Chapter 1A Course in Miracles:
The Book
A Course in Miracles is a spiritual curriculum presented in book form, dictated by Jesus Christ and channeled through Helen Schucman. It is a course in:
- Mind-training and spiritual empowerment
- Forgiveness, inner peace and invulnerability
- Miracle-mindedness and the ability to perform miracles
ACIM was first published in 1976 and has now sold millions of copies worldwide, in more than 25 languages.
"It is crucial to say first that this is a required course."
Let's take a closer look.
Part 1About the Book
The ACIM book comprises a theoretical Text, a practical Workbook with 365 lessons, and a Manual for Teachers. The course is:
- Published by the Foundation for Inner Peace since 1976
- A spiritual path and way of finding salvation and inner peace
- A collection of theory and practice for mind healing and empowerment
- A masterclass in becoming a miracle worker like Jesus, taught by the master himself
Let's take a look at some of the facts about this deeply spiritual and transformative book.
A Course in Miracles Book
- Full Title: A Course in Miracles, Combined Volume
- Abbreviations: "ACIM", "The Course", "Course in Miracles"
- ISBN: 978-1-883360-24-5
- Author: Jesus Christ/Jesus of Nazareth
- Scribed/Channeled by: Helen Schucman
- Scribing Began: October 21st, 1965
- Edited by: Jesus, Helen Schucman, William Thetford, Kenneth Wapnick
- Current Edition: 3rd Edition
- Official Publisher: Foundation for Inner Peace ("FIP")
- Language: English, plus over 25 translations
- Pages: 1333 Edited (3rd Edition), Words: ~480,000
- Genres: Spirituality, Self-Help, Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion
- Themes: Forgiveness, mind training, miracles, perception, sickness/death, the body, the world, spiritual awakening, ego/separation from God, inner peace/love, God's Kingdom, Reality/Sanity
- Copies Sold: Estimated over 3 million worldwide as of 2020
Official ACIM Editions
A Course in Miracles First Edition

- Publishing Date: The 1st Edition was published June 22nd, 1976 by Viking/Penguin
- Format: Three separate books (Text, Workbook for Students, Manual for Teachers)
- Copyright: 1975 Foundation for Inner Peace
- Copyright Coverage: This copyright was voided in a court of law due to pre-distribution of the Course prior to copyrighting, placing the First Edition in the public domain
- Includes: Text, Workbook for Students, Manual for Teachers, plus Clarification of Terms is included at the end of the Manual for Teachers
- Does not include: Preface, Supplements, "The Gifts of God"/Special Messages material
A Course in Miracles Second Edition

- Publishing Date: The 2nd Edition was published in 1992, by Viking and the Foundation for Inner peace
- Format: Single combined volume
- Copyright: 1985 Foundation for Inner Peace
- Copyright Coverage: Changes made since the first edition, including edits, reinstated or removed material, the Preface, and the official reference system
- Includes: Preface, Text, Workbook for Students, Manual for Teachers, Clarification of Terms
- Does not include: Supplements, "The Gifts of God"/Special Messages material
A Course in Miracles Third Edition

- Publishing Date: The 3rd Edition was published on November 1st 2007, by the Foundation for Inner Peace
- Format: Single combined volume
- Copyright: 1985-2007 Foundation for Inner Peace
- Copyright Coverage: Changes made since the first edition, including edits, reinstated or removed material, the Preface, the official reference system, and the two supplements
- Includes: Preface, Text, Workbook for Students, Manual for Teachers, Clarification of Terms, Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice, The Song of Prayer
- Does not include: "The Gifts of God"/Special Messages material
Physical Book Specs
- Hardcover Dimensions: 6" Width x 9" Length
- Hardcover Weight: 2.54 lbs
- Paperback Dimensions: 5" Width x 8" Length
- Paperback Weight: 1.65 lbs
Part 2What's inside the Book
A Course in Miracles - the Official Foundation for Inner Peace 3rd Edition, combines all the major portions of scribed material into one volume:
- Preface
- Text
- Workbook for Students
- Manual for Teachers
- Clarification of Terms
- Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice
- The Song of Prayer
Let's take a look inside.
