Relationships Quotes
A collection of A Course in Miracles Quotes
Quotes on "Real Relationship"
T5F1 "That exception has given you more than perception for others because of what you saw in them, but less than knowledge of your real relationships TO them because you did NOT make them part OF you."
T13D1 "Insane ideas HAVE no real relationships, for that is why they ARE insane."
T13D2 "And you forgot that real relationships are holy, and cannot be used by YOU at all."
T15I8 "Yet it remains the ONLY means by which you CAN establish real relationships."
T4D11 "You cannot conceive of the real relationship that exists between God and His Souls, because of the hatred you have for the Self you have made."
T4H7 "To whatever extent you permit this state to be curtailed, you are limiting your sense of your OWN reality, which becomes total only by recognizing ALL reality in the glorious context of its real relationship to YOU."
T5F1 "That exception has given you more than perception for others because of what you saw in them, but less than knowledge of your real relationships TO them because you did NOT make them part OF you."
T13D1 "You are therefore willing, with little opposition, to look upon all sorts of "sources" underneath awareness, provided that they are not the deeper source, to which they bear no real relationship at all."
T13D1 "Insane ideas HAVE no real relationships, for that is why they ARE insane."
T13D2 "No real relationship can rest on guilt, or even hold one spot of it, to mar its purity."
T13D2 "And you forgot that real relationships are holy, and cannot be used by YOU at all."
T15I8 "Yet it remains the ONLY means by which you CAN establish real relationships."
T20G13 "It is as like your real relationship with God, as equal things are like themselves."
Quotes on "Holy Relationship"
T17D4 "That bodies are central to all unholy relationships is evident."
T17E4 "And through Him, have all your holy relationships been carefully preserved, to serve God's purpose FOR you."
T20H6 "And here, in darkness, is your brother's reality IMAGINED as a body, in unholy relationships with other bodies, serving the cause of sin an instant, before he dies."
T17D4 "That bodies are central to all unholy relationships is evident."
T17D4 "In the unholy relationship, it is NOT the body of the OTHER with which union is attempted, but the bodies of those WHO ARE NOT THERE."
T17D5 "Every step taken in the making, the maintaining, and the breaking off of the unholy relationship, is a move toward further fragmentation and unreality."
T17D5 "Time is indeed unkind to the unholy relationship."
T17D5 "The attraction of the unholy relationship begins to fade and to be questioned, almost at once."
T17D6 "But consider what this means; the more of the REALITY that enters into the unholy relationship, the LESS SATISFYING it becomes."
T17D6 "The 'ideal' of the unholy relationship thus becomes one in which the REALITY of the other does not ENTER AT ALL, to 'spoil' the dream."
T17D7 "In these loving thoughts is the spark of beauty, hidden in the ugliness of the unholy relationship in which the HATRED is remembered, yet there to COME ALIVE as the relationship is given to Him Who GIVES it life and beauty."
T17E2 "But the holy relationship SHARES God's purpose, rather than aiming to make a SUBSTITUTE for it."
T17E4 "And through Him, have all your holy relationships been carefully preserved, to serve God's purpose FOR you."
T17F1 "The holy relationship is the EXPRESSION of the holy instant, in living in this world."
T17F1 "The holy relationship is a constant reminder of the experience in which the relationship became what it is."
T17F1 "And, as the UNholy relationship is a continuing hymn of hate in praise of ITS maker, so is the holy relationship a happy song of praise to the REDEEMER of relationships."
T17F1 "The holy relationship, a MAJOR step toward the perception of the real world, is LEARNED."
T17F1 "It is the old, unholy relationship, transformed and seen anew."
T17F2 "The holy relationship is a phenomenal teaching accomplishment."
T17F2 "In all its aspects, as it begins, develops, and becomes accomplished, it represents the REVERSAL of the unholy relationship."
T17F3 "For, once the unholy relationship has ACCEPTED the goal of holiness, it can never again be what it was."
