A Course in Miracles Blog

by Paul West
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ACIM Articles about Light and Sons of god

2. Learning to just be yourself

Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024 1490 words 6 mins 37 secs

"Father, I come to You through Him Who is Your Son and my true Self as well. Amen."

"To be alive and not to know yourself is to believe that you are really dead. For what is life except...

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1. Shine your light into your brother's mind to heal them

Wednesday, Sep 02, 2020 2152 words 9 mins 33 secs

You are quite literally A LIGHT.

"The Thought God holds of you is like a star, unchangeable in an eternal sky."

Like a giant magnificent powerful light bulb.

You have a brightness. You shine. You radiate light.

You are a light being, shining brightly...

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