ACIM Book Cover
The cover of A Course in Miracles print editions have traditionally been a dark blue background with metallic gold text.

ACIM is available in hard-back, soft-back and paper-back versions, all of which feature a blue and gold coloring, with the inscription "Foundation for Inner Peace" near the bottom of the front cover.
When the second edition combined the volumes into a single book, the cover and spine were redesigned. The three main books (text, workbook, manual) are listed on the cover, but not the clarification of terms (which is included at the end of the manual).
A small logo of a star (or representing the Holy Spirit) was added to the cover also.
In the third edition, more details were added including:
- "The only complete edition" across the top
- "Combined volume" below the main title
- Mention of the Preface, Clarification of Terms and Supplements in the list of contents
- A further modified logo including the term "ACIM"
- A medallion detailing the 3rd edition, reading "NEW THIRD EDITION - The only complete course as authorized by its scribe & published by its original publisher."
- Some of the double lines added in the 2nd edition were reverted back to single lines
- The font choice differs between each version, with the third edition looking closer to the first

The preface was added in the second edition of A Course in Miracles. It provides an introduction to the book, due to requests for one by the course community.
The preface contains three sub-sections:
- How it came
- What it is
- What it says
Each section briefly describes an aspect of the course, as follows:
1. How it came
Written by Helen Schucman, this section briefly describes how Helen Schucman and William (Bill) Thetford were struggling in their professional relationships and felt that "there must be a better way". This willingness to find a better way together, led to the beginning of transmissions from Jesus to Helen, dictating the Course material.
2. What it is
Written by Helen Schucman, this section provides a brief overview of the structure of the book, describing the text, workbook and manual for teachers and their purposes. It touches upon the curriculum of the course, the theory of the text, and the practical application of the workbook.
3. What it says
Dictated by Jesus, this section begins to present some of the general themes of the course in terms of its theology and message. It begins with the now well-known and very abstract truth:
"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."
There is a brief discussion of the difference between the worlds of knowledge and perception, which have given rise to heaven and its opposite. It touches upon the basic idea of how the world appears to change as our perceptions of it change. There is also brief mention of minds joining, special relationships, and the body. It finishes with a brief introduction to the idea of christ vision or true perception, coupled with forgiveness.
The "Text" portion of A Course in Miracles was originally a separate book volume when the first edition was printed. It was later combined into the unified volume in the second edition. The text provides a mostly theoretical, metaphysical and psychological presentation.
- The text is divided into 31 chapters
- Each chapter is divided into sub-sections usually spanning a few pages
A vast majority of ACIM's theology is presented in the Text, and lays a theoretical foundation for being able to better apply the workbook lessons which follow. As the introduction to the workbook states:
"A theoretical foundation such as the text provides is necessary as a framework to make the exercises in this workbook meaningful."
This suggests that the text should be read and understood first.
Jesus covers a wide range of subjects in the Text ranging from miracles to forgiveness to relationships, from the body to the world, all manner of aspects of perception and mind, and provides extraordinary insight and depth into the functioning of our minds. He also details how we arrived in our present condition, and how we can return home to God.
The text is incredibly deep and profound and life changing and provides a metaphysical framework for the workbook and further transformation.
Workbook for Students
The ACIM "Workbook", also known as "the lessons", features a lesson for each day of the year. There are in total 365 lessons, all of which include additional descriptive material, meditations and practices. The lessons may involve a few minutes of application and may be repeated a variable number of times throughout the day and as needed.
The intention is that you:
- Read the Text first
- Study and practice one lesson per day for a year
- Repeat lessons and take breaks as needed
- Start at any time and resume at any time
In addition to the lessons, the workbook includes an introduction and several additional pieces of material which act as introductions to later sections of the workbook. The workbook also revisits and summarizes earlier lessons in "review" periods to help cement and generalize the learning.
