A Course in Miracles Blog

by Paul West - (Page 3)
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ACIM Articles about Sons of god

Atonement planAttackBodyCreationDeathEgoForgivenessGodHealingHealth and sicknessHeavenHoly spiritIdentityInnocenceKnowledgeLevelsLightMindOnenessPerfectionRealitySeparationThought

64. You can see God and your Brothers in Heaven

Saturday, Oct 31, 2020 665 words 2 mins 57 secs

It is not possible to PERCEIVE **within** reality, because there is no perception WITHIN reality. Perception is an interpretative process based on judgement. You can evaluate reality and PERCEIVE it, but this isn't the SAME as knowing it or DIRECTLY...

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63. The goal of the curriculum - know your self AND your brother

Thursday, Oct 01, 2020 583 words 2 mins 35 secs

Basically, you simply just need to remember who you are, as God created you. To "know" your SELF again.

Jesus: "I was a man who remembered the Soul and its knowledge."

"I have nothing that does not come from God. The main...

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62. What is a brother?

Saturday, Sep 19, 2020 889 words 3 mins 57 secs

A brother is an equal sibling, who shares the same parent as you. Right? Yes.

So in order for there to be brothers, there has to be more than two children coming from the same parent, right? Yes.

When the children exist...

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61. Shine your light into your brother's mind to heal them

Wednesday, Sep 02, 2020 2152 words 9 mins 33 secs

You are quite literally A LIGHT.

"The Thought God holds of you is like a star, unchangeable in an eternal sky."

Like a giant magnificent powerful light bulb.

You have a brightness. You shine. You radiate light.

You are a light being, shining brightly...

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60. You are God’s Creation

Saturday, Jul 25, 2020 739 words 3 mins 17 secs

Something that I am really connecting with strongly at the moment, is the very ultra-simple truth that I am GOD’S CREATION. This is reflected in ideas such as:

"I am forever an effect of God,"

"I am still as God created me."


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59. Swear not to die you holy son of God

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2020 1369 words 6 mins 5 secs

What if you decide that you are not going to die?

Immediately this flies in the face of everything the world's population holds as true and inevitable. It flies in the face of an entire weight of collective thoughts and beliefs...

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58. The ego is not your self, your soul is

Sunday, Feb 16, 2020 1354 words 6 mins 1 secs

God created you as a holy child of God. He gave you an individual soul with a mind and a free will. God has many creative children, forming the family of God.

"The soul is the idea of self fullness." It's...

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57. Forgiveness should heal you AND your brother

Thursday, Jan 30, 2020 850 words 3 mins 46 secs

This goes way beyond "just healing yourself."

"To heal, then, is to correct perception in your brother AND yourself by sharing the Holy Spirit with him. This places you both WITHIN the Kingdom and restores ITS wholeness in your minds."

Note that...

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56. Oneness does not mean you don't have a self or a brother!

Tuesday, Oct 22, 2019 621 words 2 mins 45 secs

If you as Christ, God's Son, are "one with God", does that mean you do not exist as an individual being/son? Does it mean there is only God and NO son? No. It also does not mean that your "brother"...

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55. You have children in reality created with your brothers

Friday, Oct 18, 2019 389 words 1 mins 43 secs

"Your creations ARE the logical outcome of His premises. HIS thinking has established them FOR you. They are therefore THERE, EXACTLY where they belong. They belong to your mind, as part of your identification with HIS. But your state of...

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54. Sickness is an attack upon your brother

Thursday, Oct 03, 2019 1303 words 5 mins 47 secs

Now, pause a moment, and watch out for an ego reaction of guilt. My intention is not to make anyone feel guilty. Nor is it Jesus' intention. But he is trying to educate us with deep honesty about what sickness...

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53. Heal your brother by viewing him as healed

Wednesday, Jul 17, 2019 1300 words 5 mins 46 secs

It's interesting to realize, that your brother's soul is in a state of permanent perfection. What is true of him is what God established forever. His soul has no sickness, no disease, no upsets, no unhappiness. It is completely perfect...

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52. God only creates the sonship and the holy spirit, and that is all!

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2019 424 words 1 mins 53 secs

"***The world, in its original connotation, included both the proper creation of man by God, AND the proper creation by man in his Right Mind.***" (and nothing else).

"The latter required the endowment of man by God with free will, because...

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51. God can only create in his own likeness - Creation is extension and inheritance

Wednesday, Jul 10, 2019 781 words 3 mins 28 secs

Here is the simple LAW OF GOD’S EXTENSION.

1. God can ONLY create (cause) that which is LIKE HIM (as the source), made OF HIM (same substance), with the same inherited abilities.

2. What God creates must be able to do what...

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50. The body must be healed to prove your brother's innocence

Friday, Jul 05, 2019 3152 words 14 mins 0 secs

Here is an ACIM teaching which many will find controversial or unacceptable. This is often overlooked or disbelieved. Surely it can't be claiming what it's claiming? Let's find out.

Basically, Jesus says that your body must be healed, so that it...

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49. Your soul is already perfect

Tuesday, Jul 02, 2019 1000 words 4 mins 26 secs


"We have also emphasized that man, insofar as the term relates to Soul, has not only been fully Created, but also been created perfect. There is no emptiness in him."

"The Soul always remains changeless, because...

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48. Soul, spirit, mind, being, sons, egos, separation

Friday, May 10, 2019 1771 words 7 mins 52 secs

If you look at the various things ACIM says, it becomes clearer and makes more sense when you don't think of "mind" or "one mind" or "christ mind" as being the highest or deepest level of existence. We need to...

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47. Overlooking your brother’s attacks is forgiveness

Friday, Feb 01, 2019 705 words 3 mins 7 secs

This world is populated by egos. People who want to broadcast themselves but without listening. This results in a state of competition, conflict and war, where everyone is trying to overpower everyone else. Your brother attacks you by rejecting you....

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46. Separation did not take place at the soul level or between souls

Sunday, Jan 20, 2019 290 words 1 mins 17 secs

"Free will is the attribute of the mind, NOT the Soul. The Soul always remains changeless, because it never leaves the sight of God."

"The Creation of the Soul is already fully accomplished. The mind, if it votes to do so,...

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45. Is your brother what you think he is? Do you see him?

Thursday, Dec 13, 2018 888 words 3 mins 56 secs

We're presented with an interesting challenge. Before you seems to be a brother who seems to have a body, seems to have a personality, seems to have a history, seems to believe various things and perceive in various ways.

But then,...

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