T17F4 "Set firmly in the unholy relationship, there IS no course except to CHANGE THE RELATIONSHIP to fit the goal."
T18B11 "This is offered YOU, in your holy relationship."
T18C9 "Your special relationship will be a means for UNDOING guilt in everyone blessed through your holy relationship."
T18F1 "The holy instant, your holy relationship, the Holy Spirit's teaching, and all the means by which salvation is accomplished, would have no purpose."
T18F3 "Through your holy relationship, reborn and blessed in every holy instant which you did NOT arrange, thousands will rise to Heaven WITH you."
T18F5 "Nor is your holy relationship a dream."
T19B11 "Your holy relationship, with its NEW purpose, offers you faith to give unto EACH OTHER."
T19D11 "Your holy relationship has, as its purpose now, the goal of proving THIS is impossible."
T19E6 "His home is in your holy relationship."
T19F8 "This is a feast which honors your holy relationship, and at which everyone is welcomed as an honored guest."
T19G5 "In your holy relationship is your Father's Son."
T19G5 "There IS no obstacle that you can place before our union, for in your holy relationship I am there ALREADY."
T19G7 "From your holy relationship, Truth proclaims the truth, and Love looks on itself."
T19G9 "I am within your holy relationship, yet you would imprison me behind the obstacles you RAISE to freedom, and bar my way to YOU."
T20D2 "It is this studied interference which makes it difficult to recognize your holy relationship for what it is."
T20D6 "Who, in a holy relationship, can long remain unholy?"
T20D9 "You asked this puff of madness for the meaning of your unholy relationship, and adjusted it according to its insane answer."
T20E6 "Each holy relationship must enter here, to learn its special function in the Holy Spirit's plan, now that it SHARES His purpose."
T20F1 "In this world, God's Son comes closest to himself in a holy relationship."
T20F2 "Peace to your holy relationship, which has the power to hold the unity of the Son of God together."
T20F5 "The sight that SEES the body, has no use which serves the purpose of a holy relationship."
T20G1 "Yet has the Son of God invented an unholy relationship between him and his Father."
T20G2 "Nothing can show the contrast better than the experience of both a holy and an unholy relationship."
T20G5 "Here, the unholy relationship escapes reality, and seeks for crumbs to keep itself alive."
T20G8 "An unholy relationship is NO relationship."
T20G9 "Is the malevolence of the unholy relationship, so seeming powerful and so bitterly misunderstood, and so invested in FALSE attraction, your preference to the holy instant, which offers peace and understanding?"
T20G10 "The holy relationship reflects the TRUE relationship the Son of God has with his Father in reality."
T20H1 "We have said much about discrepancies of means and end, and how these must be brought in line before your holy relationship can bring you ONLY joy."
T20H5 "The body IS the means by which the ego tries to make the unholy relationship seem real."
T20H6 "And here, in darkness, is your brother's reality IMAGINED as a body, in unholy relationships with other bodies, serving the cause of sin an instant, before he dies."
T20H8 "How can a holy relationship achieve its purpose through the means of sin?"
T20I2 "Your holy relationship offers all this to you."
T20I7 "Your holy relationship, the SOURCE of your salvation, will be DEPRIVED of meaning, and its most holy purpose bereft of means for its accomplishment."
T21E3 "A holy relationship is one in which you join with what IS part of you in TRUTH."
T22A2 "For an unholy relationship is BASED on differences, where each one thinks the OTHER has what HE has NOT."
T22A3 "A holy relationship starts from a different premise."
T22A4 "Think what a holy relationship can teach!"
T22A5 "For what is born into a holy relationship can NEVER end."
T22B8 "So, in each holy relationship, is the ability to communicate INSTEAD of separate reborn."
T22B8 "Yet a holy relationship, so recently reborn itself from an unholy relationship, and yet more ancient than the old illusion that it has replaced, IS like a baby now, in its rebirth."
T22B12 "What is as like Him as a holy relationship?"