The workbook is intended for the development of Christ Vision, which A Course in Miracles refers to as a highly spiritual state of perception, establishing your function of forgiveness, teaching and miracle-working, while also paving the way to returning home to God. As it states:
"The workbook is divided into two main sections, the first dealing with the undoing of the way you see now, and the second with the acquisition of true perception." ... and ... "The purpose of the workbook is to train your mind in a systematic way to a different perception of everyone and everything in the world."
Manual for Teachers
The manual for teachers recognizes that after a period of learning and transformation, a student may become equipped to teach and help others. While many aspects of the course appear to be a "self study" or experienced in private, other aspects call for providing services to others.
Content includes:
- The nature of "God's teachers" and their characteristics
- How God's teachers spend their day
- The way by which individuals may encounter each other in different lengths of relationships and for what purposes
- The development of trust in God
- The various stages someone might go through as they "evolve" into a more advanced teacher
It also speaks on topics answering some common questions, such as whether reincarnation is real or helpful, the meaning of healing, etc.
Clarification of Terms
The clarification of terms in ACIM is a short section attempting to clarify and distinguish what certain terms in the course mean. It provides some extra background and context to put these terms into perspective. Originally this document was called the "Use of terms".
The clarification covers these topics:
- Mind - Spirit
- The Ego - The Miracle
- Forgiveness - The face of Christ
- True Perception - Knowledge
- Jesus - Christ
- The Holy Spirit
- and an Epilogue
Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice
A small pamphlet was scribed and later published, titled "Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice". This pamphlet, also referred to as a supplement, can be purchased individually in printed form. It has also now been included in the 3rd Edition as published by FIP.
The supplement is presented in such a way as to be of interest to someone in a therapeutic role, such as a psychotherapist, but can be applied to any relationship in which there is an aim to provide help and healing. It has the following sections:
- The purpose of psychotherapy
- The process of psychotherapy
- The limits of psychotherapy
- The place of religion in psychotherapy
- The role of the therapist
- The process of illness
- The process of healing
- The definition of healing
- The ideal patient-therapist relationship
- The selection of patients
- Is psychotherapy a profession?
- The question of payment
The psychotherapy pamphlet talks about the various roles of the two individuals, how one helps and teaches and heals the other, and how they might work together for a common goal. It also suggests that psychotherapy is the only therapy due to everything being in the mind.
The Song of Prayer
The Song of Prayer supplement is also available in printed form as a pamphlet, and was also later scribed. It is now included in the FIP 3rd edition.
This supplement describes how we are in a constant state of prayer, always asking and always receiving. It describes how the spiritual quality of this prayer ranges from requests which are heavily identified with forms, objects and worldly problems, to a very high form of communication with God which paves the way to communion.
The aim of "singing a higher song" spiritually is to raise one's mental giving and receiving to "tune" closer to God. This results in receiving higher spiritual gifts and support as well as a more spiritual outlook.
The Song of Prayer is divided into three main sections, a kind of "how to do it" on each of these subjects:
- Prayer
- Forgiveness
- Healing
The Gifts of God
Helen Schucman also published some of her poetry in a book called The Gifts of God. Although the book is described as poetry, it include a portion of material which distinctly appears to be further dictation from Jesus. The material uses iambic pentameter and expresses in the same way as the rest of the ACIM material.
The Gifts of God is named as such because it talks about gifts received from and given to God. The material is not included in any official edition of ACIM, but can be purchased from the website.
It includes the following sections:
- The dream of fear
- The two gifts
- The ending of the dream
- Our gift to God
- The Father's love
Worldwide Audience
It is estimated that editions of A Course in Miracles published and sold by the Foundation for Inner peace total near to 3 million copies, as of 2020. But there are also other unofficial editions for sale, and also a variety of freely available editions. The list includes:
- Official ACIM editions sold by the Foundation for Inner Peace
- Unofficial ACIM books in print which are available for sale
- ACIM editions which are given away freely
- Various other media including audio books, e-books, desktop and mobile apps, online websites, videos etc
- Websites hosting copies of ACIM material and/or free ACIM pdf files
- Copies of ACIM which were distributed prior to the first edition
It's very difficult to estimate the audience size, but there could be as many as 5-10 million individual readers/listeners of the course.
