A Course in Miracles Blog

by Paul West
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ACIM Articles about Victims and victimizers

AtonementAttackAwakeningBeliefCause and effectChoiceDeathDenialEarth world hellEgoEmpathyFearGiving and receivingHealth and sicknessIllusionsImmortalityLawLevelsMindMiraclesPeacePossibilityPowerPrayerProjectionResponsibilitySinSufferingTruth

23. Why you don't want the truth

Friday, Jan 31, 2025 1163 words 5 mins 10 secs

God is the truth. Originally there was only the truth. But then we made up an opposite. We thought there could be something false as well, a falseness which had truth to it.

"For if you perceive both good...

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22. Victimhood hides your power

Thursday, Nov 14, 2024 717 words 3 mins 11 secs

When we are playing the role of victim, of being at the effect of anything, we are out of touch with the power of decision. We think that stuff is happening against our will. Then we enter into a...

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21. You have to own up to being the evil ego

Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 1748 words 7 mins 46 secs

"The ego is nothing more than a PART of your belief about yourselves. Your other life has continued without interruption, and has been and always will be totally unaffected by your attempts to dissociate (separate)."

"Ego" is just a...

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20. The opposite of the golden rule

Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023 716 words 3 mins 10 secs

"Projection still has this "hurling" connotation, because it involves hurling something you DO NOT want, and regard as dangerous and frightening, to someone else. This is the opposite of the Golden Rule, and having placed this rule upside down, the...

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19. Peace is a natural part of your true self

Monday, Jun 19, 2023 920 words 4 mins 5 secs1 comments

"Peace is an attribute in YOU. You cannot find it outside. All mental illness is some form of EXTERNAL searching. Mental health is INNER peace. It enables you to remain unshaken by lack of love from without, and capable,...

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18. You are not a victim, stop pretending to be

Monday, May 01, 2023 776 words 3 mins 26 secs

If you are immortal, nothing can victimize you.

In order to see yourself as victimized, you have to pretend to be mortal.

To be mortal, you have to attack your own immortality.

Having attacked your immortality you will perceive...

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17. The truth about sickness, fear and victimhood

Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 1024 words 4 mins 33 secs

In ACIM Jesus sometimes says some things which would be .... possibly offensive... to many people. These truth bombs don't go so far as to point fingers or to try to make people guilty, but it's quite likely that...

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16. Doing victimhood to yourself

Saturday, Jul 25, 2020 894 words 3 mins 58 secs

Some time ago, I did not even remotely recognize that I was choosing to be a victim. If I was afraid, attacked, threatened, hurt in any way, I would see it as the other person was entirely responsible.

Over time, as...

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15. Everyone is at different levels of awareness and unawareness guarantees victimhood

Sunday, Feb 11, 2018 1278 words 5 mins 40 secs

When there is a lack of awareness, ie awareness if blocked in some way, there is an inability to see the whole picture.

This "blindness" leaves a person with only a limited scope of ability to access information.

It does not matter...

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14. The basic dynamic of projecting sin in order to pretend to be a victim

Wednesday, Feb 07, 2018 1055 words 4 mins 41 secs

Ego projections boil down to a very, very simple dynamic.

1) I decide what I want to see in someone.

2) I interact with what I now see in them as if I did not put it there.

The way I interact with...

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13. I am not a victim of the world I see

Wednesday, Jan 31, 2018 587 words 2 mins 36 secs

In order to be invulnerable and not a victim of the world I see, it is necessary to recognize that no-one ever does anything to me.

Part of this recognition must also entail recognizing that, therefore, I never do anything to...

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12. There are two types of victims, positive victims and negative victims, and both are irresponsible

Monday, Jul 24, 2017 422 words 1 mins 52 secs

The type of victim you're familiar with is the negative victim. Something seems to happen to them that they do not want.

The positive victim is someone for whom stuff happens to them that they do want.

What's wrong with that?

Well, it...

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11. Your false empathy is attacking victims with an illusion of caring

Friday, Jul 14, 2017 1409 words 6 mins 15 secs

You are attacking victims with your false empathy. It's time for some honesty.

When you see someone as a victim, such as that they are sick, diseased, suffering, afraid, being victimized by someone else, are disabled, weak, helpless, vulnerable, at a...

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10. Can prayers go unanswered? Is it really possible to be a victim?

Friday, Jun 23, 2017 1586 words 7 mins 2 secs

A Course in Miracles would say no. You always get what you ask for. You only get what you ask for. You never get anything you do not ask for.

There are no victims. There are no accidents. Nothing happens unless...

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9. Victims are attackers, and you're just attacking yourself

Wednesday, May 24, 2017 356 words 1 mins 34 secs

When someone is attacking, it will come across as them being attacked by you. And thereby they believe they are justified in attacking as though they themselves are not doing it at all.

Victim consciousness automatically means someone is trying to...

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8. You wouldn't protect the idea of victims if you could see clearly

Monday, Feb 13, 2017 678 words 3 mins 0 secs

Where could be absolutely no sympathy for victims, IF you could clearly see that the victim is 100% choosing everything that happens to them.

If someone is suffering with sickness and disease, you might feel sympathetic toward them, but would you...

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7. You are your own victimizer, are you having fun yet?

Wednesday, Nov 23, 2016 344 words 1 mins 31 secs

What we see in our lives outside of ourselves, is a displacement of all of our own sense of self, which we do not want to own up to.

We are Christ. We do not want to own up to that....

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6. Real miracles vs victims

Monday, Oct 10, 2016 1669 words 7 mins 25 secs

When the mind clearly recognizes that CAUSE is in the mind, and Cause is God, and that the mind extends God's will, God's Power can extend forth to enact miracles.

This means, that God has FULL power over illusions. Or in...

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5. Revealed, your secret contract to be victimized by others

Friday, Sep 09, 2016 861 words 3 mins 49 secs

You have made a secret agreement with all your victimizers and attackers.

1) Their half of the bargain entails they must appear to be responsible for all the guilt you do not want to own in yourself, which you thought was...

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4. Victims require victimizers

Wednesday, Jun 08, 2016 307 words 1 mins 21 secs

Victims require victimizers.

Victims ask for victimizers.

Victims create victimizers.

Victimizers victimize victims (victims victimize themselves through third-party victimizers)

Then the victimizer gets all the blame.

Seeing yourself as a victim is actively a choice, an attitude, a viewpoint and a way of looking...

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