T22B12 "And who is drawn to Christ is drawn to God, as surely as both are drawn to every holy relationship, the home prepared for them as earth is turned to Heaven."
T22C11 "What God has given to your holy relationship IS THERE."
T22C12 "Beyond the bodies that you interposed between you, and shining in the golden light that reaches it from the bright endless circle that extends forever, is your holy relationship, beloved of God, and holy as Himself."
T22D9 "A holy relationship, however newly born, must value holiness above all else."
T22D9 "In an unholy relationship, each one is valued BECAUSE he seems to justify the other's sin."
T22D9 "Yet reason sees a holy relationship as what it IS; a common state of mind, where both give errors gladly to correction, that both may happily be healed as one."
T22E9 "Such is the function of a holy relationship; to RECEIVE together, and give as you received."
T22G4 "This holy relationship, lovely in its innocence, mighty in strength, and blazing with a light far brighter than the sun which lights the sky YOU see, is chosen of your Father as a means for His Own plan."
T22G4 "This holy relationship has the power to heal ALL pain, REGARDLESS of its form."
T22G5 "Before a holy relationship, there IS no sin."
T22G15 "This is the function of your holy relationship."
M3A5 "The relationship is holy because of that purpose, and God has promised to send His Spirit into any holy relationship."
M4A1 "Each teaching-learning situation involves a different relationship at the beginning, although the ultimate goal is always the same; to make of the relationship a holy relationship, in which both can look upon the Son of God as sinless."
M4A1 "Those who are to meet will meet, because together they have the potential for a holy relationship."
M5A1 "These special gifts, born in the holy relationship toward which the teaching-learning situation is geared, become characteristic of all teachers of God who have advanced in their own learning."
P3H3 "This, however, needs the help of a very advanced therapist, capable of joining with the patient in a holy relationship in which all sense of separation finally is overcome."
Quotes on "Unholy Relationship"
T17D4 "That bodies are central to all unholy relationships is evident."
T20H6 "And here, in darkness, is your brother's reality IMAGINED as a body, in unholy relationships with other bodies, serving the cause of sin an instant, before he dies."
T17D4 "That bodies are central to all unholy relationships is evident."
T17D4 "In the unholy relationship, it is NOT the body of the OTHER with which union is attempted, but the bodies of those WHO ARE NOT THERE."
T17D5 "Every step taken in the making, the maintaining, and the breaking off of the unholy relationship, is a move toward further fragmentation and unreality."
T17D5 "Time is indeed unkind to the unholy relationship."
T17D5 "The attraction of the unholy relationship begins to fade and to be questioned, almost at once."
T17D6 "But consider what this means; the more of the REALITY that enters into the unholy relationship, the LESS SATISFYING it becomes."
T17D6 "The 'ideal' of the unholy relationship thus becomes one in which the REALITY of the other does not ENTER AT ALL, to 'spoil' the dream."
T17D7 "In these loving thoughts is the spark of beauty, hidden in the ugliness of the unholy relationship in which the HATRED is remembered, yet there to COME ALIVE as the relationship is given to Him Who GIVES it life and beauty."
T17F1 "It is the old, unholy relationship, transformed and seen anew."
T17F2 "In all its aspects, as it begins, develops, and becomes accomplished, it represents the REVERSAL of the unholy relationship."
T17F3 "For, once the unholy relationship has ACCEPTED the goal of holiness, it can never again be what it was."
T17F4 "Set firmly in the unholy relationship, there IS no course except to CHANGE THE RELATIONSHIP to fit the goal."
T20D9 "You asked this puff of madness for the meaning of your unholy relationship, and adjusted it according to its insane answer."
T20G1 "Yet has the Son of God invented an unholy relationship between him and his Father."
T20G2 "Nothing can show the contrast better than the experience of both a holy and an unholy relationship."
T20G5 "Here, the unholy relationship escapes reality, and seeks for crumbs to keep itself alive."
T20G8 "An unholy relationship is NO relationship."