We must also consider that the number of people actively still using or studying the course is likely far less, perhaps less than half. But A course in Miracles still likely has a reach of at least a few million active users.
A Course in Miracles has found its way around the world and is now available in almost every country.
The Universal Curriculum
It's worth mentioning what A Course in Miracles itself might say about its audience.
The course teaches that before the world seemed to come into being, all souls lived happily in heaven with God. "The separation" or "fall of man" resulted in the making of the physical universe and its contents. This places every separated soul in a position of needing salvation. God responded to the separation with the creation of the Holy Spirit and the initiation of His Atonement Plan. The goal of the plan is to eventually return everyone back to Heaven, with no exceptions.
This means that for all separated individuals, which includes everyone on Earth, there is one Truth to learn (the Truth of God), which is accepted in the Atonement. Therefore the same truth is to be learned by all individuals. This leads to a universal curriculum in which everyone must eventually learn the same truth. However, the path by which an individual comes to that same truth may be unique depending on their current beliefs, yielding an "individualized curriculum" for each person. The plan of The Atonement is to bring about the atonement of each individual, leading to the return of all souls to Heaven.
Regardless of what beliefs, religions, opinions, attitudes, states of mind, preferences or conditions any individual is currently experiencing, all individuals are a part of the mandatory curriculum and are learning whatever is necessary to eventually awaken to the reality of God. This means that even those who do not study A Course in Miracles - as given in the book, are still participating in the universal curriculum, no matter their present path or interests, because all roads lead to God. As ACIM says:
"It is crucial to say first that this is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what to take when. It is just because you are not ready to do what you should elect to do that time exists at all."
"Their readiness will bring the lesson to them in some form which they can understand and recognize. Some see it suddenly on point of death, and rise to teach it. Others find it in experience that is not of this world, which shows them that the world does not exist because what they behold must be the truth, and yet it clearly contradicts the world. And some will find it in this course, and in the exercises that we do today."
Whether or not a person is well suited to gaining from A Course in Miracles, depends on their readiness, baggage, beliefs and history. Some are more willing than others. Some would see the course as a serious danger, even accusing it of being evil. Some would be completely disinterested. And some would never even encounter it in their lifetime. ACIM itself is not for everyone, but the universal curriculum is. ACIM is just one form of the curriculum designed for a particular audience, who will encounter it if that is part of the plan. Others will take different routes on the journey home.
For this reason you will naturally see that those who believe things highly contrary to what A Course in Miracles claims, will be most offended or adamant about its wrongful nature, while those who can relate to it and benefit from it, will be more open and ready to receive it. In the big picture, this means that all criticism of the course is really just an interplay of egotism between certain individuals and the course's representation of the truth. which they are not yet willing to be open to. Some may accept parts of it, some may accept parts and recoil and rebound. Others may avoid it entirely. But everyone will go home in the end.
If we give due credit to Jesus, author of A Course in Miracles, recognizing his mastery and perfection, and trusting his word, then we can see that reactions agains the course are almost certainly egoic in origin, and faulty at best. Essentially everyone should accept its truth, but many will likely find other paths which lead to the eventual same goal. God guarantees that everyone will return to Him sooner or later, it's just a matter of willingness and their individualized curriculum.
Language Translations
Originally A Course in Miracles was dictated in English, leaning towards American English, since its scribe, Helen Schucman, spoke American English. Jesus delivered the words in the language which its scribes and the later audience were able to understand.
The Course has now been translated into more than 25 languages with more languages to follow. The list includes:
- Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Some translations are of the 2nd Edition of ACIM, while others are the 3rd edition. ACIM is also available in translated languages in e-book format for Kindle etc. Translations of unofficial versions may also be available.
