A Course in Miracles Blog

by Paul West
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ACIM Articles about Miracles

AtonementAwakeningBeliefBodyCause and effectChoiceDeathEarth world hellFearForgivenessGiving and receivingGodGuiltHealingHealth and sicknessHeavenHoly spiritIllusionsImmortalityJesusLawLightMindOnenessPowerProjectionRealityResurrectionSalvationSharingSinSons of godSpacetimeSufferingVictims and victimizers

200. Those who are sick do not want healing

Thursday, Mar 06, 2025 1181 words 5 mins 14 secs

This may sound like a sweeping generalisation but it is true. It applies to EVERYONE. EVERY sick person has REJECTED health, love and God. They do NOT want healing.

"All forms of sickness, even unto death, are physical expressions of...

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199. Do you have healing to give?

Sunday, Feb 09, 2025 735 words 3 mins 15 secs

Miracles assert only life. That there is nothing wrong. There is only innocence and wholeness.

"The perceptual content of miracles is wholeness."

Basically, the only way there can be a healing of any real kind, is if something which...

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198. You share the power of God to work miracles

Monday, Sep 23, 2024 1403 words 6 mins 14 secs

Did you know God is very, very, very powerful?

Did you know that you inherited that power and are also very powerful? God is the source of all power, and is all-powerful, but he also shares his power with...

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197. Stop fighting against death if you want to undo it

Friday, Jun 28, 2024 2225 words 9 mins 53 secs

"God made not death. Whatever form it takes must therefore be illusion. This the stand we take today. And it is given us to look past death and see the life beyond."

You can say that death is bad,...

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196. The secrets of the saintly miracle workers

Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 931 words 4 mins 8 secs

I'm trying at the moment to get a better handle on how various MIRACLE WORKERS have been able to achieve their states of mind, and gain access to true miracle working power.

Most of these miracle workers are Christians...

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195. Miracles use the power of God

Monday, Nov 27, 2023 831 words 3 mins 41 secs

Why is no-one talking about the POWER OF GOD?!

There are some people who have been known as miracle workers. They typically work the same way. They are in close communication with God and the Holy Spirit. They are humble...

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194. The power of God and not of you engenders miracles!

Monday, Nov 27, 2023 1156 words 5 mins 8 secs

To be a miracle worker, it is absolutely essentially to realize that, although you will perform miracles, it is not YOU that does them. It is actually the Holy Spirit who has the power to do them. Or rather,...

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193. The inability to control the world

Monday, Nov 20, 2023 856 words 3 mins 48 secs

The world we made - Earth etc - seems like a world we cannot control. When you look at it, almost no-one has any ability to DIRECTLY move objects with their mind. To change one thing into another. The...

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192. What is a miracle? Time for a rethink

Sunday, Sep 17, 2023 1027 words 4 mins 33 secs

I haven't been focusing on miracles for a while, but kind of accidentally lately I've been finding myself exposed to some statements about miracles. I seem to be seeing them in a different light. Which is funny because "seeing...

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191. The opposite of the golden rule

Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023 716 words 3 mins 10 secs

"Projection still has this "hurling" connotation, because it involves hurling something you DO NOT want, and regard as dangerous and frightening, to someone else. This is the opposite of the Golden Rule, and having placed this rule upside down, the...

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190. Miracle working requires joining minds

Wednesday, Aug 16, 2023 507 words 2 mins 15 secs

"***UNITING with a brother's mind prevents the CAUSE of sickness, and perceived effects***. ***Healing is the effect of minds that join***, as sickness comes from minds that separate. The miracle does nothing just because the minds ARE joined, and...

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189. Identify yourself as the whole of creation

Saturday, Aug 12, 2023 1699 words 7 mins 33 secs3 comments

There really are only two states. Wholeness, which means sharing everything, and separateness, which means being excluded from the rest in selfishness.

"Selfishness is of the ego but self-fullness is of the Soul because that is how He created...

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188. What if your mind makes the world and can change it at will?

Thursday, Aug 10, 2023 1330 words 5 mins 54 secs

What if the world is really a highly malleable dream, not some fixed objective place, and our minds have the power to change it at will? Then this perhaps redefines physical miracles.

If the state of objects, the events...

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187. Your mind has the power to change the world

Thursday, Aug 10, 2023 1462 words 6 mins 29 secs

"Lesson 253 "My Self is ruler of the universe. ... It is impossible that anything should come to me unbidden by myself. Even in this world, it is I who rule my destiny. ******What happens is what I desire.*****...

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186. You are the ruler of the universe

Wednesday, Jun 21, 2023 1153 words 5 mins 7 secs

I think perhaps we under appreciate what being "ruler of the universe" really entails. It seems fanciful and lofty and like some kind of fake superhero idea.

"My self is ruler of the Universe." - "It is impossible that...

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185. Choosing resurrection over death

Saturday, Apr 22, 2023 1479 words 6 mins 34 secs1 comments

I've been through a lot of crap in which I've had to deal with medical issues for my wife. She's been close to death's door a couple of times. I had to literally decide whether to continue her life or...

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184. The need for miracles of healing

Saturday, Apr 22, 2023 1738 words 7 mins 43 secs

Forgiveness is a state of mind in which you recognize that there is nothing that NEEDS forgiving. It is a recognition in which you know there is no sin, sin is impossible, attack is impossible, so nothing can have...

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183. The cure for all sickness

Thursday, Apr 13, 2023 1257 words 5 mins 35 secs

"Atonement heals with certainty, and cures all sickness."

"The body can be healed as an effect of true forgiveness. Only that can give remembrance of immortality, which is the gift of holiness and love."

Sounds like we need to...

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182. Do not allow your brother to be sick

Wednesday, Apr 12, 2023 1528 words 6 mins 47 secs

I’ll say this straight and try not to be too insensitive.

If someone is sick they are deceived. All sickness is an illusion. Death is a lie. If someone seems to be sick, they are lying. Sickness is dishonesty...

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181. Please read ACIM very carefully

Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 622 words 2 mins 45 secs

I find that a lot of ACIM students read the book too fast and sloppily and then approximate what they think they read and think it's saying something it's not.

For example I hear quite often cropping up people...

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