A Course in Miracles Blog

by Paul West
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ACIM Articles about Sin

AttackAwakeningBodyDeathEarth world hellEgoEvilFearForgiven worldForgivenessGodGuiltHealth and sicknessIllusionsInnocenceLearningLightLoveMiraclesPerceptionProjectionRealityResurrectionSalvationSeparationSons of godSpacetimeSufferingTemptation

70. Spacetime is the world of sin

Monday, Feb 24, 2025 2033 words 9 mins 2 secs

tl;dr ... but it's a forgivable mistake.

Heaven is an environment of spirit, of sharing and openness, of oneness and love. It permits the shared overlapping presence of many created beings. All of spirit PERMEATES each other and PASSES...

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69. Forgiveness happens only in the present

Monday, Dec 23, 2024 732 words 3 mins 15 secs

"For the present IS forgiveness." UrT17D11

This was an eye-opener for me, that you have to be IN THE PRESENT in order to be forgiving. Not only that, but the state of mind that you're in when you're in...

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68. The secrets of the saintly miracle workers

Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 931 words 4 mins 8 secs

I'm trying at the moment to get a better handle on how various MIRACLE WORKERS have been able to achieve their states of mind, and gain access to true miracle working power.

Most of these miracle workers are Christians...

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67. Making dangers real requires forgiveness

Sunday, Nov 26, 2023 797 words 3 mins 32 secs

Have you done this? I know I have done it many times: "Who but yourself evaluates a threat, decides escape is necessary, and sets up a series of defenses to reduce the threat that has been judged as real?"


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66. Why do ACIM teachers keep choosing death?

Sunday, Oct 22, 2023 3110 words 13 mins 49 secs

This will be a touchy and controversial subject. But we need to be more honest about death and what exactly is going on when spiritual people keep getting sick.

When someone's body dies, and when people have believed that the...

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65. Universal guilt accompanies separation

Friday, Oct 13, 2023 680 words 3 mins 1 secs

As I see it now, guilt isn't just some little emotion you have only some of the time, in certain situations. The way Jesus presents it, ANY amount of separation produces guilt.

As soon as you separate, you are...

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64. The body is the idea of sin

Friday, Jul 21, 2023 1111 words 4 mins 56 secs1 comments

You can think of it like this. The body itself is the idea of sin. Without sin, there is no body. It is not possible to remove the sin from the body and keep the body. The body IS...

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63. Forgive the world of sin

Friday, Apr 21, 2023 1132 words 5 mins 1 secs

Let's say that the entire contents of spacetime is sin. It is an idea of sin. Sin is a lack of love. The world was made as an attack on God, as a sin against him. Let's say that...

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62. Forgiving the appearance of sin

Tuesday, Feb 14, 2023 1291 words 5 mins 44 secs

"You will be made whole as you MAKE whole, for to perceive in sickness the appeal for health, is to recognize in hatred the call for love. And to give a brother what he REALLY wants, is to offer...

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61. Undo your guilt to undo the ego

Thursday, Nov 24, 2022 776 words 3 mins 26 secs

You are either innocent or guilty. These are the only options. If sin is real, you are guilty, and guilt is real. If sin is not real, you are innocent, and guilt is not real. You can also say...

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60. You are just mistaken, not guilty

Thursday, Nov 10, 2022 1924 words 8 mins 33 secs

"ANY mistake can be corrected, if TRUTH be left to judge it. But, if the mistake is given the STATUS of truth, to what CAN it be brought? The "holiness" of sin is kept in place by just this...

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59. The ego and the world are not really guilty

Tuesday, Nov 08, 2022 797 words 3 mins 32 secs

We think of the world as the opposite to heaven, made to be its opposite as an attack on God. But something else also happened in the separation. We switched around what is true and what is false. By...

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58. Back to basics - what is forgiveness?

Monday, Oct 31, 2022 3133 words 13 mins 55 secs

"The miracle establishes you dream a dream, and its content is not true."

First let's be clear that all true properties belong to God. God's reality entails what is real, permanent, certain, true, exists, is happening, is powerful, has...

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57. What is sin?

Thursday, Oct 20, 2022 1533 words 6 mins 48 secs

A classical definition of sin might be that it's some kind of attack you perform which is "against the rules." Some breaking of the law or some unholy evil act which is disallowed and undermines everything that is good....

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56. You can only see your own sins in other people

Thursday, May 26, 2022 1894 words 8 mins 25 secs

It may sound simple enough to say "you but accuse your brother of your own sins." But if you think on this deeply, you'll realize how strange this is. It holds up even when you are angry at someone,...

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55. Generalizing the learning to one single lesson

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 1286 words 5 mins 42 secs1 comments

"If you can accept the ONE GENERALIZATION NOW, there will be no need to learn from many smaller lessons."

Effectively what the Holy Spirit is trying to teach you is ONE LESSON. This one lesson is to learn how...

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54. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God

Thursday, Apr 28, 2022 3368 words 14 mins 58 secs

I really like this term - "sinlessness". It feels good. It feels the way "there is no sin" feels when I say it. That my sinlessness is guaranteed by God, is right up with there "I am still as God...

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53. How projecting sin makes your body sick <3

Thursday, Mar 24, 2022 3864 words 17 mins 10 secs

There is a lot of resistance to this very radical part of ACIM, so let's look at it even more closely.

When you project sin onto others, you are accusing them of your own sins. You do this to...

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52. Intense hidden hatred

Saturday, Jan 22, 2022 943 words 4 mins 11 secs

"You do not realize how much you hate each other. You will not get rid of this until you DO realize it, for UNTIL then, you will think you want to get rid of EACH OTHER and KEEP THE...

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51. Darkness and the evil sinful shadow world

Wednesday, Dec 22, 2021 4701 words 20 mins 53 secs

To understand the separation from God, consider the relationship between light and darkness.

At first, light is everywhere in heaven. Then in the separation, the presence of light is resisted by trying not to will that there be light. This...

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