Attack Quotes
A collection of A Course in Miracles Quotes
Quotes on "Attack"
T2A21 "Attack BY others becomes the more obvious component."
T2B42 "His will could not turn it into a weapon of attack, which is the inherent characteristic of all other defenses."
T2B43 "Many Souls offered their efforts on behalf of the Separated Ones but they could not withstand the strength of the attack, and had to be brought back."
T2B49 "They cannot believe that a defense which CANNOT attack also IS the best defense."
T2B61 "In the re-interpretation of defenses, they are not disrupted but their use for ATTACK is lost."
T2E6 "You may be unable not to attack at all, but do try to listen a little, too.)"
T2E28 "The idea of "will-THERAPY" was potentially a very powerful one, but Rank did not see its real potential because he himself used his mind partly to create a theory OF the mind, but also partly to attack Freud."
T3A8 "Mental retardation can also be used as a maladaptive defense, if the wrong (or attack) side is employed."
T3A9 "This represents a joint attack on both yourselves AND me, because it renders YOUR mind weak, and mine incompetent."
T3C5 "(There are times when) The best defense, as always, is NOT to attack another's position, but rather to protect the truth."
T3C14 "Understanding the lesson of the Atonement, they are without the will to attack, and therefore they see truly."
T3C16 "To terrorize is to attack, and this results in rejection of what the teacher offers."
T3C20 "It cannot attack the body, because it knows EXACTLY what the body IS."
T3E12 "I repeat again that if you ATTACK error, you will hurt yourself."
T3E12 "You do not RECOGNIZE each other when you attack."
T3E12 "Attack is ALWAYS made on a stranger."
T3F7 "This is the essence of the fear-prone condition, in which attack is ALWAYS possible."
T3F19 "What man perceives as its attack is his own recognition of the fact that it can always be REMEMBERED, because it has never been destroyed."
T3G40 "Neither teacher nor pupil is imprisoned by learning unless he uses it as an attack."
T3I9 "But until then, the belief that you CAN is the central foundation-stone in your thought-system, and all your defenses are used to attack ideas which would bring it to light."
T4B7 "Bill, your whole fear of teaching is nothing but an example of your own intense separation anxiety, which you have handled with the usual series of mixed defenses in the combined pattern of attack on truth and defense of error, which characterizes ALL ego-thinking."
T4B11 "I never attack your egos (in spite of H's strange beliefs to the contrary), but I DO try to teach them how their thought-systems have arisen."
T4C17 "This produces either ego-deflation or ego-inflation, resulting in either withdrawal or attack."
T4C19 "This is such a fearful state that it can only turn to other egos, and unite with them in a feeble attempt at identification, or attack them in an equally feeble show of strength."
T4C20 "It does NOT attack the ego."
T4C23 "Right-mindedness dictates the next step automatically, because right perception is uniformly without attack, so that wrong-mindedness is obliterated."
T4E14 "Judgment, like any other defense, can be used to attack or protect, to hurt or to heal."
T5C5 "Second, it is incapable of attack, and is therefore truly open."
T5D6 "It does not overcome, because it does not attack."
T5G3 "It is the symbol of the ATTACK on God."
T5G5 "Listening to the ego's voice MEANS that you believe it is possible to attack God."
T5I7 "This again could have been a powerful RELEASE mechanism, had Freud not decided to involve it in a strong defense system because he perceived it as an attack."
T5I18 "Perceiving this as sin, you become defensive because you EXPECT ATTACK."
T6A1 "The relationship of anger to attack is obvious, but the inevitable association of anger and FEAR is not always so clear."
T6A1 "Given these three wholly irrational premises, the equally irrational conclusion that a brother is worthy of attack rather than of love follows."
T6B5 "I therefore offered a DIFFERENT interpretation of attack, and one which I DO want to share with you."
T6C4 "Projection and attack are inevitably related, because projection is ALWAYS a means of JUSTIFYING attack."
T6D6 "Teach attack in any form, and YOU HAVE LEARNED IT AND IT WILL HURT YOU."
T6E2 "That is why attack WITHIN the Kingdom is impossible."
T6E4 "The ego believes that the best defense is attack, and WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE THIS."
T6E5 "The ego and the body conspire AGAINST your minds, and because they realize that their "enemy" CAN end them both merely by knowing they are not part of him, they join in the attack together."
T6E14 "God did not blot it out, because to eradicate it would be to attack it."
T6F12 "The ego uses the body for attack, for pleasure, and for pride."
T6F12 "Those who communicate fear are promoting attack, and attack always BREAKS communication, and therefore makes communion impossible."
T6G1 "This is because they BELIEVE in attack and rejection, so this is what they perceive and teach and LEARN."
T6G2 "Those who BELIEVE in it therefore perceive this as an ATTACK ON THEM."
T7G1 "That is why attack is NEVER discrete."
T7G1 "And why attack MUST be relinquished entirely."
T7G2 "The mind that accepts attack CANNOT love."
T7G9 "We have repeatedly emphasized that the ego DOES believe it can attack God, and tries to persuade you that YOU have done this."
T7G9 "If the mind CANNOT attack, the ego proceeds perfectly logically to the position that YOU cannot be mind."
T7G13 "Perceived WITHOUT your part IN it, God's Creation IS perceived as weak, and those who SEE themselves as weakened DO attack."
T7G13 "The attack MUST be blind, because there is nothing TO attack."
T7G13 "Therefore, they make up images, perceive them as unworthy, and attack them for their unworthiness."
T7G14 "But because it IS something else it WILL attack your thought system and divide your allegiance."
T7H2 "Used negatively, it WILL be destructive, because it will be used for attack."
T7H8 "Every attack is a call for His patience, because ONLY His patience can translate attack into blessing."
T7H8 "Those who attack DO NOT KNOW THEY ARE BLESSED."
T7H9 "Attack could never PROMOTE attack unless you perceived it as a means of depriving you of SOMETHING YOU WANT."
T7I7 "To fragment is to break into pieces, and mind CANNOT attack."
T7I8 "When you are willing to accept sole responsibility for the ego's existence YOURSELF, you will have laid aside all anger and all attack, because they COME from an attempt to PROJECT RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ERRORS."
T8E3 "I do not attack it, but my light must dispel it because of WHAT IT IS."
T8E3 "Light does not ATTACK darkness, but it DOES shine it away."
T8G1 "Attack is ALWAYS physical."
T8G1 "When attack in ANY form enters your mind, you are EQUATING YOURSELF WITH A BODY."
T8G1 "You do not have to ATTACK physically to accept this interpretation; you ARE accepting it simply by the belief that attack can GET YOU SOMETHING YOU WANT."
T8G1 "If you did NOT believe this, the IDEA of attack would have no appeal to you."
T8G3 "If you use it for attack it is harmful to you."
T8G3 "If you use the body for this, and ONLY for this, you CANNOT use it for attack."
T8G4 "Attack PROMOTES it."
T8G5 "This will lead you to hatred and attack and LOSS OF PEACE."
T8G11 "A mind which has been blocked has allowed itself to be vulnerable to attack, because it has TURNED AGAINST ITSELF."
T8G13 "To use a medium of communication as a medium of ATTACK is an obvious confusion in purpose."
T8G13 "To communicate is to join and to attack is to separate."
T8G16 "Attack can only be an assumed goal of the body, but the body APART from the mind HAS NO PURPOSE AT ALL."
T8G17 "To conceive of the body as a means of attack of any kind, and to entertain even the possibility that joy could POSSIBLY result, is a clear-cut indication of a poor learner."
T8G18 "But if ALL condemnation is unreal, and it MUST be unreal because it is a form of attack, then it can HAVE no results."
T8G19 "THERE IS NO ATTACK, but there IS unlimited communication and therefore unlimited power and wholeness."
T8H1 "Attitudes toward the body are attitudes toward ATTACK."
T8H1 "To the ego, the body IS TO ATTACK WITH."
T8H1 "Equating YOU with the body, it teaches that YOU are to attack with, because THIS IS WHAT IT BELIEVES."
T8H4 "It has been particularly difficult to overcome the ego's belief in the body as an end because this is synonymous with ATTACK AS AN END."
T8H4 "This is a particularly appealing argument from the ego's point of view, because it obscures the obvious attack which underlies the sickness."
T8H4 "If you accepted THIS, and also decided AGAINST attack, you could not give this false witness to the ego's stand."
T8H6 "These are specifically first that the body is for attack, and also that you ARE a body."
T8H11 "Do not let it reflect your will to attack."
T8H11 "Health is the natural state of anything whose interpretation is left to the Holy Spirit, who perceives no attack on anything."
T8I6 "Believing in the power of attack, it WANTS it."
T8K10 "To disbelieve is to side AGAINST, or to ATTACK."
T9C3 "By RE-INTERPRETING the ability to ATTACK, which you DID make, into the ability to SHARE, He TRANSLATES what you have made, into what God created."
T9C7 "It is a particularly dangerous combination of grandiosity AND confusion, that makes it likely that the ego will attack anyone and anything, for no reason at all."
T9D1 "If he is a psychotherapist, he is more likely to start with the equally incredible idea that HE really believes in attack, and so does the patient, but it does not matter in EITHER case."
T9F5 "The ego is, therefore, particularly likely to attack you when you react lovingly, because it has evaluated you AS UNLOVING, and you are going AGAINST ITS JUDGMENT."
T9F6 "The ego will begin to ATTACK your motives as soon as they become clearly out of accord with its perception of you."
T9F6 "But it is surely pointless to attack in return."
T9G2 "The essence of grandiosity is competitiveness, because it ALWAYS involves ATTACK."
T9G2 "Then it offers you the delusion of ATTACK as a solution."