TIP: It's possible to freely translate an online ACIM website page, using a translator service such as Simply choose the source and destination languages, enter the full url of an ACIM website page, and it will provide a link which, when clicked, will take you to a translated version of that website.
If you apply this to a website which hosts A Course in Miracles online, you can read the whole course in over 100 languages. Note that the translation may or may not be accurate in capturing the meaning of the words.
"The Course in Miracles" has been generally well received and is respected for its depth, clarity, insight, beauty and transformative power. This is not to say it is popular with everyone. Indeed some groups would consider the book to be evil or wrong, depending on their current belief system.
A Course in Miracles uses a somewhat Christian language, and there is some overlap with Christianity in many areas, just as there is also some overlap with Christian Science, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. But there are also areas where it diverges profoundly, often opposing common beliefs.
There are subjects in ACIM which are similar to subjects in a variety of religions, such as God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, sin, forgiveness, love, peace, etc. Different people find it more or less relatable depending on their current state of mind and preferences.
Some criticism has been made that the course is too long, too wordy, too difficult to understand, too dense, too hard to apply, too hard to relate to etc. Some people do not like the language or how it is written. The course may not be for everyone in its current book form, but for some it is very accessible.
Some have accused ACIM of stealing existing or long-held beliefs and theologies present in other doctrines and religions, suggesting that it does not offer anything new. This is partly because there is always some truth in every life path or belief system, so it's natural for there to be some overlap.
ACIM doesn't really claim to be 100% unlike anything that has ever been said before, although in some areas it is highly original and groundbreaking. But it does claim to be giving the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Any individual or organization will have to decide for themselves whether ACIM is right for them.
ACIM Community
The proliferation of A Course in Miracles around the world has naturally led to the formation of various groups and organizations. ACIM is not a religion, it is a spiritual path which you can participate in individually or as a group. And its aim is to restore openness, sharing and communication.
However, ACIM itself teaches that those who meet are doing so as part of the "Atonement Plan" and are not at random. It also attempts to restore to every individual their innate perfection and power, leading to every student becoming a "Teacher of God". The Manual for Teachers also demonstrates that it is part of the Atonement Plan that some individuals become "truly helpful" towards those who may be a little behind them.
"Miracles are given by those who temporarily have more to those who temporarily have less."
"A miracle is a service. It is the maximal service that one soul can render another. It is a way of loving your neighbor as yourself."
Various ACIM study groups have sprung up in various communities and countries. Some students meet periodically online or in person to share discussion and application of ACIM principles, to study the material and to share a connection. Indeed ACIM encourages all special relationships to become holy relationships and tells us:
"Those who are to meet will meet, because together they have the potential for a holy relationship. They are ready for each other."
ACIM students also congregate on all social media platforms including facebook, pinterest, reddit, twitter, youtube, forums etc. There are also groups who meet or participate in courses over "zoom" and through other media, as well as through online radio and podcasts. There have also been movies made about the course and a wide variety of course-related books have been published.
The ACIM community is growing. There are A Course in Miracles conferences of various kinds every year, including meetups, workshops, training courses and various other events held periodically by various groups and individuals.
Many cities host one or more ACIM study groups. It is also easy to meet and talk with other ACIM students on social media channels. Some ACIM organizations and non-profits have also been established, some of which offer courses, church-like gatherings, and in some cases ordained ministerial training.
Phone support, websites and various other forms of interaction have all sprung up to support and build the growing A Course in Miracles community. Ultimately every soul God created is a worthy member of God's Family, whether they are using A Course in Miracles or not.
Part 4Where to buy ACIM
Most editions of A Course in Miracles are available at Amazon. You can simply search for the book titles.
Alternatively, and perhaps of more financial benefit to the publishers, you can also purchase most editions from the publisher's websites.
You can also find versions of ACIM in various bookstores.