T20G9 "Is the malevolence of the unholy relationship, so seeming powerful and so bitterly misunderstood, and so invested in FALSE attraction, your preference to the holy instant, which offers peace and understanding?"
T20H5 "The body IS the means by which the ego tries to make the unholy relationship seem real."
T20H6 "And here, in darkness, is your brother's reality IMAGINED as a body, in unholy relationships with other bodies, serving the cause of sin an instant, before he dies."
T22A2 "For an unholy relationship is BASED on differences, where each one thinks the OTHER has what HE has NOT."
T22B8 "Yet a holy relationship, so recently reborn itself from an unholy relationship, and yet more ancient than the old illusion that it has replaced, IS like a baby now, in its rebirth."
T22D9 "In an unholy relationship, each one is valued BECAUSE he seems to justify the other's sin."
Quotes on "Special Relationship"
T15F4 "Because of guilt, ALL special relationships have some elements of fear in them."
T15F4 "In His function as Interpreter of what you have made, the Holy Spirit USES special relationships, which YOU have chosen to support the ego, as a learning experience which points to truth."
T15F5 "But He also perceives that you have MADE special relationships, which He would purify, and NOT let YOU destroy."
T15F8 "Everyone on earth has formed special relationships, and, although this is not so in Heaven, the Holy Spirit knows how to bring a touch of Heaven to them here."
T15H4 "And thus, it embarks on an endless, unrewarding chain of special relationships, forged out of anger, and dedicated to but one insane belief; that the more anger you invest OUTSIDE yourself, the safer YOU become."
T15H10 "ALL anger is nothing more than an attempt to MAKE SOMEONE FEEL GUILTY, and this attempt is the ONLY basis which the ego accepts for special relationships."
T15I2 "Hear Him gladly, and learn of Him that you have need of no special relationships at all."
T15J8 "You seek to answer this question in your special relationships, in which you are both destroyer and destroyed IN PART, but with the idea of being able to be neither completely."
T15K1 "Your brothers and your Father have become VERY fearful to you, and you would bargain with them for a few special relationships, in which you think you see some scraps of safety."
T16E13 "If special relationships of ANY kind would HINDER God's completion, CAN they have any value TO YOU?"
T16H3 "The fantasies it brings to the special relationships it chooses, in which to act out its hate, are fantasies of YOUR destruction."
T17E2 "We have said repeatedly that the Holy Spirit would not DEPRIVE you of your special relationships, but would TRANSFORM them."
T18C8 "Your special relationships will remain, NOT as a source of pain and guilt, but as a source of joy and freedom."
T18G12 "This feeling of liberation FAR exceeds the DREAM of freedom sometimes experienced in special relationships."
T21D1 "All special relationships have sin as their goal."
T15F4 "Because of guilt, ALL special relationships have some elements of fear in them."
T15F4 "In His function as Interpreter of what you have made, the Holy Spirit USES special relationships, which YOU have chosen to support the ego, as a learning experience which points to truth."
T15F5 "But He also perceives that you have MADE special relationships, which He would purify, and NOT let YOU destroy."
T15F8 "Everyone on earth has formed special relationships, and, although this is not so in Heaven, the Holy Spirit knows how to bring a touch of Heaven to them here."
T15H4 "And thus, it embarks on an endless, unrewarding chain of special relationships, forged out of anger, and dedicated to but one insane belief; that the more anger you invest OUTSIDE yourself, the safer YOU become."
T15H10 "Whenever you are angry, you can be sure that you have formed a special relationship which the ego has "blessed," for anger IS its "blessing.""
T15H10 "ALL anger is nothing more than an attempt to MAKE SOMEONE FEEL GUILTY, and this attempt is the ONLY basis which the ego accepts for special relationships."
T15I2 "Hear Him gladly, and learn of Him that you have need of no special relationships at all."
T15J8 "You seek to answer this question in your special relationships, in which you are both destroyer and destroyed IN PART, but with the idea of being able to be neither completely."