T9G3 "Its own PROFOUND sense of vulnerability renders it incapable of judgment, EXCEPT in terms of attack."
T9G3 "When it experiences threat, its ONLY decision is whether to attack NOW, or withdraw to attack later."
T9G3 "If you ACCEPT its offer of grandiosity, it will attack immediately."
T9G4 "But the conviction of reality will not REMAIN with you, UNLESS YOU DO NOT ALLOW THE EGO TO ATTACK IT."
T9G5 "YOU have made grandiosity, and are afraid of it, because it is a form of ATTACK."
T9G6 "When you FORGET this, you WILL despair, and you WILL attack."
T9G12 "NOTHING can attack it, or prevail over it."
T9H5 "The reason you do not know YOUR creations is simply that you would decide against them, as long as your minds are split, and to attack what you have created is impossible."
T9I1 "What has been FORGOTTEN then appears to be fearful, but ONLY because the dissociation was an ATTACK ON TRUTH."
T9I4 "Whenever you attack, you are denying YOURSELF."
T9I4 "If you understand that the misuse of defenses always constitutes an attack on truth, and truth is God, you will realize why this is ALWAYS fearful."
T9I4 "If you further recognize that you are PART of God, you will also understand why it is that YOU ALWAYS ATTACK YOURSELF FIRST."
T9I5 "ALL attack is self attack."
T9I5 "Arising from your OWN decision NOT to be what you ARE, IT IS AN ATTACK ON YOUR IDENTIFICATION."
T9I5 "Attack is thus the way in which your identification is lost, because, when you attack, you MUST have forgotten what you are."
T9I5 "And if your reality is God's, when YOU attack, you are not remembering HIM."
T9I10 "Love CANNOT suffer, because it cannot attack."
T9I12 "To obtain THIS, you are willing to attack the Divinity of your brothers, and thus lose sight of YOURS."
T9J2 "If you ATTACK him, you will make him real to you."
T9K4 "The "attack on God" made His Son think he was fatherless, and out of his depression he made the god of depression."
T9K10 "To interfere with you would be to attack HIMSELF, and God is not insane."
T10C1 "Every ATTACK is a step AWAY from this, and every healing thought brings it closer."
T10C2 "But when you attack ANY part of God and His Kingdom, your understanding is NOT perfect, and what YOU will is therefore lost to you."
T10D1 "Pain is not of Him, for He knows no attack, and His peace surrounds you silently."
T10F13 "For only the insane would choose fear IN PLACE of love, and only the insane could believe that love can be gained by ATTACK."
T10F13 "But the sane KNOW that only attack COULD produce fear, from which the love of God COMPLETELY protects them."
T10F14 "And to ESTABLISH this belief it MUST attack."
T10F16 "Analyzing to ATTACK meaning, the ego DOES succeed in overlooking it, and is left with a series of fragmented perceptions WHICH IT UNIFIES ON BEHALF OF ITSELF."
T10G1 "The resurrection is the complete triumph of Christ over the ego, not by attack, but by transcendence."
T11A1 "If you decide that someone is REALLY trying to attack you, or desert you or enslave you, you will respond as if he had actually DONE so, BECAUSE you have made his error REAL to you."
T11B1 "Offer him anything ELSE, and YOU are assuming the right to attack his reality, by interpreting it AS YOU SEE FIT."
T11B2 "There is nothing to prevent you from recognizing ALL calls for help as exactly what they are, EXCEPT YOUR OWN PERCEIVED NEED TO ATTACK."
T11B8 "That is the ultimate value TO YOU in learning to perceive attack as a call for love."
T11B8 "We have learned surely that fear and attack are inevitably associated."
T11B8 "If ONLY attack produces fear, and if you see attack as the call for help that it IS, the REALITY of fear MUST dawn upon you."
T11C7 "The love makes attack untenable, BUT YOU STILL FEEL THE FEAR."
T11C8 "Yet if you are each other's salvation, what can this mean except that you PREFER attack to salvation?"
T11D3 "Whenever you become angry with a brother, for WHATEVER reason, you are believing that the EGO is to be saved, AND TO BE SAVED BY ATTACK."
T11D6 "To identify with the ego is to attack yourself, and MAKE YOURSELF POOR."
T11D11 "If you will recognize that ALL attack which you perceive, is in your own mind, and NOWHERE ELSE, you will at last have placed its source, and where it began it must end."
T11F1 "The strong do not attack, because they see no need to do so."
T11F1 "BEFORE the idea of attack can enter your mind, YOU MUST HAVE PERCEIVED YOURSELF AS WEAK."
T11F1 "You use attack to do so, because you believe that ATTACK WAS SUCCESSFUL IN WEAKENING YOU."
T11F2 "For if you accept your invulnerability, you are recognizing that ATTACK HAS NO EFFECT."
T11F2 "Once you realize this, there is no longer any SENSE in attack, for it manifestly DOES NOT WORK, it cannot PROTECT you."
T11F3 "But you will never realize the utter uselessness of attack, EXCEPT by recognizing that your attack on YOURSELF had no effects."
T11F3 "For others DO react to attack, if they perceive it, and if you ARE trying to attack them, you will be unable to avoid interpreting this as reinforcement."
T11F3 "For YOU are always the first point of your attack, and if this has never been it HAS no consequences."
T11F9 "For the curriculum you have chosen is AGAINST love, and amounts to a course in HOW TO ATTACK YOURSELF."
T11I1 "You ATTACK the real world every day and every hour and every minute, and yet you are surprised that you cannot SEE it."
T11I1 "If you seek love to attack it, YOU WILL NEVER FIND IT."
T11I1 "But offer attack and it will remain hidden, for it can live only in peace."
T11I2 "But he is far from you whose Self he is, for you chose to attack him, and he disappeared from your sight into his Father."
T11J1 "If you did not feel guilty, you could not attack."
T11J1 "For condemnation is the root of attack."
T11J3 "For if it did, attack WOULD be salvation, and this is the ego's interpretation, NOT God's."
T11J14 "The ego believes in ATONEMENT THROUGH ATTACK, being fully committed to the insane notion that attack IS salvation."
T11J15 "The ego teaches you to attack yourself BECAUSE you are guilty, and this MUST INCREASE the guilt, for guilt is the RESULT of attack."
T11J15 "For attack MAKES GUILT REAL, and if it is real there IS no way to overcome it."
T11J15 "And being true for you, you CANNOT attack yourself, for WITHOUT guilt, attack is impossible."
T12B2 "Those who do NOT attack are its "enemies," because, by NOT VALUING its interpretation of salvation, they are in an excellent position to LET IT GO."
T12C1 "You do not LIKE it, but it is NOT your desire to attack which really frightens you."
T12C3 "Your fear of attack is nothing, compared to your fear of love."
T12C3 "You believe that attack is salvation, to PREVENT you from this."
T12C5 "For you believe that magnitude lies in defiance, and attack is grandeur."
T12D2 "For you believe that ATTACK established your reality, and that your DESTRUCTION is the final proof THAT YOU WERE RIGHT."
T12D6 "They carry the spots of pain in your minds, directing you to attack in the present, in retaliation for a past that is no more."
T12E4 "And thus it is that you MUST attack yourself first."
T12E4 "For what you attack is NOT in others."
T12F5 "Your past was made in anger, and if you use it to ATTACK the present you will NOT SEE the freedom that the present holds."
T13C1 "Guilt remains the only thing that hides the Father, FOR GUILT IS THE ATTACK UPON HIS SON."
T13C5 "The idea that the guiltless Son of God can attack himself, and MAKE him guilty, IS insane."
T13F6 "Those who choose to BE deceived, will merely ATTACK direct approaches, which would seem but to ENCROACH upon deception, and strike at it."
T13H5 "Everyone you attack, KEEPS it and cherishes it, by holding it AGAINST you."
T14B6 "But those who have failed to learn need TEACHING, NOT attack."
T14B6 "To attack those who have need of teaching is to fail to learn FROM them."
T14C2 "Attack will ALWAYS yield to love, if it is brought TO love, not hidden FROM it."
T14C3 "They do not protect, NEITHER DO THEY ATTACK."
T14C8 "Therefore, keep no source of interference from His sight, for He will NOT attack your sentinels."
T14D5 "Truth does not struggle AGAINST ignorance, and love does not ATTACK fear."
T14F8 "Otherwise, it will attack the form."
T14G14 "If you want peace, you MUST abandon the teacher of attack."
T15B11 "Remember, then, when you are tempted to attack a brother, that HIS instant of release is YOURS."
T15B13 "His changeless state is BEYOND time, for his purity remains forever beyond attack, and without variability."
T15F3 "For to experience yourself AS alone, is to deny the Oneness of the Father and His Son, and thus to ATTACK REALITY."
T15H6 "For it would much prefer to attack directly, and avoid delaying what it REALLY wants."
T15H6 "Yet the ego acknowledges "reality" as it sees it, and recognizes that NO-ONE could interpret DIRECT attack as love."
T15H6 "Yet to make guilty IS direct attack, but does not SEEM to be."
T15H6 "For the guilty EXPECT attack, and, having ASKED for it, they are ATTRACTED to it."
T15H7 "For it is only by attack WITHOUT forgiveness, that the ego can ensure the guilt which holds ALL its relationships together."
T15I13 "As you let the Holy Spirit teach you how to use the body ONLY for purposes of communication, and RENOUNCE its use for separation and attack, which the EGO sees in it, you will learn you have no need of a body at all."
T15J5 "And it is THIS that you must look at; SACRIFICE IS ATTACK, NOT LOVE."
T15J7 "That love demands sacrifice, and is therefore INSEPARABLE from attack and fear."
T15K5 "For deprivation breeds attack, BEING the belief that attack IS justified."