Below we'll take a look at some of the more popular editions.
Choosing an Edition
When A Course in Miracles was first scribed, Helen Shucman wrote down the words Jesus dictated into note books, using her own shorthand. Later "The Notes" were typed into plain English with the help of Bill Thetford. This formed an early version commonly referred to as "The Urtext".
The urtext was then considered to contain some material which was somewhat personal, various typing errors and so on, so further editing took place. Various material was removed and/or changed, especially in the earlier chapters. Chapters and section headings were inserted and this eventually formed the "Hugh Lynn Cayce" edition, so named due to a version given to the Edgar Cayce foundation and uncovered in the ACIM copyright trial. Some consider this version to be where Helen and Bill had finished editing.
Ken Wapnick later arrived and felt the Course needed further editing. More material was removed and changed and cleaned up. This eventually became the Criswell edition, which then become the Official First Edition. The Foundation for Inner Peace published an initial run of 5000 copies of the 1st edition, with the 1975 copyright, in mid 1976.
There was then a legal court case in which the copyright of ACIM was brought into question, mainly due to general distribution of course material prior to the 1975 copyright. The copyright was then voided, making the first edition public domain. This then led to further editing, which accomplished a few things:
- Combining the three separate volumes into a single book
- Being able to apply a new 1985 copyright covering the edits and the inclusion of the Preface
- The creation of an official reference system to help identify and locate specific passages
- Reduction in costs and redesign of the book cover etc
This became the official 2nd edition, sold by the Foundation for Inner Peace. In years to follow, a final 3rd edition was published as a result of further edits, including two of the supplements.
Meanwhile, relating to events in the court case, the Notes and Urtext were photocopied and leaked on the internet. Also later editions such as the Criswell and first edition were typed and posted online. Efforts by various individuals and organizations resulted, legally or otherwise, in the publishing of the earlier material in book form.
Since that time, various editions of ACIM based on available materials have been published in print, and are available for sale. This includes the Original Edition, Urtext Manuscripts, Sparkly Edition and the newer Complete and Annotated Edition.
If you are newer to the course, I would recommend either the Foundation for Inner Peace 3rd Edition, or the Circle of Atonement Complete and Annotated edition. The Circle of Atonement edition has a lot more material, but it includes material which was edited out by FIP. This includes many references to souls, discussions about sex and various other matters. The material reads more conversationally than in the FIP edit, but may not be as "clean and to the point" or "sanitized" as the FIP edit.
More experienced students may benefit from extra insight gained from the earlier material. The urtext is a popular go-to, since the notes are not easily human readable. But now that the "Complete and annotated edition" and "The complete authentic original edition" are or will be available, which are based on a new translation of the notes, these are fast becoming more popular renditions of Jesus's original dictation.
Popular ACIM Editions
Several editions of A Course in Miracles are now available for purchase as physical print books. To follow are the more popular books. Most are available at the publisher's websites, otherwise all are available at Amazon.
A Course in Miracles Combined Volume
"A Course in Miracles Combined Volume" published by the Foundation for Inner Peace. This is the current official version as published by the original publisher, originally authorized by Helen Schucman. It includes all material except "The Gifts of God", and is quite highly edited.
A Course in Miracles Complete and Annotated Edition
"A Course in Miracles, Complete and Annotated Edition" published by the Circle of Atonement. This is a modern new edit, combining as much material as possible from The Notes, and some from the urtext. It provides a version as close to the original scribing as possible, but does not include supplements.
A Course in Miracles Urtext Manuscripts
"A Course in Miracles Urtext Manuscripts" published by Miracles in Action Press. This is a a complete set of all urtext material including all supplements. A new edit based more firmly on the Notes will soon be available, titled "A Course in Miracles - The authentic original edition".
A Course in Miracles Original Edition
"A Course in Miracles Original Edition" published by the Course in Miracles Society. This is the same as the Hugh Lynn Cayce edition, the final version following editing by Helen and Bill prior to the official FIP versions. This edition also includes some additional material from the urtext, but contains no supplements.
