48. You are hiding behind the truth
Sometimes, we can use the truth to deny what we really believe. We can say, ok in theory I get it, there is no world, people are not bodies, death isn't real, sickness is a lie etc. It all makes...
Sometimes, we can use the truth to deny what we really believe. We can say, ok in theory I get it, there is no world, people are not bodies, death isn't real, sickness is a lie etc. It all makes...
You can either accept what is real and true, or you can deny it. Denying it doesn't mean you change it, or make it go away. It just means you are unwilling to accept that it's still true. It...
1) Recognize that you are not happy.
2) Recognize that happiness IS God, is part of his nature, and there is no happiness other than God's happiness.
3) Recognize that you are not happy because you believe you are...
One of the things about letting go, is to do with willingness. I realised it's about what you "want". If there is a wanting, a desire, it drives you to an attachment.
If you then want something, but can't...
"Father, I come to You through Him Who is Your Son and my true Self as well. Amen."
"To be alive and not to know yourself is to believe that you are really dead. For what is life except...
All sense of loss arises from believing that a changing world is real. If it is real, and if something goes away, a part of reality has been lost. If it is real, there has been a real separation. And...
In ACIM we're told we have an authority problem. If you read ACIM it speaks about us having an issue with "who authored who".
We're told that God is the author of us, because he is our creator and...
The aim of our purification, of sorting out the true from the false, is to become fully committed only to the truth. This means purifying or filtering out anything which is not of God, and accepting everything that is of...
If we realize that we are immortal beings, we must also realize that we are perfect. Being immortal means living forever, which is only possible if you never change. Being changeless is part of reality, and it's what makes...
“Before you will to do anything, ask Me if your will is in accord with Mine. If you are sure that it IS, there will BE no fear.”
Part of the ego belief is that we have a WILL...
The world in and of itself is completely hopeless. You think it isn't. You think there are ways it can work out. You think there is hope to be had. And most likely you have confused a more positive...
What you accept, you do not deny.
What you deny, you do not accept.
In order to awaken to reality, you must deny anything which is not real. And you must accept what is real.
Accepting what is real...
This is possibly the most threatening and mind-blowing teaching in A Course in Miracles. There is in fact NOT a world here! It's not even a matter of who made the world, it's the even higher truth that it...
Many here are familiar with a line that says your "sole responsibility" is to accept atonement for yourself. This has, however, been butchered and used as a separation device, and an excuse for not doing anything. When you look...
"I heard one voice because I had learned that learning is attained BY teaching. I understood that I COULD NOT ATONE FOR MYSELF ALONE."On the one hand, we're asked to accept atonement for ourselves. This is because our own mind...
Here is a very important statement by Jesus:
"Never attempt to OVERLOOK your guilt BEFORE you ask the Holy Spirit's help."
Notice how this says ****NEVER****. That means, without exception. The Holy Spirit is supposed to be involved in ALL healing and...
A. Sometimes ACIM says things like "God has not many Sons, but only One."
B. Sometimes ACIM says things like "We are the Sons of God Himself and therefore as holy as He is"
Which is true? A? B? or Both? Why...
In ACIM, Jesus spells out that forgiveness and atonement are the same thing, and so is true perception. These are all a state in which there is recognition, accurate perception, and a forgiving attitude which sees that there is no...
There is a risk of accepting the world. Because we have to be aware that our perception and beliefs have a lot to do with what we see in the world, or as the world.
If we are in ego and...
"This is a very simple course. Perhaps you do not feel that a course which, in the end, teaches nothing more than that only reality is true is necessary. But do you believe it?"
Before the separation from God and the...