T15K5 "And, as long as you would RETAIN the deprivation, attack becomes salvation, and sacrifice becomes love."
T16A2 "And to weaken is ALWAYS to attack."
T16C8 "The power of holiness AND THE WEAKNESS OF ATTACK, have BOTH been brought into awareness."
T16C8 "And this has been accomplished in minds firmly convinced that holiness is weakness, and attack is power."
T16F1 "Anxiety, despair, guilt, and attack all enter into it, BROKEN INTO by periods in which they SEEM to be gone."
T16F1 "Whatever form they take, they are always an attack on the self, TO MAKE THE OTHER GUILTY."
T16F1 "For the ego would have you see Him, AND HIM ALONE, as guilty, leaving the Sonship OPEN to attack, and unprotected against it."
T16F10 "Through the death of YOUR self, you think you can ATTACK another self, and snatch it FROM the other, to REPLACE the self that you despised."
T17E10 "The power of Heaven, the Love of God, the tears of Christ and the joy of His Eternal Spirit are marshalled to defend you from your own attack."
T17E10 "For you attack THEM, being PART of them, and they must SAVE you, for they love themselves."
T17F13 "To ATTACK each other is not to LOSE the instant, but TO MAKE IT POWERLESS IN ITS EFFECTS."
T17F13 "You REINFORCE this, every time YOU ATTACK EACH OTHER, for the attack MUST blind you to YOURSELF."
T17H1 "Some idea of bodies MUST have entered, for minds can NOT attack."
T17I2 "Do not INTRUDE upon it, do not ATTACK it, do NOT interrupt its coming."
T18C1 "Here, you are "free" to make over whatever SEEMED to attack you, and CHANGE it into a TRIBUTE to your ego, which was outraged by the attack."
T18C1 "This would not be YOUR wish unless you saw yourself AS ONE with the ego, which ALWAYS looks upon itself, and therefore on you, as UNDER attack, and highly VULNERABLE to it."
T18G3 "Mind cannot attack, but it CAN make fantasies, and direct the body to act them out."
T18G3 "Unless the mind BELIEVES the body is ACTUALLY acting out ITS fantasies, it will attack the body by INCREASING the projection of its guilt upon it."
T18G4 "It cannot attack, but maintains it CAN, and USES what it does to hurt the body, to PROVE it can."
T18G4 "The mind can not attack, but it CAN deceive itself."
T18G6 "It is insane to use the body as the scapegoat for guilt; DIRECTING its attack, and BLAMING it for what you wished it to do."
T18J2 "Let the Holy Spirit remove it from the withered kingdom in which you set it up, surrounded by darkness, guarded by attack, and reinforced by hate."
T18J10 "Here there is no attack upon the Son of God, and YOU are welcome."
T19B3 "Faithlessness would always LIMIT AND ATTACK; faith would remove ALL limitations, and MAKE WHOLE."
T19B4 "For PART of it is sought through the body, THOUGHT OF as a means for seeking out reality through ATTACK."
T19B7 "For this concealment SEEMS to keep your identification safe from the "attack" of truth."
T19B7 "For faithlessness IS an attack, which SEEMS to be justified BY ITS RESULTS."
T19B9 "Faith is the OPPOSITE of fear, as much a part of love, as fear is of attack."
T19C1 "The belief in sin is necessarily based on the firm conviction that minds, NOT bodies, can attack."
T19C2 "Sin is the proclamation that attack is real, and guilt is JUSTIFIED."
T19D10 "For there would be a power BEYOND God's, capable of making another will, which could attack His Will, and OVERCOME it."
T19E3 "And yet it IS this little remnant of attack you cherish still against each other, that is the first obstacle the peace in you encounters, in its going forth."
T19F1 "Being wholly without attack, it COULD not be afraid."
T19H4 "Can YOUR mistake be reasonable grounds for your depression and disillusionment, and for retaliative attack on what you think has failed you?"
T19H8 "Who would send messages of hatred and attack, if he but understood he sends them to HIMSELF?"
T19H8 "ego's messages are ALWAYS sent AWAY from you, in the belief that, for your message of attack and guilt, will someone OTHER than yourself suffer."
T19H8 "And, to convince you this is possible, it bids the body search for pain in attack upon another, calling it pleasure, and OFFERING it to you as freedom FROM attack."
T19J8 "The infancy of salvation is carefully guarded by love, preserved from every thought that would attack it, and quietly made ready to fulfill the mighty task for which it was GIVEN you."
T19J9 "What can attack the guiltless?"
T19L5 "And you attack him still, to keep what seems to be YOURSELF unharmed."
T19L7 "The "enemies" of Christ, the worshippers of sin, know not Whom they attack."
T20D4 "A world of murder and attack, through which you thread your timid way through constant dangers, alone and frightened, hoping at most that death will wait a little longer, before it overtakes you, and you disappear."
T20I8 "What if you realized that those who SEEM to walk about in it, to sin and die, attack and murder and destroy themselves, are WHOLLY unreal?"
T21C7 "And anything that threatens this, seems to ATTACK your faith."
T21G4 "Madness is an ATTACK on reason, that drives it out of mind, and TAKES ITS PLACE."
T21G4 "Reason does NOT attack, but takes the place of madness quietly, REPLACING madness if it be the will of the insane to LISTEN to it."
T21H1 "And you are FOR him or AGAINST him; either you love him or attack him; protect his unity, or see him shattered and slain by your attack."
T21H3 "They are indeed a sorry army, each one as likely to attack his brother or turn upon himself, as to remember they THOUGHT they had a common cause."
T21H4 "What SEEMS to be a planned attack is bedlam."
T21H5 "And, as it runs, it turns against itself, thinking it caught a glimpse of the great enemy that always eludes its murderous attack by turning into someone else."
T21H8 "Forget not that the choice of truth or sin, power or helplessness, IS the choice of whether to attack or HEAL."
T21H8 "For healing comes of POWER, and ATTACK of helplessness."
T21H8 "Whom you attack, you CANNOT want to heal."
T21H8 "And whom you would have healed, MUST be the one you chose to be PROTECTED from attack."
T22B1 "If you attack whom God would heal, and hate the one He loves, then you and your Creator have a DIFFERENT will."
T22B12 "Here is His sweetness, and His gentle innocence PROTECTED from attack."
T22D8 "What is there in him that you would attack, EXCEPT what you associate with his body, which YOU believe can sin?"
T22F3 "Here can NO weakness enter, for here is no attack, and therefore no illusions."
T22F4 "This is your "enemy;" a frightened mouse which would attack the universe."
T22G12 "Who can attack the Son of God, and NOT attack his Father?"
T22G12 "You do NOT see that EVERY sin and EVERY condemnation which you perceive and justify IS an attack upon your Father."
T22G12 "For it SEEMS safer to attack another or yourself, than to attack the great Creator of the universe, Whose power you KNOW."
T22G13 "But you will NOT remember this, while you believe attack of ANY kind means ANYTHING."
T22G13 "For ONLY then would it be possible to attack a part of the creation WITHOUT the whole; the Son WITHOUT the Father."
T22G13 "And to attack another, WITHOUT yourself; or hurt yourself, without the other feeling pain."
T22G14 "Yet wherein lies its value, EXCEPT in the desire to attack in safety?"
T22G14 "Attack is neither safe nor dangerous."
T22G14 "You would not choose attack on its reality, if it were not ESSENTIAL to attack to see it SEPARATE FROM ITS CREATOR."
T22G14 "And thus it seems as if love could attack, AND BECOME FEARFUL."
T22G14 "Only the DIFFERENT can attack."
T22G14 "So you conclude, BECAUSE you can attack, you must be DIFFERENT."
T22G14 "BECAUSE you are NOT different, you CAN NOT ATTACK."
T22G15 "Either position is a logical conclusion, if only the different can attack."
T22G15 "And THEREFORE can attack."
T23A1 "The show of strength attack would use to COVER frailty, conceals it not."
T23A1 "And no-one can attack, unless he thinks he HAS."
T23A2 "And you will think that you succeeded, and attack again."
T23A2 "It is as certain you will fear what you attack, as it is sure that you will love what you perceive as sinless."
T23A2 "And he will see ONLY the sinless, who can NOT attack."
T23B4 "Your "enemy" was God Himself, to Whom all conflict, triumph, and attack of ANY kind are all unknown."
T23B8 "There is nothing you COULD attack that is not part of you."
T23C1 "It IS essential it be understood what they are FOR, because it is their PURPOSE to make meaningless, and to ATTACK the truth."
T23C2 "And each establishes this FOR HIMSELF, and MAKES it true by his attack on what another values."
T23C4 "The second law of chaos, dear indeed to every worshipper of sin, is that each one MUST sin, and therefore DESERVES attack and death."
T23C7 "Nor can salvation lie within the Son, whose every aspect seems to be at war with Him, and JUSTIFIED in its attack."
T23C10 "The "enemy," made strong by keeping hidden the valuable inheritance which should be yours; your JUSTIFIED possession, and attack for what has been withheld; and the inevitable loss the enemy MUST suffer, to save YOURSELF."
T23C10 "Were they not forced into this foul attack by the unscrupulous behavior of the enemy, they would respond with only kindness."
T23C12 "And you attack only in self defense."
T23C12 "Can you be sure your murderous attack IS justified, unless you know what it is FOR?"
T23C12 "THIS is the reason why you must attack."
T23C13 "And never will your brother cease his own attack on YOU, for what you stole."
T23C15 "Such a reversal, COMPLETELY turned around, with madness sanity, illusions true, attack a kindness, hatred love, and murder benediction, IS the goal the laws of chaos serve."
T23C18 "Can an attack in ANY form be love?"
T23C18 "Let not the FORM of the attack on him deceive you."
T23C18 "Who can find SAFETY from attack by turning on himself?"
