17. Can external things really make you happy?
Sometimes I become interested in something external, and excited about doing it. I seem to feel good about it at the time, and it seems as if the thing itself causes me to feel good about it. And I...
Sometimes I become interested in something external, and excited about doing it. I seem to feel good about it at the time, and it seems as if the thing itself causes me to feel good about it. And I...
1) Recognize that you are not happy.
2) Recognize that happiness IS God, is part of his nature, and there is no happiness other than God's happiness.
3) Recognize that you are not happy because you believe you are...
Right now, living in a human body with an ego, your experience is that you are separate from God. As if you are somehow outside of God. As if you are living in exile in some kind of separate...
There really is only one problem in all the universe, and it's the sense of God's absence. The separation from God. Fix this one problem and everything is perfect.
"Separation from God is the only lack he really needs...
We are asked to be willing to give up "the pleasures of the world." The reason is that, if we see ourselves as at the effect of anything in the world, we're saying it has power over us to...
If you want to experience any of the attributes that are true of God, such as love, peace, happiness, health, joy, power, etc, then it does entail actually moving closer to God. God has these attributes in him as...
I've been getting hints for a while, that there is a disconnect between inner and outer states, or between how I experience the world and what the world does. That it's possible to remain in a state of happiness...
If you want to be happy, and the world is a shit hole, can you be happy? If the world is broken, everything keeps dying, nothing lasts, sooner or later everything goes to hell, and there's an insurmountable amount...
Nightmares and happy dreams have one thing in common, they are both dreams. It cannot be the fact that it is a dream that determines whether it is happy or not. It also can't really be a matter of...
It is not natural to feel sad, unhappy, depressed, angry, alone, lost, grieving, frustrated, offended, victimized, weak, afraid, guilty, sinful, hurt, broken or annoyed. These are NOT natural. They are NOT the signs of a person being "emotionally mature" or...
You always perceive in people what you CHOOSE to see in them.
If you CHOOSE to be upset and angry, it CHANGES how people look. It makes them SEEM like they are attacking you. And because of this change in YOUR...
Sometimes in the heat of conversations, people throw forth the "you'd rather be right than happy" quote. Funnily enough this quote is usually given by someone trying to be right. ;-)
Anyway, what is this "being right" thing? It begins when...
Trying to be "right" happens when you yourself believe you are guilty ie wrong.
So you first of all believe you yourself are guilty and you're experiencing the guilt. Then, typically, you project the guilt and try to disassociate from it.
We are responsible for creating this world, not God.
We are responsible for creating our bodies and everything that seems to happen here.
This entire universe would not exist AT ALL if it were not for Sons of God dreaming it.
Prior to...
Here's some very simple logic which will be hard to actually accept if you have an ego.
In God's truth, nothing real has happened to warrant any kind of upset, suffering or concern. Absolutely nothing has gone wrong. There's no grounds...
Did a healing for myself after feeling pain in my hand, which was anger I was holding onto.
After a process of visualizing the healing and commanding it to leave etc, I was again not expecting it but.... there was an...
The happy truth behind every seeming disasterous illusion in this world, is that nothing has gone wrong at all and we are still with God.
The happy truth is also that it is actually possible to be immortal, as spirit, and...