T15K1 "Your brothers and your Father have become VERY fearful to you, and you would bargain with them for a few special relationships, in which you think you see some scraps of safety."
T16A1 "This is the EGO's interpretation of empathy, and is ALWAYS used to form a special relationship, in which SUFFERING is shared."
T16E13 "If special relationships of ANY kind would HINDER God's completion, CAN they have any value TO YOU?"
T16F1 "In looking at the special relationship, it is necessary first to realize that it involves a great amount of pain."
T16F4 "It is in the special relationship, born of the hidden wish for special love from God, that the ego's hatred triumphs."
T16F4 "For the special relationship is THE RENUNCIATION OF THE LOVE OF GOD, and the attempt to secure for the self the specialness that He denied."
T16F6 "The special relationship is a strange and unnatural ego device for joining hell and Heaven, and making them indistinguishable."
T16F6 "The special relationship is the triumph of this confusion."
T16F7 "Most curious of all, is the concept of the self, which the ego fosters in the special relationship."
T16F7 "Yet, when it FINDS the special relationship in which it thinks it can ACCOMPLISH this, IT GIVES ITSELF AWAY, and tries to TRADE itself for the self of another."
T16F9 "The conviction of littleness lies in EVERY special relationship, for only the deprived COULD value specialness."
T16F9 "And the REAL purpose of the special relationship, in strict accordance with the ego's goals, is to DESTROY reality and SUBSTITUTE ILLUSION."
T16F10 "If you perceived the special relationship as a triumph over God, WOULD YOU WANT IT?"
T16F10 "And it is this theme that is acted out in the special relationship."
T16F11 "See how EXACTLY is this ritual enacted in the special relationship."
T16F12 "Whenever ANY form of special relationship tempts you to seek for love in ritual, remember love is CONTENT, and NOT form of ANY kind."
T16F12 "The special relationship is a RITUAL OF FORM, aimed at the raising of the form to take the place of God, at the EXPENSE of content."
T16F12 "The special relationship MUST be recognized for what it is; a senseless ritual, in which strength is extracted from the death of God, and invested in His killer, as the sign that form has triumphed over content, and love has LOST its meaning."
T16F13 "See in the special relationship nothing more than a meaningless attempt to raise other gods before Him, and, by worshipping them, to obscure THEIR tininess, AND HIS GREATNESS."
T16G1 "The search for the special relationship is the sign that you equate your self with the ego, and NOT with God."
T16G1 "For the special relationship has value ONLY to the ego."
T16G2 "The holy instant is His most helpful tool in protecting you from the attraction of guilt, the REAL lure in the special relationship."
T16G3 "Yet, the closer you look at the special relationship, the more apparent it becomes that it MUST foster guilt, and therefore must IMPRISON."
T16G3 "The special relationship is totally without meaning WITHOUT A BODY."
T16G3 "The special relationship is a device for limiting YOUR self to a body, and for limiting your perception of others to THEIRS."
T16G3 "The Great Rays would establish the total LACK of value of the special relationship, IF THEY WERE SEEN."
T16G4 "Yet the special relationship which the EGO seeks, does NOT include even ONE whole individual."
T16G6 "This frame of reference is BUILT around the special relationship."
T16G8 "You could no longer find even the ILLUSION of love in ANY special relationship here."
T16G8 "Nothing you seek to strengthen, in the special relationship, is REALLY part of you."
T16G11 "Whenever your thoughts wander to a special relationship which still ATTRACTS you, enter with Him into a holy instant, and there, LET HIM RELEASE YOU."
T16H1 "It is impossible to let the past go, WITHOUT relinquishing the special relationship."
T16H1 "For the special relationship is an attempt to RE-ENACT the past, AND CHANGE IT."
T16H1 "Imagined slights, remembered pain, past disappointments, perceived injustices and deprivations, all enter into the special relationship, which becomes a way in which you seek to restore your wounded SELF-esteem."