T23C21 "The seeming gentler FORM of the attack is no less certain in its witnessing, OR ITS RESULTS."
T23C23 "Attack in ANY form has placed your foot upon the twisted stairway that leads FROM Heaven."
T23D1 "Is it not true you do NOT recognize some of the forms attack can take?"
T23D1 "If it is true attack in ANY form will hurt you, and will do so just as much as in another form which you DO recognize, then it MUST follow that you do not always RECOGNIZE the source of pain."
T23D2 "WITHHOLD forgiveness from your brother, and you ATTACK him."
T23D3 "It would maintain you can attack a little, love a little, AND KNOW THE DIFFERENCE."
T23D4 "They do NOT see that, if it is, SALVATION IS ATTACK."
T23D4 "Nor is it possible to attack for this and love for that, and UNDERSTAND forgiveness."
T23D5 "Those who believe that peace can BE defended, and that attack is JUSTIFIED on its behalf, can NOT perceive it lies within them."
T23D7 "Do not remain in conflict, for there IS no war without attack."
T23E1 "In Him is no attack, and no illusion in any form stalks Heaven."
T23E2 "What is not loving MUST be an attack."
T23E4 "Each form of murder and attack that still attracts you, and that you do not recognize for what it is, limits the healing and the miracles you HAVE the power to extend to all."
T23E6 "When the temptation to attack rises to make your mind darkened and murderous, remember you CAN see the battle from above."
T23E6 "And NO illusion can attack the peace of God TOGETHER with His Son."
T23E7 "For only bodies COULD attack and murder, and if this is your purpose, then you MUST be one with them."
T24B1 "Beliefs will never OPENLY attack each other, because conflicting outcomes ARE impossible."
T24B2 "The secret enemies of peace, your least decisions to choose attack instead of love, unrecognized and swift to challenge YOU to combat and to violence far more inclusive than you think, are there by your election."
T24B3 "What else COULD justify attack?"
T24B4 "For specialness not only sets apart, but serves as grounds from which attack on those who seem "beneath" the special one is "natural" and "just.""
T24B5 "Illusions CAN attack it, and they DO."
T24B6 "COULD you attack him if you realized you journey WITH him, to a goal that is the SAME?"
T24B7 "Could you attack each other if you chose to see NO specialness of any kind between you?"
T24B9 "For what is specialness but an attack upon the Will of God?"
T24C2 "Who can attack his Savior, and cut him down, and recognize his strong support?"
T24C8 "Not one attack you thought you made on him has taken from him the gift that God would have him give to you."
T24D3 "It is not YOU that is so vulnerable and open to attack that just a word, a little whisper that you do not like, a circumstance that suits you not, or an event that you did not anticipate upsets your world, and hurls it into chaos."
T24D4 "Nothing is safe from its attack, and it is safe from nothing."
T24D5 "Yet they are powerless to make attack upon illusions."
T24E3 "But to those who wish to heal and NOT attack, it is quite obvious."
T24E3 "The purpose of attack is in the MIND, and its effects are felt but where it IS."
T24H1 "No effort is too great, no cost too much, no price too dear, to save his specialness from the least slight, the tiniest attack, the whispered doubt, the hint of threat, or anything but deepest reverence."
T25D1 "To the extent to which you value guilt, to that extent will you perceive a world in which attack is justified."
T25D1 "To the extent to which you recognize that guilt is meaningless, to that extent will you perceive attack cannot BE justified."
T25D7 "He will perceive that where he gave attack is but another altar where he can, with equal ease and FAR more happiness, bestow forgiveness."
T25E1 "For they can NOT attack, and they REJOICE that this is so, seeing their safety in this happy fact."
T25F1 "The state of sinlessness is merely this: The WHOLE desire to attack is gone, and so there is no reason to perceive the Son of God as other than he is."
T25F1 "Attack and sin are bound as ONE illusion, each the cause and aim and JUSTIFIER of the other."
T25F2 "Attack makes Christ your enemy, and God along with Him."
T25F2 "Who would attack whatever he sees as wholly innocent?"
T25F2 "And who, BECAUSE he wishes to attack, can FAIL to think it MUST be guilty, to DESERVE the wish and leave HIM innocent?"
T25F6 "Through your ATTACK, believe He hates you, thinking Heaven must be hell."
T25G7 "Only in darkness does your specialness APPEAR to be attack."
T25G7 "In light, you see it is your SPECIAL FUNCTION in the plan to save the Son of God from ALL attack, and let him understand that he is safe, as he has ALWAYS been, and will remain in time and in eternity alike."
T25H9 "To this One is given the choice of form most suitable to him; one which will NOT attack the world he sees, but enter into it in quietness, and SHOW him it is mad."
T25I2 "Nor is it necessary that your faith in it be strong, unswerving, and without attack from all beliefs opposed to it."
T25I11 "What cause can BE to warrant an attack upon the innocent?"
T25J4 "The Holy Spirit's perception leaves no GROUNDS for an attack."
T25J4 "Only a LOSS could justify attack, and loss of ANY kind He cannot see."
T25J5 "Healing must be for everyone BECAUSE he does not merit an attack of any kind."
T25J7 "To keep it for yourself to solve WITHOUT His help is to decide it should remain UNsettled, UNresolved, and lasting in its power of injustice and attack."
T26A1 "In the "dynamics" of attack is sacrifice a key idea."
T26C2 "If THIS were true, then God WOULD be unfair; sin WOULD be possible, attack be justified, and vengeance fair."
T26C7 "Nothing He loves but MUST be sinless and beyond attack."
T26D3 "This is because knowledge makes NO attack upon perception."
T26G1 "All belief in sin, in power of attack, in hurt and harm, in sacrifice and death, has come to you."
T26H6 "Then would God's Will be split in two, and all creation be subjected to the laws of two opposing powers, until God becomes impatient, splits the world apart, and relegates attack unto Himself."
T26H11 "Sin is belief attack can be projected OUTSIDE the mind where the belief arose."
T26H11 "This world is an attempt to prove your innocence, while cherishing attack."
T26H15 "Forgiveness is the ANSWER to attack of any kind."
T26H15 "So is attack DEPRIVED of its effects, and hate is answered in the Name of Love."
T26J1 "And never will you know He is in YOU as well, while you attack His chosen home, and battle with His host."
T26K1 "Only this; you have a DIFFERENTIAL view of WHEN attack is justified, and WHEN you think it is unfair, and NOT to be allowed."
T26K2 "What does it MEAN if you perceive attack in certain FORMS to be unfair to you?"
T26K3 "Unfairness and attack are ONE mistake, so firmly joined that where one is perceived, the other MUST be seen."
T26K4 "And IS this innocence, which your attack on him attempts to get?"
T26K4 "Is it not retribution for your own attack upon the Son of God you seek?"
T27A1 "The wish to be unfairly treated is a compromise attempt that would COMBINE attack and innocence."
T27A2 "But every pain you suffer do you see as proof that HE is guilty of attack."
T27B1 "Whenever you consent to suffer pain, to be deprived, unfairly treated, or in need of ANYTHING, you but accuse your brother of attack upon God's Son."
T27B1 "Yet this is writ in hell and NOT in Heaven, where you are BEYOND attack, and prove his INNOCENCE."
T27B3 "But THIS one has NOT been used for purpose of attack, and therefore never suffered pain at all."
T27B4 "That NO reproach he laid upon his heart was EVER justified, and NO attack can touch him with the poisoned sting of fear."
T27D3 "There is nothing to attack or to deny; to love or hate, or to endow with power or to see as weak."
T27F2 "But it DOES mean, if only for an instant, you love without attack."
T27F3 "And nothing more than just ONE instant of your love WITHOUT attack is necessary, that all this occur."
T27F5 "A dying world asks only that you rest an instant from attack upon YOURSELF, that it be healed."
T27F10 "What occurred within the instant which love entered in WITHOUT attack, will stay with you forever."
T27H1 "Yet is his own attack upon himself apparent still, for it is he who bears the suffering."
T27H3 "While YOU attack, I MUST be innocent."
T27H3 "And what I suffer from IS your attack.""
T27H4 "And he MUST see it in ANOTHER hand, if he would be a victim of attack he did NOT choose."
T27H6 "In separation from your brother was the first attack upon yourself begun."
T27I5 "No-one asleep and dreaming in the world remembers his attack upon himself."
T27I6 "A timelessness in which is time made real; a Part of God Which can attack Itself; a separate brother as an enemy; a mind WITHIN a body; all are forms of circularity, whose ending starts at its beginning, ending at its cause."
T27I10 "No matter what the form of the attack, this STILL is true."
T28C5 "In dreams of murder and attack are YOU the victim, in a dying body slain."
T28C7 "Thus does he fear his OWN attack, but sees it at another's hands."
T28C7 "He authored NOT his own attack, and he is innocent of what he caused."
T28F3 "You WILL make war upon your Self, Which SEEMS to be your enemy, and WILL attack your brother, as a part of what you hate."
T28G1 "It accepts no role, but does what it is told, WITHOUT attack."
T28G4 "Yet it is a promise to another to be hurt by him, and to attack him in return."
T29A1 "For it would mean His Love could harbor just a hint of hate; His gentleness turn sometimes to attack; and His eternal patience sometimes fail."
T29C3 "For pain and sin are ONE illusion, as are hate and fear, attack and guilt but one."
T29C3 "You ARE free of pain and sickness, misery and loss, and ALL effects of hatred and attack."
T29E3 "In simplest form, it can be said attack is a response to function unfulfilled AS YOU PERCEIVE THE FUNCTION."
T29E3 "And does not THIS become the "reason" your attack is justified?"
T29F5 "If God esteems him worthy of Himself, would YOU attack him with the hands of hate?"
