A Course in Miracles Blog

by Paul West
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ACIM Articles about Faith and trust

AcceptanceAtonementCause and effectChoiceDenialEarth world hellEgoFearGiving and receivingGodHoly spiritIllusionsJesusLearningMiraclesPossibilityPowerRealityResponsibilitySalvationSharingSurrenderTeachingTruthWholenessWill

20. The Holy Spirits Function

Sunday, Dec 03, 2023 649 words 2 mins 53 secs

The Holy Spirit proves the ANSWER. Your function is to listen and accept his answer.

The Holy Spirit provides the HEALING. Your function is to RECEIVE AND EXTEND it. To let yourself be an instrument of healing which he...

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19. Total commitment to the truth

Thursday, May 04, 2023 1449 words 6 mins 26 secs1 comments

The aim of our purification, of sorting out the true from the false, is to become fully committed only to the truth. This means purifying or filtering out anything which is not of God, and accepting everything that is of...

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18. Let the holy spirit

Sunday, Mar 05, 2023 1599 words 7 mins 6 secs

Quite a lot of quotes here about LETTING the Holy Spirit do stuff for you and through you…

“I will step back and let Him lead the way.”

“Then let him turn within to his Eternal Guide, and...

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17. Trust vs Fear

Monday, Nov 30, 2020 1457 words 6 mins 28 secs

When you are afraid, it is because you do not trust. Or more specifically, you trust the ego and yourself alone, rather than trusting God. You always trust something, whether it be reality or illusions.

When you trust in your own...

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16. Faith in God's power

Monday, Apr 09, 2018 498 words 2 mins 12 secs

You may not realize it but God has totally unlimited power. "With God all things are possible." This doesn't just mean "all ego things are possible" or "all worldly things are possible." It means literally, there is absolutely nothing you...

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15. Jesus tells the truth - learning to trust him

Wednesday, Mar 28, 2018 583 words 2 mins 35 secs

Jesus is truth-full. He is honest. He is awake. He is aware of everything. He does not lie. He has no reason to hide anything.

Since Jesus IS the Atonement, in order to "accept" the Atonement we are going to have...

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14. The ego gatekeeper - do we trust Jesus?

Monday, Mar 26, 2018 359 words 1 mins 35 secs

The ego in each of us acts like a gatekeeper, or controller, who decides what will be accepted or rejected. Everything has to go through it and meet its approval. It acts like "the boss" who has authority and who...

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13. Gratitude receives supernatural miracles and amplifies faith

Monday, Mar 05, 2018 1688 words 7 mins 30 secs

I believe I have received. Thank you God.

2000 years ago Jesus said "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."

Gratitude is an attitude of fully appreciating what...

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12. Fear is trusting in your own strength

Saturday, Jan 20, 2018 1002 words 4 mins 27 secs

From lesson 48: "There is nothing to fear."

"The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting in your own strength. The awareness that there is nothing to fear shows that somewhere in your mind, though not necessarily...

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11. Wavering trust

Wednesday, Jan 17, 2018 292 words 1 mins 17 secs

I notice myself wavering back and forth in trust, between believing the ego's temptations that something is going wrong, versus recognizing the truth that nothing can go wrong.

On the one hand, the truth says we are all immortal and invulnerable...

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10. Learning to trust God's support and getting over an unwillingness to even try

Thursday, Sep 07, 2017 842 words 3 mins 44 secs

In many areas of life at the moment, Holy Spirit's guidance to me is to "try".

I have seen in many ways how I stop myself or don't do something, on the basis of the ego's justifications, which basically goes like...

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9. Teaching to learn - developing trust in guidance

Thursday, Sep 07, 2017 2306 words 10 mins 14 secs

To the ego, it will not attempt to teach anything that it does not already know. It relies entirely on its own learning or what it already believes is true.

In this sense, everything within the ego thought system has already...

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8. Starting to develop faith in God, because the world is not real

Wednesday, May 03, 2017 1800 words 8 mins 0 secs

When I recently started to recognize that the whole world is fundamentally unreal, I started to experience "faith" in God. It seemed to require an UNBELIEF that this world is "true", in order to shift my allegiance and dependence over...

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7. Developing faith when things seem difficult

Saturday, Apr 29, 2017 489 words 2 mins 10 secs

Lately Holy Spirit has been starting to push me to do things I don't think I can do by myself, or that I don't believe would be a good decision.

I was not going to eat pizza, claiming that it would...

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6. Faith is learning to trust God

Thursday, Apr 20, 2017 465 words 2 mins 4 secs

Faith (trust in God) reaches outside of the illusory world and connects to a Source of miracles you may as yet not see or fully understand. But your willingness and openness to even conceive of it, coupled with even a...

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5. What does it mean to develop trust?

Thursday, Apr 13, 2017 393 words 1 mins 44 secs

The Course talks about the development of trust. What is that?

Well, at first you trust the ego and its false truth. You don't trust God, and you don't trust the real truth. You have trust, it's just misplaced.

Trust is the...

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4. Faith is only possible if the world is not real

Wednesday, Apr 12, 2017 1516 words 6 mins 44 secs

In A Course in Miracles, forgiveness is a movement away from believing that illusions are true and real, towards recognizing that they are in fact not true or real. This becomes clear when your awareness increases sufficiently to reveal a...

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3. Fear comes from trusting in your own strength

Thursday, Jan 05, 2017 196 words 0 mins 52 secs

It sounds counter-intuitive, but the more you try to rely on your own separate self, the more afraid you will become.

This means you are trusting the ego, and since the ego is completely unfounded and uncertain, it can only lead...

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2. Taking a leap of faith to trust working with Holy Spirit

Wednesday, Jan 04, 2017 1815 words 8 mins 3 secs

There is a certain leap of faith required in learning to trust and work with Spirit. It's like opening up to trusting that something completely out of sight and out of control is going to be there when you need...

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1. I'm learning today to trust God

Wednesday, Oct 12, 2016 762 words 3 mins 23 secs

It's not just a matter of me taking back responsibility for everything in life, and then sitting there all by myself.

There is instead a shift away from ego-self and towards being aware of and TRUSTING in God.

It's not just a...

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