T16H2 "The special relationship TAKES VENGEANCE ON THE PAST."
T16H3 "The fantasies it brings to the special relationships it chooses, in which to act out its hate, are fantasies of YOUR destruction."
T16H4 "In the special relationship, YOU ARE ALLOWING YOUR DESTRUCTION TO BE."
T16H4 "The past is gone; seek not to preserve it in the special relationship, which binds you to it, and would teach you that SALVATION is past, and that you must RETURN to the past, to FIND salvation."
T16H5 "In the special relationship, it does not SEEM to be an acting out of vengeance that you seek."
T16H5 "But the one thing that the ego NEVER allows to reach awareness, is that the special relationship is the acting out of VENGEANCE ON YOURSELF."
T16H5 "In seeking the special relationship, you look not for glory IN YOURSELF."
T17E2 "We have said repeatedly that the Holy Spirit would not DEPRIVE you of your special relationships, but would TRANSFORM them."
T17E2 "Every special relationship that YOU have made IS a substitute for God's Will, and glorifies yours instead of His, BECAUSE OF THE DELUSION THEY ARE DIFFERENT."
T17E3 "Every special relationship which you have ever undertaken has, as its fundamental purpose, the aim of occupying your minds so completely that YOU WILL NOT HEAR the call of truth."
T17E3 "In a sense, the special relationship was the EGO's answer to the creation of the Holy Spirit, Who was God's Answer to the separation."
T17E6 "The special relationship, which is its chief defense, MUST therefore be insane."
T17E6 "But the special relationship still seems to you somehow TO BE DIFFERENT."
T17E8 "The special relationship has the most imposing and deceptive frame of all the defenses the ego uses."
T17F10 "For God Himself has blessed your special relationship."
T18B1 "And every special relationship you ever made is PART of it."
T18C7 "In your WAKING dreams, the special relationship has a special place."
T18C7 "The special relationship is your DETERMINATION to keep your hold on unreality, and to PREVENT yourself from waking."
T18C8 "That is what the Holy Spirit does in your special relationship."
T18C8 "Your special relationships will remain, NOT as a source of pain and guilt, but as a source of joy and freedom."
T18C9 "Your special relationship will be a means for UNDOING guilt in everyone blessed through your holy relationship."
T18C11 "Its coming means that you have chosen truth, and it has come, because you have been willing to let your special relationship meet its conditions."
T18G12 "This feeling of liberation FAR exceeds the DREAM of freedom sometimes experienced in special relationships."
T18I12 "Be sure of this; love has entered your special relationship, and entered fully, at your weak request."
T19C5 "Here is its armor, its protection, and the fundamental PURPOSE of the special relationship, in its interpretation."
T19I1 "To you, into whose special relationship the Holy Spirit entered, it IS given to release and be released from the dedication to death."
T21D1 "All special relationships have sin as their goal."
Quotes on "Related"
T1B3B "This explains the first point related to the lack of order."
T1B3F "(Helen Schucman fearful in taxi about a communication which related Dave's healing and Jonathan's hernia."
T1B30E "Possession is very closely related to projection."
T1B33C "Helen Schucman has other personal material related to this re pregnancy.)"
T1B36K "Actually, it is a device closely related to the phobia, in the sense that they both narrow fear to a simple aspect of a much larger problem in order to enable them to avoid it."
T1B37N "Tell Bill "the one more river" is related to sex."
T1B40G "The "sin of onan" was called a "sin" because it involved a related type of self-delusion; namely, that pleasure WITHOUT relating can exist."
T1B41R "Visions and Revelations are closely related."
T2A3 "We will refer later to projection as related to both mental illness and mental health."
T2A6 "These related distortions represent a picture of what actually occurred in the Separation."
T2A31 "This issue is VERY closely related to the whole possession issue."
T2B7 "God and the Souls He created ARE symbiotically related."
T2B43 "They established differences, divisions, cleavages, dispersion, and all the other concepts related to the increasing splits they produced."