T29F7 "When dreams are SHARED, they lose the function of attack and separation, even though it was for this that every dream was made."
T29J3 "But in the dream of judgment, you attack and ARE condemned."
T29J5 "Yet CAN a dream attack?"
T29J10 "So do your childish terrors melt away, and dreams become a sign that you have made a new beginning, NOT another try to worship idols, and to KEEP attack."
T30B3 "Now the answer will provoke attack, unless you quickly straighten out your mind to WANT an answer that will work."
T30E1 "You WILL attack what does not satisfy, and thus you will not see you made it up."
T30E1 "You attack but FALSE ideas, and NEVER truthful ones."
T30E1 "And you attack them for the things you think they REPRESENT."
T30E5 "Do not attack what you have made to LET you be deceived."
T30E5 "Attack HAS power to make illusions real."
T30E5 "But this is EQUALLY forgotten in attack."
T30F1 "Here, it is thought that understanding is ACQUIRED by attack."
T30F1 "There it is clear that BY attack is understanding LOST."
T30G1 "Attack has NO foundation."
T30G1 "You are NOT asked to offer pardon where attack is due, and WOULD be justified."
T30G1 "For it would assume that, by responding in a way which is NOT justified, your PARDON will become the answer to attack which HAS been made."
T30G2 "You do NOT forgive the unforgivable, nor overlook a REAL attack that calls for punishment."
T30G2 "If pardon WERE unjustified, you WOULD be asked to sacrifice your rights when you return forgiveness for attack."
T30G3 "Fear cannot ARISE unless attack is justified."
T30G3 "Unjustified forgiveness IS attack."
T31A10 "How wrong are you who fail to hear the call that echoes past each seeming call to death, that sings behind each murderous attack, and pleads that love restore the dying world!"
T31B7 "There will be no attack upon the things you thought were precious, and in need of care."
T31C1 "Whatever form his sins appear to take, the form obscures the fact that you believe it to be yours, and THEREFORE meriting a just attack."
T31C2 "And why do you attack them anywhere except you hate yourself?"
T31C2 "You answer "yes" WHENEVER you attack, for BY attack do you assert that you are guilty, and must give as you deserve."
T31C2 "If you did not believe that you DESERVED attack, it never would occur to you to GIVE attack to anyone at all."
T31C5 "The mind that thinks it is a sin has but ONE purpose; that the body be the source of sin, and KEEP it in the prison house it chose, and guards, and holds itself at bay, a sleeping prisoner to the snarling dogs of hate and evil, sickness and attack; of pain and age, of grief and suffering."
T31E3 "This aspect NEVER makes the first attack."
T31E3 "The face of innocence the concept of the self so proudly wears can tolerate attack in self-defense, for is it not a well-known fact the world deals harshly with defenseless innocence?"
T31G2 "You could not recognize your "evil" thoughts as long as you see value in attack."
W21L3 "It is merely an example of the belief that some forms of attack are more justified than others."
W21L4 "As you search your mind for all the forms in which attack thoughts present themselves, hold each one in mind and tell yourself; "I am determined to see ____ (name of person) differently.""
W22L1 "Today's idea accurately describes the way anyone who holds attack thoughts in his mind must see the world."
W22L1 "His own attack is thus perceived as self-defense."
W22L1 "Otherwise, thoughts of attack and counterattack will preoccupy him, and people his entire world."
W22L2 "You made what you would destroy; everything that you hate and would attack and kill."
W23L2 "If the cause of the world you see is attack thoughts, you must learn that it is these thoughts which you do not want."
W23L3 "Each of your perceptions of "external reality" is a pictorial representation of your own attack thoughts."
W23L6 "As you look about you, repeat the idea slowly to yourself, and then close your eyes and devote about a minute to searching your mind for as many attack thoughts as occur to you."
W23L6 "As each one crosses your mind, say: "I can escape from the world by giving up attack thoughts about ____.""
W26L1 "You see attack as a real threat."
W26L1 "That is because you believe that you can really attack."
W26L2 "Because your attack thoughts will be projected, you will fear attack."
W26L2 "And if you fear attack, you must believe that you are not invulnerable."
W26L2 "Attack thoughts therefore make you vulnerable in your own mind, which is where the attack thoughts are."
W26L2 "Attack thoughts and invulnerability cannot be accepted together."
W26L3 "The idea for today introduces the thought that you always attack yourself first."
W26L3 "If attack thoughts must entail the belief that you are vulnerable, their effect is to weaken you in your own eyes."
W26L4 "Nothing except your thoughts can attack you."
W26L8 "After you have named each outcome of which you are afraid, tell yourself: "That thought is an attack upon myself.""
W39L6 "Then, with closed eyes, search out your unloving thoughts in whatever form they appear; uneasiness, depression, anger, fear, worry, attack, insecurity, and so on."
W46L6 ""There is no need to attack because love has forgiven me.""
W55L2 "It is a picture of attack on everything and by everything."
W55L2 "It is my own attack thoughts which give rise to this picture."
W55L3 "23) "I can escape from the world by giving up attack thoughts.""
W55L3 "Without attack thoughts I could not see a world of attack."
W56L1 "How can I know who I am when I see myself as under constant attack?"
W56L5 "In my own mind, behind all my insane thoughts of separation and attack, is the knowledge that all is one forever."
W62L2 "For this, attack must be replaced by forgiveness, so that thoughts of life may replace thoughts of death."
W62L3 "Remember that in every attack you call upon your own weakness, while every time you forgive you call upon the strength of Christ in you."
W72L1 "While we have recognized that the ego's plan for salvation is the opposite of God's, we have not yet emphasized that it is an active attack on His plan, and a deliberate attempt to destroy it."
W72L1 "In the attack, God is assigned the attributes which are actually associated with the ego, while the ego appears to take on the attributes of God."
W72L3 "Although the attempt to keep the limitations which a body would impose is obvious here, it is perhaps not so apparent why holding grievances is an attack on God's plan for salvation."
W72L5 "And it asserts that his salvation must be death, projecting this attack onto God, and holding Him responsible for it."
W72L8 "To see our Self as separate from the body is to end the attack on God's plan for salvation, and to accept it instead."
W72L9 "To achieve this goal, we must replace attack with acceptance."
W72L9 "As long as we attack it, we cannot understand what God's plan for us is."
W72L12 "The exercises are as follows: "Holding grievances is an attack on God's plan for salvation."
W73L2 "The wishes of the ego gave rise to it, and the ego's need for grievances, which are necessary to maintain it, peoples it with figures which seem to attack you and call for "righteous" judgment."
W84L5 "Grievances attack love, and keep its light obscure."
W84L5 "I am determined not to attack my Self today, so that I can remember who I am."
W84L6 ""I will not use this to attack love.""
W84L6 ""Let this not tempt me to attack myself.""
W86L4 "72) "Holding grievances is an attack on God's plan for salvation.""
W86L6 ""This calls for salvation, not attack.""
W87L5 "I try to attack only when I am afraid, and only when I try to attack can I believe that my eternal safety is threatened."
W88L2 "In choosing salvation rather than attack I merely choose to recognize what is already there."
W88L2 "Attack and grievances are not there to choose."
W93L5 "It does not hurt him, nor attack his peace."
W99L4 "What plan could hold the truth inviolate, yet recognize the need illusions bring, and offer means by which they are undone without attack, and with no touch of pain?"
W107L3 "Without illusions there could be no fear, no doubt and no attack."
W107L5 "Here is the gift of healing, for the truth needs no defense, and therefore no attack is possible."
W121L4 "It looks upon the world with sightless eyes, and shrieks as it beholds its own projections rising to attack its miserable parody of life."
W122L2 "It soothes your forehead while you sleep, and rests upon your eyelids so you see no dreams of fear and evil, malice and attack."
W126L6 "As you see it, it is but a check upon overt attack, without requiring correction in your mind."
W134L11 "Across this bridge, as powerful as Love Which laid Its blessing on it, are all dreams of evil and of hatred and attack brought silently to truth."
W134L18 "Forgiveness should be practiced through the day, for there will be so many times when you forget its meaning, and attack yourself."
W135L18 "For it is your reality which is the "threat" that your defenses would attack, obscure, and take apart and crucify."
W136L2 "And like all the rest its purpose is to hide reality, attack it, change it, render it inept, distort it, twist it, or reduce it to a little pile of unassembled parts."
W136L6 "When parts are wrested from the whole and seen as separate and as wholes within themselves, they become symbols standing for attack upon the whole, successful in effect, and never to be seen as whole again."
W136L19 "If you let your mind harbor attack thoughts, yield to judgment or make plans against uncertainties to come, you have again misplaced yourself, and made a bodily identity which will attack the body, for the mind is sick."
W136L19 "And my mind Cannot attack."
W137L3 "But healing is accomplished as he sees the body has no power to attack the universal Oneness of God's Son."
W137L15 "Now we come together to make well all that was sick, and offer blessing where there was attack."
W153L1 "It is rooted in attack, and all its "gifts" of seeming safety are illusory deceptions."
W153L2 "For threat brings anger, anger makes attack seem reasonable, honestly provoked, and righteous in the name of self-defense."
W153L3 "Attack, defense; defense, attack, become the circles of the hours and the days which bind the mind in heavy bands of steel with iron overlaid, returning but to start again."
W153L5 "For you behold the Son of God as but a victim to attack by fantasies, by dreams, and by illusions he has made; yet helpless in their presence, needful only of defense by still more fantasies and dreams, by which illusions of his safety comfort him."
W153L9 "We look past dreams today, and recognize that we need no defense because we are created unassailable, without all thought or wish or dream in which attack has any meaning."
W161L6 "Bodies attack, but minds do not."
W161L6 "The body is the target for attack, for no one thinks he hates a mind."
