and outlook. Some kind of system-wide "shift" out of an entire field of form into some radically greater...
In the very big picture, this is what ACIM is getting at. This entire world does not exist. No bodies, no planet, no sun, no galaxies, no spacetime, no events, no happenings, no consequences. It is all nothing. Only...
"What difference does the content of a dream make in reality? One either sleeps or wakens. There is nothing in between."
I thought it was interesting in lesson 140 - only salvation can be said to cure - talking...
"Your sleeping and waking dreams have different forms, and that is all. THEIR CONTENT IS THE SAME. They are your protest AGAINST reality, and your fixed and insane wish to CHANGE it."
We are in a state of denial...
Jesus says in the course several times that we have a "sole responsibility". This responsibility is to accept the atonement. And this is usually attached to "for ourselves."
I think this has become one of the most selfishly misinterpreted teachings.
...It's very useful as a tool to consider what something means if God were included. We think far too often "separately" and without including God.
Since God created you as a part of him, you are literally part of God....
We know the secret of salvation tells us that we are doing everything to ourselves, but we also need to realize how it applies to others. The only way to correctly grasp how it applies to others, is to...
There is really only ONE problem. That seems easy to say, but think about how many problems you think there really are. Is there really only ONE? A single little problem? A single problem which if you solve it,...
There really are only two states. Wholeness, which means sharing everything, and separateness, which means being excluded from the rest in selfishness.
"Selfishness is of the ego but self-fullness is of the Soul because that is how He created...
In this world we've all heard the statement "I love you". This is usually from one person to another one person. Also this is not usually true unconditional love, and is most often special love.
This is an...
For a short time yesterday, my body vanished from my conscious awareness. I had my eyes closed at the time and was thinking about some stuff...
I had this sudden vision of a small scene, perhaps a trail or...
There are two approaches to ACIM. One is to learn the theory about what is true or false. The other is to actually change your mind and transform your awareness so that you wake up to experiencing it.
The aim of our purification, of sorting out the true from the false, is to become fully committed only to the truth. This means purifying or filtering out anything which is not of God, and accepting everything that is of...
If you are immortal, nothing can victimize you.
In order to see yourself as victimized, you have to pretend to be mortal.
To be mortal, you have to attack your own immortality.
Having attacked your immortality you will perceive...
In the oneness of God, there is no taking of sides. There is only one side, and everyone's on it. Because there is no split, there is no war.
This state of the "absence of conflict" is a state...
"How simple is salvation! All it says is what was never true is not true now, and never will be. The impossible has NOT occurred, and CAN have no effects. And that is all."
I've found personally that I...
Once upon a time, in heaven, there was a rebellion against the will of God. The children of God believed they were separate, and threw themselves into a nightmare world of magic and hell and death.
God saw this...
God and his Kingdom are unlimited. They are EVERYTHING. In the separation from God, we tried to be opposite to God. We made-up a world opposite to everything. The opposite of everything is NOTHING At the same time, we...