T3C9 "This kind of error is responsible for a host of related fallacies, including the misbelief that God rejected man and forced him out of the Garden of Eden, or that I am misdirecting you."
T3C24 "The second is more related to the attitude of his followers."
T3E10 "Perception, miracles and doing are closely related."
T3G5 "The word "image" is always perception related, and is not a product of knowing."
T4C13 "She also had a similar reaction to another related one: "Faith is the gift of God.""
T4C21 "Myths and magic are closely associated, in that myths are usually related to the ego origins, and magic to the powers which the ego ascribes to itself."
T4H4 "It will respond in certain specific ways to all stimuli which it perceives as related."
T5E1 "We have already said that the Holy Spirit is the bridge or thought-transfer of perception TO knowledge, so we CAN use the terms as if they were related, because in HIS mind they are."
T5E12 "Peace and eternity are as closely related as are time and war."
T6C4 "Projection and attack are inevitably related, because projection is ALWAYS a means of JUSTIFYING attack."
T11D2 "Insistence means INVESTMENT, and what you invest in is ALWAYS related to your notion of salvation."
T19G1 "The second obstacle that peace must flow across, and closely related to the first, is the belief that the body is valuable FOR WHAT IT OFFERS."
T23C4 "This principle, closely related to the first, is the demand that errors call for punishment, and NOT correction."
W11L1 "This is the first idea we have had which is related to a major phase of the correction process; the reversal of the thinking of the world."
W15L3 "They will not persist, because they merely symbolize true perception, and they are not related to knowledge."
W19L1 "You will notice that at times the ideas related to thinking precede those related to perceiving, while at other times the order is reversed."
W24L5 "Try to cover as many different kinds of outcome as may honestly occur to you, even if some of them do not appear to you to be directly related to the situation, or even to be inherent in it at all."
W36L1 "Your sight is related to His holiness, not to your ego and therefore not to your body."
W42L4 "Whatever thought that is clearly related to the idea itself is suitable."
W42L5 "If such interferences occur, open your eyes and repeat the thought once more while looking slowly about; close your eyes, repeat the idea once more, and then continue to look for related thoughts in your mind."
W43L5 "Thoughts such as: "I see through the eyes of forgiveness," "I see the world as blessed," "The world can show me myself," "I see my own thoughts, which are like God's," or any thought related more or less directly to today's idea is suitable."
W45L1 "They are nothing that you think you think, just as nothing that you think you see is related to vision in any way."
W46L5 " Then devote the remainder of the practice period to offering related ideas such as: "God is the Love with which I love myself.""
W46L7 "The shorter applications may consist either of a repetition of the idea in the original or in a related form or in more specific applications if needed."
W47L5 "Now try to slip past all concerns related to your own sense of inadequacy."
W50L5 "Repeat it, think about it, let related thoughts come to help you recognize its truth, and allow peace to flow over you like a blanket of protection and surety."
W50R12 "Devote two minutes or more to each practice period, thinking about the idea and the related comments."
W61L5 "Let a few related thoughts come to you, and repeat the idea to yourself if your mind wanders away from the central thought."
W62L6 "Let related thoughts come freely, for your heart will recognize these words, and in your mind is the awareness that they are true."
W63L4 "You will probably find it easier to let the related thoughts come to you in the minute or two which you should devote to considering this if you can close your eyes."
W64L7 "Related thoughts will come to help you, if you remember the crucial importance of your function to you and to the world."
W65L5 "At first, make no attempt to concentrate only on thoughts related to the idea for today."
W67L3 "After you have gone over several such related thoughts, try to let all thoughts drop away for a brief preparatory interval, and then try to reach past all your images and preconceptions about yourself to the truth in you."
W67L4 "You may also find that this is not sufficient, and that you need to continue adding other thoughts related to the truth about yourself."
W74L3 "Then spend several minutes in adding some related thoughts, such as: "I am at peace.""