W161L6 "Yet what but mind directs the body to attack?"
W161L8 "And he will attack because what he beholds is his own fear external to himself, poised to attack, and howling to unite with him again."
W161L9 "Attack on him is enemy to you, for you will not perceive that in his hands is your salvation."
W161L12 "Be sure you use it instantly, should you be tempted to attack a brother and perceive in him the symbol of your fear."
W170L1 "When you think that you attack in self-defense, you mean that to be cruel is protection; you are safe because of cruelty."
W170L1 "And you mean that to attack is to exchange the state in which you are for something better, safer, more secure from dangerous invasion and from fear."
W170L2 "How thoroughly insane is the idea that to defend from fear is to attack!"
W170L3 "It seems to be the enemy without that you attack."
W170L4 "For it is you who make attack, and must have first conceived of it."
W181L1 "When you attack a brother, you proclaim that he is limited by what you have perceived in him."
W185L14 "It is this one intent we seek today, uniting our desires with the need of every heart, the call of every mind, the hope that lies beyond despair, the love attack would hide, the brotherhood that hate has sought to sever, but which still remains as God created it."
W186L7 "And as He speaks, the image trembles and seeks to attack the threat it does not know, sensing its basis crumble."
W189L3 "A world in which forgiveness shines on everything and peace offers its gentle light to everyone is inconceivable to those who see a world of hatred, rising from attack, poised to avenge, to murder and destroy."
W190L2 "It is a dream of fierce retaliation for a crime that could not be committed; for attack on what is wholly unassailable."
W190L9 "Let no attack enter with you."
W192L1 "Yet what can such a function mean within a world of envy, hatred and attack?"
W192L5 "It cannot think that it will die, nor be the prey of merciless attack."
W192L5 "What fears could still assail those who have lost the source of all attack; the core of anguish and the seat of fear?"
W192L7 "Without its kindly light we grope in darkness, using reason but to justify our rage and our attack."
W194L9 "And if we are tempted to attack, we will appeal to Him Who guards our rest to make the choice for us that leaves temptation far behind."
W196L1 "You will not attack yourself, and you will realize that to attack another is but to attack yourself."
W196L1 "You will be free of the insane belief that to attack a brother saves yourself."
W196L6 "Such is the form of madness you believe, if you accept the fearful thought you can attack another and be free yourself."
W196L10 "And this had been concealed while you believed attack could be directed outward, and returned from outside to within."
W197L1 "Yet you turn them to attack again, unless you find external gratitude and lavish thanks."
W197L5 "Yet you will never realize His gifts are sure, eternal, changeless, limitless, forever giving out, extending love and adding to your never-ending joy, while you forgive but to attack again."
W198L7 "This world has many seeming separate haunts where mercy has no meaning, and attack appears as justified."
W198L7 "How foolish to believe you can attack!"
W199L2 "Attack thoughts cannot enter such a mind, because it has been given to the Source of Love, and fear can never enter in a mind which has attached itself to Love."
W216L1 "If I attack, I suffer."
W240W32 "The world was made as an attack on God."
W247L1 "Sin is the symbol of attack."
W249L1 "Attack is gone, and madness has an end."
W250L1 "Let me not try to obscure the holy light in him, and see his strength diminished and reduced to frailty; nor perceive the lacks in him with which I would attack his sovereignty."
W259L1 "And what but this could be the source of fear, obscuring God's creation; giving love the attributes of fear and of attack?"
W261L1 "Let me today seek not security in danger, nor attempt to find my peace in murderous attack."
W281L2 "And I would not attack the Son He loves, for what He loves is mine to love as well."
W288L1 "Let me not attack the Savior You have given me."
W290W83 "What need has such a mind for thoughts of death, attack and murder?"
W299L2 "It is not mine to suffer from attack."
W330L1 "Why should we attack our minds, and give them images of pain?"
W330W123 "What can he know of fear and punishment, of sin and guilt, of hatred and attack, when all there is surrounding him is everlasting peace, forever conflict-free and undisturbed, in deepest silence and tranquility?"
W332L1 "Truth never makes attack."
W341L2 "Let us not, then, attack our sinlessness."
W360FL5 "We are restored to sanity, in which we understand that anger is insane, attack is mad, and vengeance merely foolish fantasy."
M5F1 "Joy goes with gentleness as surely as grief attends attack."
M8A4 "As such, it is an attack."
M8A4 "It does appear unreasonable at first to be told that continued concern is attack."
M13A5 "Use it for sin or for attack, which is the same as sin, and you will see it as sinful."
M14A7 "It is denied if you attack any brother for anything."
M18A1 "His first responsibility in this is not to attack it."
M18A3 "Attack can enter only if perception of separate goals has entered."
M20A1 "In this world, however, forgiveness depends on justice, since all attack can only be unjust."
M20A5 "Here all attack and condemnation become meaningless and indefensible."
M21A3 "For what except attack will lead to war?"
M23A3 "This thought gives the body autonomy, separates it from the mind, and keeps the idea of attack inviolate."
M28A7 "Do not believe in cruelty, nor let attack conceal the truth from you."
M29A3 "Attack is meaningless and peace has come."
M29A3 "The last illusion spreads over the world, forgiving all things and replacing all attack."
M30A4 "His decisions bring benefit to all, being wholly devoid of attack."
M30A6 "Does this mean that, while attack remains attractive to you He will respond with evil?"
M30A6 "He understands that an attack is a call for help."
P3A1 "Its whole function, in the end, is to help the patient deal with one fundamental error; the belief that anger brings him something he really wants, and that by justifying attack he is protecting himself."
P3E9 "This curious circle of attack-defense is one of the most difficult problems with which the psychotherapist must deal."
P3E10 "He must meet attack without attack, and therefore without defense."
P3F2 "It must be taught to those who will attack because they feel endangered, and to those who need the lesson of defenselessness above all else, to show them what is strength."
P3G4 "These testimonies which the senses bring have but one purpose; to justify attack and thus keep unforgiveness unrecognized for what it is."
S3E4 "This level cannot be attained until there is no hatred in your heart, and no desire to attack the Son of God."
Quotes on "Attacks"
T1B30D "Consider the power of MY WORD, in that it has withstood all the attacks of error, and is the Source of Truth."
T4E18 "I am in charge of the Second Coming as I have already told you, and my judgment, which is used only for its protection, cannot be wrong because it NEVER attacks."
T7G3 "This means that the ego attacks WHAT IS PRESERVING IT, and this MUST be a source of extreme anxiety."
T7H10 "Whenever a brother attacks another, THIS IS WHAT HE BELIEVES."
T10D1 "Conflict is the root of all evil, for being blind, it does not see whom it attacks."
T10D1 "But it ALWAYS attacks the Son of God, and the Son of God is YOU."
T10F7 "The ego ALWAYS attacks on behalf of separation."
T10F14 "Unaware that the belief cannot BE established, and obsessed with the conviction that separation IS salvation, the ego attacks everything it perceives, by breaking it up into small and disconnected parts, without meaningful relationships, and thus without meaning."
T11D3 "If HE attacks, you are agreeing with this belief, and if YOU attack, you are reinforcing it."
T11F3 "If your attacks on yourself FAILED to weaken you, YOU ARE STILL STRONG."
T15B4 "Even when it attacks so savagely that it tries to take the life of someone who hears it temporarily as the ONLY voice, it speaks of hell even to him."
T18J5 "Here are all the illusions, all the twisted thoughts, all the insane attacks, the fury, vengeance, and betrayal that were made to keep the guilt in place, so that the world could RISE from it, and keep IT hidden."
T21H5 "Yes, it can DREAM it found an enemy, but this will shift even as it attacks, so that it runs at once to find another, and never comes to rest in victory."
T23D1 "He may deny he IS a murderer, and justify his savagery with smiles as he attacks."
T24B9 "This is what HE attacks and YOU protect."
T27D1 "To weaken IS to limit, and impose an opposite that CONTRADICTS the concept it attacks."
T29E5 "A shadow figure who attacks becomes a brother giving you a chance to help, if this becomes the FUNCTION of the dream."
T31E9 "And who is deceived by all your goodness, and attacks it so?"
W14L5 "For example, do not say, "God did not create illness," but, "God did not create cancer," or heart attacks, or whatever may arouse fear in you."
W51L5 "I make all things my "enemies," so that my anger is justified, and my attacks are warranted."
W66L2 "The ego attacks and the Holy Spirit does not respond."
W66L3 "We will not indulge the ego by listening to its attacks on truth."
W72L7 "We will try today to stop these senseless attacks on salvation."
W76L5 "It would not understand it is its own enemy; that it attacks itself and wants to die."
W92L6 "It fears and it attacks and hates itself, and darkness covers everything it sees, leaving it dreams as fearful as itself."
W131L7 "What denies its own existence and attacks itself is not of Him."
W135L8 "Such attempts, ridiculous yet deeply cherished, are the sources for the many mad attacks you make upon it."
W136L10 "And you believe that Heaven quails before such mad attacks as these, with God made blind by your illusions, truth turned into lies, and all the universe made slaves to laws which your defenses would impose on it."
W153L1 "It attacks and then attacks again."
W170L1 "No one attacks without intent to hurt."
W196L5 "The dreary, hopeless thought that you can make attacks on others and escape yourself has nailed you to the cross."
W259L1 "What else but sin engenders our attacks?"
M18A9 "Like the magic which becomes its servant, it neither attacks nor protects."
M19A1 "If he argues with his pupil about a magic thought, attacks it, tries to establish its error or demonstrate its falsity, he is but witnessing to its reality."
Quotes on "Attacking"
T2A21 "If "being possessed" is brought to ascendance, a state of some sort of possession by external forces results, but NOT with a major emphasis on attacking others."
