The Miracle and miracles are also holographic
Miracles, and "the miracle", being a reflection of heaven's laws, are also holographic in nature. In that, the whole is in every part, and every part is whole.
"Miracles do not obey the laws of this world. They merely follow from the laws of God."
What this means for miracles is that THE miracle, the overall miracle or atonement, is the one whole. And at the same time, there are MANY miracles, each individually part of that whole, and each one containing the whole. Miracles are not BELOW "the miracle", they are WITHIN it.
Each ONE of them is part of the atonement, and is the whole atonement. There is one miracle, and many miracles. You can see this idea reflected in these statements:
"The miracle, therefore, has a unique function, and is motivated by a unique Teacher, Who brings ***the laws of another world to this one.***" (therefore the miracle and miracles are based on the laws of heaven, which are holographic)
"The miracle is the one thing you can do that TRANSCENDS order, being based, NOT on differences, but on equality." (Notice it says the ONE THING, because the miracle is a reflection of oneness or unity. It transcends differences, representing the whole of all miracles.)
"Miracles are NOT in competition, and the number you can do is LIMITLESS." (Notice that there are MANY miracles. Individual miracles. Yet, they do not COMPETE. All things in spacetime which are different and many DO compete. But miracles DON'T compete precisely because they are ALL THE SAME, because they are ALL WHOLE - and the same whole.)
"They can be simultaneous and legion." (multiple miracles exist together as concurrent wholes WITHIN "the miracle". They are alongside each other, just as souls/sons in the sonship are equal brothers. And they are legion in that they all work together because they are united by wholeness, and ARE each other.)
Then Jesus gets super-specific about the holographic nature of miracles:
"There is ONE miracle, as there is ONE reality. (refering to wholeness) And every miracle (there are simultaneously many miracles) you do ****contains them all**** (because each miracle is ALL miracles), as every aspect of reality you see blends quietly into the one reality of God."
It's clear here that Jesus is supporting the idea of there being ONE miracle, AND simultaneously supporting the idea of there being many miracles. EVERY individual miracle IS every other individual miracle, and all the miracles are ONE. AT the same time. Nor does the one miracle undo the many miracles, nor do the many miracles prevent the one miracle. Because miracles are all about SHARING, which is the law of God - that the one is many and the many are one.
Here is another way that Jesus refers to their holographic properties:
"Miracles are a part of an interlocking chain of forgiveness which, when completed, is the Atonement."
Here Jesus references how the miracle extends to all parts of itself. In that, one miracle is really a gift to the WHOLE sonship. Note that in ACIM, "miraculousness" or "miraculous" nature is really a term which, IMO, directly refers to the holographic nature of reality, and thus of all miracles. "Miraculousness" means the ability for one to be two and two to be one, while being simultaneously two and one. It transcends limitations.
"Why should you worry how the miracle extends to all the Sonship, when you do not understand the miracle itself? One ATTRIBUTE is no more difficult to understand than is the whole. If miracles ARE at all, their attributes would have to be miraculous, being PART of them."
All miracles are PART OF the one miracle, and thus all individual miracles are "the same". Also it is because they are all the same, that there is no order of difficulty. Here are some more quotes supporting this idea of the one being many and the many are one.
"Christ's vision is the miracle in which all miracles are born. It is their source, remaining with each miracle you give, and yet remaining yours."
"The miracle is A LESSON IN TOTAL PERCEPTION. By including ANY part of totality in the lesson, you HAVE included the whole."
"A little hindrance can seem large indeed to those who do not understand that miracles are all the same."
"God's miracles are as total as His Thought, because they ARE His thoughts."
"God and HIS miracles are inseparable."
"Every miracle you offer to the Son of God, is but the true perception of one ASPECT of the whole. Though every aspect IS the whole, you cannot KNOW this, until you SEE that every aspect IS THE SAME, perceived in the SAME light; and THEREFORE one."
"For in the miracle of YOUR relationship, WITHOUT this barrier, is EVERY miracle contained."
"Accept His Word and every miracle has been accomplished."
"In every miracle ALL healing lies, for God gave Answer to them all as one. And what is one to Him must BE the same. If you believe what is the same is different, you but deceive yourself. What God calls one will be forever one, NOT separate. His Kingdom IS united; thus it was created, and thus will it ever be."
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