W126L2 "Therefore your attitudes have no effect on them, and their appeals for help are not in any way related to your own."
W133L5 "Another kindly and related law is that there is no compromise in what your choice must bring."
W140L6 "It is not a thought which judges an illusion by its size, its seeming gravity, or anything that is related to the form it takes."
W154L3 "And that One Voice appoints your function, and relays it to you, giving you the strength to understand it, do what it entails, and to succeed in everything you do that is related to it."
Quotes on "Relate"
T1B40F ""Lead us not into Temptation" means "Do not let us deceive ourselves into believing that we can relate in peace to God or our brothers with ANYTHING external.""
T4C26 "It need hardly be said that an attempt to relate the unrelated cannot succeed."
T4F15 "The ego has also countenanced some strange compromises with the idea of the eternal, making odd attempts to relate the concept to the unimportant in an effort to satisfy the mind without jeopardizing itself."
T12E3 "It is THROUGH these strange and shadowy figures that the insane relate to their insane world."
T12E3 "For they SEE only those who remind them of these images, and it is to THEM that they relate."
T15I3 "Relate only with what will never LEAVE you, and what YOU cannot leave."
T16A1 "When He relates through you, He does NOT relate through the ego to another ego."
T16A3 "But of this you may be sure; if you will merely sit quietly by, and let the Holy Spirit relate THROUGH you, you will EMPATHIZE WITH STRENGTH, and both of you will gain in strength, and NOT in weakness."
T17E1 "To fulfill this function, you relate to your creations as GOD to HIS."
W110R35 "Then begin to think about them quietly, letting your mind relate them to your needs, your seeming problems and all your concerns."
W245L2 "And thus we come to hear the Voice of God, Who speaks to us as we relate His Word; Whose Love we recognize because we share the Word that He has given unto us."
Quotes on "Relates"
T1B41M "But note that the term speed-up is not one which relates to the TRANSCENDING of time."
T2A4 "We have also emphasized that man, insofar as the term relates to Soul, has not only been fully Created, but also been created perfect."
W50R13 "Try, rather, merely to emphasize the central point, and think about it as part of your review of the idea to which it relates."
W128L4 "Let nothing which relates to body thoughts delay your progress to salvation, nor permit temptation to believe the world has anything you want to hold you back."
W186L7 "All this the Voice for God relates to you."
Quotes on "Relating"
T1B24M "In conscious actions, then, his interpersonal relationships also become superficial, and miracle-inspired relating becomes impossible."
T1B37O "Sex and miracles are both WAYS OF RELATING."
T1B37O "Relating is a way of achieving an outcome."
T1C10 "As a compromise solution, the ILLUSION of interpersonal relating is preserved, along with the retention of the lack of love component."
T3G46 "You will lose all your fear of teaching and relating in any form once you know who you are."
Quotes on "Relation"
T1B37N "The following is in relation to question about sex."
T1B41B "There is NO relation between the time a miracle TAKES and the time it COVERS."
T3A7 "The lesson involves not only the individual himself, but also his parents, siblings, and all of those who come in close relation with him."
T3I8 "It refers to an IMAGE of a father in relation to an IMAGE of the self."
T4C15 ""Giving to get" is an inescapable law of the ego, which ALWAYS evaluates itself in relation to others' egos, and is therefore continually preoccupied with the scarcity principle which gave rise to it."
T7A1 "But in Creation you are NOT in a reciprocal relation TO God, because He created YOU, but you did NOT create Him."
T17E14 "And each is given its RIGHTFUL place, when both are seen IN RELATION TO EACH OTHER."
W42L4 "After this, try to think of nothing except thoughts which occur to you in relation to today's idea."
M5K1 "The centrality of open-mindedness, perhaps the last of the attributes the teacher of God acquires, is easily understood when its relation to forgiveness is recognized."
Read more on: Relationships
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A Course in Miracles - Urtext material - reproduced with permission from the Foundation for Inner Peace (, and the Foundation for A Course in Miracles (
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