A Course in Miracles Sparkly Edition
"A Course in Miracles Sparkly Edition" published by the Thetford Foundation is similar to the Original Edition, minus some urtext material, and has some capitalization/punctuation changes. The version is called "Sparkly" due to it sparkly cover. It also contains no supplements.
A newer "White Edition" is also available from the Thetford Foundation which has removed various "human influences". There is no index, table of contents, reference system, or section/chapter titles, facilitating a more "immersive" experience.
Free Online Editions
Most versions of the course are available online with free access. These are usually hosted as a set of web pages on a website, or as a downloadable pdf.
One of the most extensive archives of ACIM material available for free is at the Miracles in Action Press website. You can browse based on the edition of the ACIM material, and also by the volume (Text, Workbook etc). Material hosted includes pdf facsimiles, transcribed e-texts, the Urtext Manuscripts book in pdf form, html versions of various editions, and also a concordance. It includes documents on the Notes, Urtext, Hugh Lynn Cayce/Original, Criwsell and FIP editions.
The Foundation for Inner Peace has also released a new Web Edition of the course, available for free since March 2021. This is the same 3rd edition previously in print, but provided as a freely accessible website. The website includes a table of contents and a search function, and will later be available in additional languages. The site includes the 3 major volumes, plus the Preface, the Psychotherapy Pamphlet and the Song of Prayer. Donations are welcomed.
There are also other websites hosting A Course in Miracles as web pages. A few of the better ones include:
- - hosts the Urtext (does not include preface or supplements)
- - hosts the Foundation for Inner peace third edition (no supplements)
- - hosts the Original/Hugh Lynn Cayce edition (Text, Workbook, Manual only)
- - hosts the FIP 3rd edition workbook lessons online
You can find ACIM online by Googling ACIM online or A Course in Miracles online. Most of the online websites have a search feature built in.
TIP: You can also use Google in combination with one of these websites to find content. For example, if you type forgiveness into Google, you will see Google's search results for the terms you enter, confined to that website. You can also put terms in quotes like "forgive your brother" for narrower results. Note that Google might not include every single page in their search results.
You can also find various editions in PDF form, by Googling ACIM pdf or ACIM urtext pdf etc. Note that these will either be transcribed versions, or might be a collection of facsimiles of photocopied pages, which can be harder to read.
Other Editions
A well as print books and online versions, ACIM has been published via many types of media. You can experience it in book form, for example as an ebook on a device like Kindle or via Apple Books.
You can also experience it as audio recordings in various ways. There are official and unofficial audio book recordings of various versions. You can also find these converted into videos on YouTube, sometimes where a person is visibly reading the book and other times just as audio with pictures.
On YouTube there is a wealth of ACIM material including collections of videos from a variety of organizations and individuals, either reading the ACIM books or talking about ACIM topics. There are videos for every workbook lesson from several sources.
If you are on social media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit etc, you are likely to encounter ACIM quotes and memes and various visual expressions of A Course in Miracles which are socially shared.
You can also find ACIM distributed in software app form, with apps for iOs and Android, a well a for desktop PC's (windows). These are available from and others, and on the app stores.
It's also worth mentioning again that ACIM has been translated into over 25 languages and a vast majority of these are available at the website, which is the official website of the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Martin Pettet
Thank you for this extremely accurate and objective account of the origin and the generation of A Course in Miracles in the multiple editions and formats in which it is available. This is something that has been very needed for some time
Dakini Wild
How wonderful to find all the information and history about A Course in Miracles in one place including the different versions on offer. Truly Helpful.
Jacquie Verbeek
Thank you for a very information and helpful webpage on A Course in Miracles and its history, and many publications.
Coreen Walson
Hi Brother! This website is so wonderfully created, so thorough and will be incredibly helpful to those new to ACIM. What a professional, clean look to it also, and very well written. Congratulations and thank you so very much. <3
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