A Course in Miracles Blog

by Paul West - (Page 4)
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ACIM Articles about Sons of god

BodyCause and effectCreationEgoEqualityGodGrievancesHealingHealth and sicknessHeavenIdentityInnocenceJudgementSpecialness

44. Damaged bodies are accusers - demonstrate a healthy body to prove your brother's innocence

Tuesday, Dec 04, 2018 1015 words 4 mins 30 secs



Here is the passage which definitively explains that if you show a damaged,...

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43. What is a brother? The equal sons of God

Tuesday, Nov 27, 2018 520 words 2 mins 18 secs

A brother is an equal sibling of a shared parent.

God is the Father, the shared parent. God created more than one child, more than one son, IN REALITY. Those children are brothers to each other. It takes at least two...

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42. You can be in Heaven, it's a place - the dwelling place of the Son of God and God Himself

Thursday, Nov 15, 2018 641 words 2 mins 50 secs

Some people recall and quote that Heaven is supposedly not a place or a condition, but just an awareness of perfect oneness. Well, if you go read the full paragraph, it says otherwise:


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41. A healthy body exonerates your brother - sick bodies are accusers

Thursday, Aug 02, 2018 1735 words 7 mins 42 secs

"Sick bodies are accusers." "Behold, brother, at your hand I die."

Ok now, this is a lesson in cause and effect and what happens when it is reversed.

When your mind is sane, it knows it is "cause". It causes, it creates,...

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40. Ego specialness vs the equality of all Brothers

Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1725 words 7 mins 40 secs

Do you think you know what the ego is?

Do you think you know what separation means?

How many of you believe the idea that "ego" means "separation", and that therefore any kind of separation is ego? Or that all forms of...

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39. Parents and children as equal brothers

Sunday, May 13, 2018 913 words 4 mins 3 secs

If your brother is the cause of you, you are perceiving him as though he is your creator ie your father.

If your brother is your creator, you are his child.

In terms of causality, being a father means being cause.

In terms...

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38. Ideas (children of God) leave not their source

Tuesday, May 08, 2018 242 words 1 mins 4 secs

God makes room within his own being to SHARE his being, and then places thoughts within his mind/being which are His Holy Children. These are within his being, but He in a sense steps aside to "allow" them to be...

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37. The many sons of God

Thursday, May 03, 2018 532 words 2 mins 21 secs

ACIM uses the term "sons" referring to God's many directly-created REAL sons, 82 times. Here are some of the quotes which are so blatant in their statement that God has created MORE THAN ONE SON.

"*PERCEIVE him correctly, so that your...

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36. Brothers or strangers? The purpose of the body

Friday, Apr 27, 2018 606 words 2 mins 41 secs

Through struggles with being shy and sensitive and antisocial and so on, I gradually have realized that there is something fundamentally "estranging" about people's bodies.

When I go out and I see people's physical bodies, there is a fundamental disconnect. There's...

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35. God's many children

Tuesday, Apr 24, 2018 509 words 2 mins 15 secs

Quotes from A Course in Miracles.

"If this were the real world, God WOULD be cruel. For no father could subject his children to this as the price of salvation, and be loving. LOVE DOES NOT KILL TO SAVE. For if...

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34. The many references to the many souls God created

Tuesday, Apr 24, 2018 1905 words 8 mins 28 secs

There may be a few I missed but this is most of the references to SOULS in A Course in Miracles. Souls are God's Children, they are permanent creations of light, and there are MANY of them.

"Revelations induce complete but...

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33. Sickness comes between brothers

Tuesday, Apr 17, 2018 317 words 1 mins 24 secs

Sickness is an attack on BOTH you AND your brother. It seeks to come BETWEEN you. It is a double-edged sword. Both are attacked and separated off. This is why you cannot be sick in isolation or without attacking another....

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32. You are not isolated, you are joined with your brother

Tuesday, Apr 17, 2018 659 words 2 mins 55 secs

Being separated in bodies, we have become accustomed to seeing ourselves as CONFINED. As though completely fenced in.

But this is utterly UNLIKE the way we really are.

It is far more accurate to say, you are everywhere, and in all people,...

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31. Co-creating with your brothers

Thursday, Apr 05, 2018 649 words 2 mins 53 secs

"You will never know that you are co-creator with God, until you learn that your brother is a co-creator with YOU."

What this tells us also is that this DREAM was co-created with brothers, there is NOT just one dreamer.

It also...

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30. You are not just an effect of God, you also cause creation

Wednesday, Apr 04, 2018 459 words 2 mins 2 secs

The ego produced the idea that when you cause something, it produces an effect, but the effect itself is not CAPABLE of causing something in turn.

This shows up in the relationship between mind and matter or mind and body. The...

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29. Revelations indicate God has multiple children

Monday, Apr 02, 2018 356 words 1 mins 34 secs

In ACIM Jesus describes that revelation is direct communication between God and one of his creations.

It also describes revelation as intensely personal.

It also describes revelation as being knowledge which cannot be directly shared, but that God wants us to bring...

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Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 600 words 2 mins 39 secs

These sections from the Course present one of the most CORE parts of Jesus's teaching - that you must USE YOUR BODY to demonstrate the innocence that you believe in. Anyone demonstrating sickness or death believes in attack and is...

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27. Remember your children in heaven?

Monday, Mar 12, 2018 168 words 0 mins 44 secs

Not only does God have a son

Not only does God have multiple sons

But even those multiple sons have multiple sons

And all of this is within the realm of Heaven, is real, permanent, and always will be.

"This must I accept. For...

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26. You do have a Self and it will not disappear

Friday, Mar 02, 2018 472 words 2 mins 5 secs

Cutting your Self off from God is separation.

Cutting yourself off from God means that now your Self is ISOLATED or disconnected from God.

It does not mean that you have no self or that you do not exist.

Nor does it mean...

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25. God created many Sons of God all of whom are individual and one

Friday, Mar 02, 2018 519 words 2 mins 18 secs

There are over 250 references to this in the course explicitly tying God to the creations of many individuals. To refuse to accept this is simply unwillingness and denial. It means that oneness does not equate to "no individuals". It...

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