Do you have healing to give?
Miracles assert only life. That there is nothing wrong. There is only innocence and wholeness.
"The perceptual content of miracles is wholeness."
Basically, the only way there can be a healing of any real kind, is if something which is NOT sick, is applied to that which is.
That which is not sick, is a mind which does not give any power or credit or reality to sickness. A mind that does not believe sickness is even real, or that a person can have something truly wrong with them.
Only an outlook rooted in holiness, looking out from that holiness, to see the holiness of others, can bestow holiness upon others. This supplies to them the holiness they were lacking.
"Miracles supply a lack."
"There are given by those who temporarily have more, to those who temporarily have less."
You have more life, love, wholeness to give, when you yourself are these things. Which means you have to purify yourself enough to be free from ego and separation and sickness/death beliefs. Once you are purified enough, you become miraculous.
"It is the privilege of the forgiven to forgive."
"I can only give the miracles I have received."
"Miracles are everyone's right but purification is necessary first."
"Those who are healed become instruments of healing."
So if you want to be a miracle worker, a healer, you have to get yourself healed, and then you will have healing to give.
Healing occurs when one who has more wholeness, life, innocence, bestows that upon another mind and shares it with them, raising them up. All healing is resurrection. It is life-giving.
You cannot give life if you believe in death. You cannot give life if you believe sickness is real, or that the forms physical sickness takes is true, or that it's even possible for something to be wrong with a person.
The idea that something is wrong with someone, even in terms of it being a sickness they didn't seem to ask for, is no different than saying they are guilty of something. That they are less than perfect.
You must assert perfection and equality and light and love if you want to be truly helpful in undoing sickness and death.
This is why you are to become the light of the world. And everyone who becomes the light becomes a healer.
"To heal, or to make joyous, is therefore the same as to integrate and MAKE ONE."
"ACCEPT the miracle of healing, and it WILL go forth, because of what it IS. It is its NATURE to extend itself the instant it is born. And it is born the instant it is offered and RECEIVED. No-one can ask ANOTHER to be healed. But he can let HIMSELF be healed, and thus offer the other what he has received. Who can bestow upon another what he does not HAVE? And who can SHARE what he denies HIMSELF?"
"The ONLY thing that is required for a healing is a lack of fear."
"Healing is a sign that HE WANTS TO MAKE WHOLE."
"Healing must occur in exact proportion in which the valuelessness of sickness is recognized."
"Healing is holy. Nothing in the world is holier than helping one who asks for help."
"The new emphasis will now be on healing. The miracle is the means, the Atonement the principle, and the healing is the result."
"By accepting healing he can give it."
"Forgiveness is not real UNLESS it brings a healing to your brother AND yourself. YOU must attest his sins had no effect on YOU, to demonstrate they were not real. How else COULD he be guiltless? And how COULD his innocence be justified UNLESS his sins have no effect to WARRANT guilt? Sins are beyond forgiveness just BECAUSE they would entail effects which CANNOT be undone and overlooked entirely. In their UNDOING lies the proof that they were merely errors. LET yourself be healed, that you may be forgiving, offering salvation to your brother AND yourself. A broken body shows the mind has NOT been healed. A miracle of healing proves that separation is WITHOUT effect."
"The Disciples were officially and specifically told to heal others, as Physicians of the Lord. They were also told to heal themselves, and were promised that I would never leave them or forsake them. Atonement is the natural profession of the Children of God, because they have professed Me."
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