T3A34 "This time, you were FORCED to call him "Jonathan" because you were ATTACKING him when you took the notes in front of him, and are now falling back on the magical device of "protecting his name.""
T4A7 "Attacking misidentification errors is neither MY function nor YOURS."
T4E20 "While I am not attacking your egos, I AM working with your higher mind whether you are asleep or awake, (just as your ego does with your lower mind.)"
T5G4 "But how can part of God detach itself WITHOUT believing it is attacking Him?"
T5G5 "And however ridiculous the idea of attacking God may be to the sane mind, never forget that the ego is NOT SANE."
T5G9 "The sane mind cannot conceive of illness, because it cannot conceive of attacking anything or anyone."
T6D2 "By attacking nothing, it presents no barrier at all to the communication of God."
T6E4 "It interprets this wholly as a justification for ATTACKING its maker."
T6G1 "Many thought that I was attacking them, even though it is quite apparent that I was NOT."
T7G7 "The Holy Spirit undoes illusions without attacking them merely because He cannot perceive them at all."
T7G9 "When YOU believe what God DOES NOT KNOW, your thought seems to CONTRADICT His, and this makes it appear AS IF YOU ARE ATTACKING HIM."
T7H9 "One MUST be fearful if he believes that his brother is attacking him to tear the Kingdom of Heaven from him."
T8B1 "Those whom you PERCEIVE as opponents are PART of your peace, which YOU are giving up by attacking them."
T9I7 "When you think you are attacking your SELF, it is a sure sign that you hate what you think you are."
T11F2 "Therefore, by attacking, you have NOT DONE ANYTHING."
T12C4 "The Holy Spirit, then, seems to be ATTACKING YOUR FORTRESS, for you would SHUT OUT GOD, and He does not will to BE excluded."
T12E4 "Its ONLY reality is in your OWN mind, and by attacking others, you are literally attacking WHAT IS NOT THERE."
T15H9 "The other seems always to be attacking and wounding them, perhaps in little ways, perhaps "unconsciously," yet never without demand of sacrifice."
T18C3 "You do NOT realize that YOU are ATTACKING it, trying to triumph over it and MAKE it serve you."
T21H4 "They could be seen attacking ANYONE, with ANYTHING."
T23B8 "And, BY attacking it, you make two illusions of yourself, IN CONFLICT with each other."
W23L7 "In the practice periods, be sure to include both your thoughts of attacking and of being attacked."
W56L1 "26) "My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.""
W62L2 "Your goal is to find out who you are, having denied your identity by attacking creation and its Creator."
W72L7 "But while it stands at the center of your concept of yourself, you are attacking God's plan for salvation, and holding your grievances against Him and His creations, that you may not hear the Voice of truth and welcome it as Friend."
W72L9 "We are therefore attacking what we do not recognize."
W84L5 "If I hold grievances I am attacking love, and therefore attacking my Self."
W330W122 "It dreams of punishment, and trembles at the figures in its dreams, its enemies who seek to murder it before it can ensure its safety by attacking them."
W360FL1 "For we would not return again to the belief in sin, which made the world seem ugly and unsafe, attacking and destroying, dangerous in all its ways and treacherous beyond the hope of trust and the escape from pain."
P2A3 "Everyone who needs help, regardless of the form of his distress, is attacking himself, and his peace of mind is suffering in consequence."
P3E9 "Thus, he will attack the one who tries to save him from them, believing that he is attacking him."
P3E9 "The therapist is seen as one who is attacking the patient's most cherished possession; his picture of himself."
Quotes on "Attacked"
T6A1 "Anger cannot occur unless you believe that you have BEEN attacked; the attack was JUSTIFIED; and you are in no way responsible for it."
T6A2 "You cannot BE attacked, attack HAS no justification, and you ARE responsible for what you believe."
T6C2 "Since you have also judged AGAINST what you project, you attack it because you have already attacked it BY rejecting it."
T6C2 "By doing this UNCONSCIOUSLY, you try to keep the fact that you must have attacked yourself FIRST out of awareness, and thus imagine that you have made yourself safe."
T7H11 "Deny THIS and you WILL attack, because you believe you have BEEN attacked."
T8G6 "You HAVE attacked him, and you MUST have attacked yourself first."
T9B4 "Accept his errors as real, and you have attacked YOURSELF."
T9I7 "You have NOT attacked God, and you DO love Him."
T9I7 "And this, and ONLY this, can BE attacked by you."
T10F10 "By believing that you have successfully attacked truth, YOU ARE BELIEVING THAT ATTACK HAS POWER."
T11A2 "This is quite evidently a mental split, in which you have attacked the integrity of your mind, and pitted one level within it against another."
T11B3 "For in both, a brother's errors are "uncovered," and he is then attacked FOR HIS OWN GOOD."
T11F1 "Because you had attacked yourself, and BELIEVED THAT THE ATTACK WAS EFFECTIVE, you behold yourself as weakened."
T11F2 "Although you have attacked yourself, and very brutally, you will demonstrate that NOTHING HAPPENED."
T11F4 "You could not trust your own love, when you have ATTACKED it."
T12C11 "He feared what he had made, but still more did he fear his REAL Father, having attacked his glorious equality WITH Him."
T12E3 "Again and again have men attacked each other, because they saw IN THEM a shadow figure in their private world."
T14D6 "His perception of them, according to HIS purpose, merely changes them into a CALL FOR what you have ATTACKED WITH them."
T14E2 "What disappears in light is NOT attacked."
T16F11 "How can you grant unlimited power to what you think you have ATTACKED?"
T18G3 "Its guilt, which KEEPS it separate, is projected to the body, which suffers and dies, BECAUSE IT IS ATTACKED to hold the separation in the mind, and let it NOT KNOW its unity."
T18G4 "And this is ALL it does, when it believes it has attacked the body, It CAN project its guilt, but it will NOT lose it through projection."
T18G15 "The body is NOT attacked, but merely PROPERLY PERCEIVED."
T21G6 "Neither your brother nor yourself can be attacked alone."
T23B2 "Only the mad belief the Will of God can be attacked and overthrown."
T24B3 "What God created cannot be attacked, for there is nothing in the universe unlike itself."
T24B5 "He who is "worse" than you MUST be attacked, so that your specialness can live on his defeat."
T24D4 "It is your specialness that is attacked by everything that walks and breathes, or creeps or crawls, or even lives at all."
T24E1 "Everything else becomes your enemy, feared and attacked, deadly and dangerous, hated and worthy only of destruction."
T24G11 "Always attacked and always furious, with anger always fully justified, you have pursued this goal with vigilance you never thought to yield, and effort that you never thought to cease."
T24H5 "What is immortal cannot BE attacked; what is but temporal HAS no effect."
T25D9 "Sin is ATTACKED by punishment, and so PRESERVED."
T27B9 "Let it receive the power to represent an endless life, forever unattacked."
T27C1 "He HAS attacked, and will attack again."
T27H1 "Like to a dream of punishment, in which the dreamer is unconscious of what brought on the attack against himself, he sees himself attacked unjustly, and by something NOT himself."
T28G4 "This is the secret oath you take again whenever you perceive yourself attacked."
T28G4 "No-one can suffer if he does NOT see himself attacked, AND LOSING BY ATTACK."
T29C9 "The body that is asked to be a god WILL be attacked, because its nothingness has not been recognized."
T29E3 "It can be in you or someone else, but where it is perceived, it will be there it is attacked."
T29J9 "Forgiving dreams remind you that you live in safety, and have NOT attacked yourself."
T30B2 "This leads to fear, because it contradicts what you perceive, and so you feel attacked, AND THEREFORE ANGRY."
T30E1 "The truth could never BE attacked."
T30E1 "What lies BEYOND them cannot BE attacked."
T30E4 "They must be neither cherished NOR attacked, but merely looked upon as children's toys, without a SINGLE meaning of their own."
T31E9 "And what but is attacked could NEED defense?"
W23L7 "In the practice periods, be sure to include both your thoughts of attacking and of being attacked."
W23L7 "When you finally realize that thoughts of attack and of being attacked are not different, you will be ready to let the cause go."
W26L1 "It is surely obvious that if you can be attacked you are not invulnerable."
W26L3 "Thus they have attacked your perception of yourself."
W72L4 "Herein is God attacked, for if His Son is only a body, so must He be as well."
W72L10 "We have attacked God's plan for salvation, without waiting to hear what it is."
W96L6 "Dissociated from its function now, it thinks it is alone and separate, attacked by armies massed against itself, and hiding in the body's frail support."
W135L1 "Who would defend himself unless he thought he was attacked, that the attack is real, and that his own defense can save himself?"
W135L10 "Defend the body and you have attacked your mind."
W135L23 "And we are given truly, as we say: "If I defend myself I am attacked."
W136L11 "Defenses are plans to defeat what cannot be attacked."
W148L1 " 135) "If I defend myself I am attacked.""
W153L6 "Defenselessness can never be attacked because it recognizes strength so great attack is folly, or a silly game a tired child might play when he becomes too sleepy to remember what he wants."
W161L7 "There must be a thing to be attacked."
W170L4 "Yet you attack outside yourself, and separate your mind from him who is to be attacked, with perfect faith the split you made is real."
W260W52 "For if his oneness still remained untouched, who could attack and who could be attacked?"
W261L1 "I will behold myself where I perceive my strength, and think I live within the citadel where I am safe, and cannot be attacked."
M15A2 "It will not be destroyed nor attacked nor even touched."
M18A1 "If this issue is mishandled, the teacher of God has hurt himself and has also attacked his pupil."
U4A8 "His Son is not attacked but recognized."
P2A3 "What he does not realize and needs to learn is that this "self," which can attack and be attacked as well, is a concept he made up."
P3E9 "And since this picture has become the patient's security as he perceives it, the therapist cannot but be seen as a real source of danger, to be attacked and even killed."
Quotes on "Attacker"
T3F18 "It can be PERCEIVED as an attacker, but it CANNOT attack."
T22G8 "You will see your value through each other's eyes, and each one is released as he beholds his Savior IN PLACE of the attacker who he THOUGHT was there."
T27I10 "Whoever takes the role of enemy and of attacker, STILL is this the truth."
Quotes on "Attackers"
T22G11 "And at the mercy of countless attackers more powerful than you."
Quotes on "Attacking"
T2A21 "If "being possessed" is brought to ascendance, a state of some sort of possession by external forces results, but NOT with a major emphasis on attacking others."
T3A34 "This time, you were FORCED to call him "Jonathan" because you were ATTACKING him when you took the notes in front of him, and are now falling back on the magical device of "protecting his name.""
T4A7 "Attacking misidentification errors is neither MY function nor YOURS."
T4E20 "While I am not attacking your egos, I AM working with your higher mind whether you are asleep or awake, (just as your ego does with your lower mind.)"
T5G4 "But how can part of God detach itself WITHOUT believing it is attacking Him?"
T5G5 "And however ridiculous the idea of attacking God may be to the sane mind, never forget that the ego is NOT SANE."
T5G9 "The sane mind cannot conceive of illness, because it cannot conceive of attacking anything or anyone."
T6D2 "By attacking nothing, it presents no barrier at all to the communication of God."
T6E4 "It interprets this wholly as a justification for ATTACKING its maker."
T6G1 "Many thought that I was attacking them, even though it is quite apparent that I was NOT."
T7G7 "The Holy Spirit undoes illusions without attacking them merely because He cannot perceive them at all."
T7G9 "When YOU believe what God DOES NOT KNOW, your thought seems to CONTRADICT His, and this makes it appear AS IF YOU ARE ATTACKING HIM."
T7H9 "One MUST be fearful if he believes that his brother is attacking him to tear the Kingdom of Heaven from him."
T8B1 "Those whom you PERCEIVE as opponents are PART of your peace, which YOU are giving up by attacking them."
T9I7 "When you think you are attacking your SELF, it is a sure sign that you hate what you think you are."
T11F2 "Therefore, by attacking, you have NOT DONE ANYTHING."
T12C4 "The Holy Spirit, then, seems to be ATTACKING YOUR FORTRESS, for you would SHUT OUT GOD, and He does not will to BE excluded."
T12E4 "Its ONLY reality is in your OWN mind, and by attacking others, you are literally attacking WHAT IS NOT THERE."
T15H9 "The other seems always to be attacking and wounding them, perhaps in little ways, perhaps "unconsciously," yet never without demand of sacrifice."
T18C3 "You do NOT realize that YOU are ATTACKING it, trying to triumph over it and MAKE it serve you."
T21H4 "They could be seen attacking ANYONE, with ANYTHING."
T23B8 "And, BY attacking it, you make two illusions of yourself, IN CONFLICT with each other."
W23L7 "In the practice periods, be sure to include both your thoughts of attacking and of being attacked."
W56L1 "26) "My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.""
W62L2 "Your goal is to find out who you are, having denied your identity by attacking creation and its Creator."
W72L7 "But while it stands at the center of your concept of yourself, you are attacking God's plan for salvation, and holding your grievances against Him and His creations, that you may not hear the Voice of truth and welcome it as Friend."
W72L9 "We are therefore attacking what we do not recognize."
W84L5 "If I hold grievances I am attacking love, and therefore attacking my Self."
W330W122 "It dreams of punishment, and trembles at the figures in its dreams, its enemies who seek to murder it before it can ensure its safety by attacking them."
W360FL1 "For we would not return again to the belief in sin, which made the world seem ugly and unsafe, attacking and destroying, dangerous in all its ways and treacherous beyond the hope of trust and the escape from pain."
P2A3 "Everyone who needs help, regardless of the form of his distress, is attacking himself, and his peace of mind is suffering in consequence."
P3E9 "Thus, he will attack the one who tries to save him from them, believing that he is attacking him."
P3E9 "The therapist is seen as one who is attacking the patient's most cherished possession; his picture of himself."
Quotes on "Murder"
T12B4 "To the ego, THE EGO IS GOD, and guiltlessness MUST be interpreted AS THE FINAL GUILT WHICH FULLY JUSTIFIES MURDER."
T13F5 "These are but INDIRECT expressions of the will to live, which has been blocked by the capricious and unholy whim of death and murder, that your Father shared not WITH you."
T19F9 "To the ego, sin MEANS death, and so Atonement IS ACHIEVED THROUGH MURDER."
T19G2 "Here is the focus of the perception of Atonement as murder."
T20D4 "A world of murder and attack, through which you thread your timid way through constant dangers, alone and frightened, hoping at most that death will wait a little longer, before it overtakes you, and you disappear."
T20I8 "What if you realized that those who SEEM to walk about in it, to sin and die, attack and murder and destroy themselves, are WHOLLY unreal?"
T23C15 "Such a reversal, COMPLETELY turned around, with madness sanity, illusions true, attack a kindness, hatred love, and murder benediction, IS the goal the laws of chaos serve."
T23C18 "How can some FORMS of murder NOT mean death?"
T23D2 "For no-one THINKS of murder, and escapes the guilt the thought entails."
T23D5 "Could they ACCEPT forgiveness side by side with the belief that murder takes some forms by which their peace is SAVED?"
T23D6 "Not one illusion of protection stands against the faith in murder."
T23D6 "Here stands the body, torn between the natural desire to communicate, and the unnatural intent to murder and to die."
T23D7 "Think you the FORM that murder takes can offer safety?"
T23E1 "You are NOT asked to fight AGAINST your wish to murder."
T23E2 "What is NOT love IS murder."
T23E2 "Murder and love are incompatible."
T23E3 "It is NOT sinful to believe the function of the Son is murder."
T23E4 "Each form of murder and attack that still attracts you, and that you do not recognize for what it is, limits the healing and the miracles you HAVE the power to extend to all."
T23E5 "This is your part; to realize that murder, in ANY form, is NOT your will."
T23E5 "Here murder IS your choice."
T23E5 "Yet, from above, the choice is miracles, INSTEAD of murder."
T23E6 "How can the truth of miracles be RECOGNIZED, if murder is your choice?"
T23E6 "When it occurs, leave not your place on high, but quickly choose a miracle INSTEAD of murder."
T23E7 "For only bodies COULD attack and murder, and if this is your purpose, then you MUST be one with them."
T23E9 "Who, with the love of God upholding him, could find the choice of miracles or murder hard to make?"
T24C12 "And no relationship that holds its purpose dear but clings to murder as safety's weapon, and the great defender of all illusions from the "threat" of love."
T25J4 "Problem SOLVING can NOT be vengeance, which at best can bring another problem ADDED to the first, in which the murder is not obvious."
T27H14 "In the dreams HE brings, there IS no murder, and there IS no death."
T28C5 "In dreams of murder and attack are YOU the victim, in a dying body slain."
T29G1 "Forgiveness IS your peace, for herein lies the end of separation, and the dream of danger and destruction, sin and death; of madness and of murder, grief and loss."
T31B3 "Perhaps you think that it is murder justified at last."
T31C2 "And how COULD murder bring you benefit?"
T31C5 "Here are the thoughts of sacrifice preserved, for here guilt rules, and orders that the world be like itself; a place where nothing can find mercy, or survive the ravages of fear except in murder and in death."
W189L3 "A world in which forgiveness shines on everything and peace offers its gentle light to everyone is inconceivable to those who see a world of hatred, rising from attack, poised to avenge, to murder and destroy."
W290W83 "What need has such a mind for thoughts of death, attack and murder?"
W330W122 "It dreams of punishment, and trembles at the figures in its dreams, its enemies who seek to murder it before it can ensure its safety by attacking them."
M29A6 "The thought of murder is replaced with blessing."
Quotes on "Murderer"
T20D4 "A murderer IS frightened, and those who kill FEAR death."
T23D1 "Its sole intent is murder, and what FORM of murder serves to cover the massive guilt and frantic fear of punishment the murderer MUST feel?"
T23D1 "He may deny he IS a murderer, and justify his savagery with smiles as he attacks."
T27H11 "A brother SEPARATED from yourself, an ancient enemy, a murderer who stalks you in the night and plots your death, yet plans that it be lingering and slow, -"
T27H12 "And, UNDERNEATH this dream, is yet another, in which YOU become the murderer, the secret enemy, the scavenger and the destroyer of the brother and the world you fear alike."
T27H14 "He brings FORGIVING dreams, in which the choice is NOT who is the murderer, and who shall be the victim."
W196L11 "Now, for an instant, is a murderer perceived within you, eager for your death, intent on plotting punishment for you until the time when it can kill at last."
W260W52 "Who the murderer?"
Quotes on "Murderers"
T23E3 "Either the Father AND the Son are murderers, or neither is."
Quotes on "Murderous"
T12B1 "You do not even SUSPECT that this murderous but insane idea lies hidden there."
T21H5 "And, as it runs, it turns against itself, thinking it caught a glimpse of the great enemy that always eludes its murderous attack by turning into someone else."
T23C12 "Can you be sure your murderous attack IS justified, unless you know what it is FOR?"
T23E6 "When the temptation to attack rises to make your mind darkened and murderous, remember you CAN see the battle from above."
T31A10 "How wrong are you who fail to hear the call that echoes past each seeming call to death, that sings behind each murderous attack, and pleads that love restore the dying world!"
W261L1 "Let me today seek not security in danger, nor attempt to find my peace in murderous attack."
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