What would God be like if this world were real?

Monday, Oct 16, 2023 712 words 3 mins 9 secs
An A Course in Miracles Blog  © 2023 Paul West

A very useful tool is to ask yourself the question, "what would God have to be like if he created this?"

An important thing to realize is that whatever God creates, is a part of himself. Whatever he wills, he wills for himself. Whatever is real and a part of reality, must be a part of God. And everything that really does exist, must be God's will.

So now, take a look at something in this world, and ask yourself, if God created this, what would God be like?

If there is someone with a sickness, who is suffering and miserable, ask yourself, what would God be like if he created this?

If God created sickness for example it means that sickness is a part of God, God wills the person to be sick. the sickness really exists, sickness is permanent, and therefore God makes people sick.

So the kind of God that God would have to be, if sickness were real or a creation of God, is that God would have to be murderous, abusive, attacking, hurtful, hateful and punishing.

If the sickness has reality, and if reality has to always be tied to God, then a "real sickness" proves God is sick.

If you flesh it out a bit, you'll realize that in order for anything in this world, with all its faults, shortcomings, pains, wars, conflicts, sufferings, death and murder etc.... to be real and to be God's creation, God would have to be very cruel.

It's a simple enough conclusion. If cruel things happen and they are real, then they are God's will and God is the perpetrator. Which makes God a "God of sickness". A God of suffering and pain.

Then you have to ask yourself if you are okay with that. Are you okay with God being a murderer? If that doesn't sit right with you, and it probably doesn't unless you are pretty twisted yourself, then you have to entertain the idea that God is not murderous.

If you want a God that loves, then such a God cannot create cruel things. And that now means that cruel things cannot be a part of God, are not part of reality, and do not really exist. They cannot be his creations.

So then it boils down to a simple logical statement.

Either God is cruel and sickness is real, or God is not cruel and sickness is not part of reality.

It's going to have to be one or the other. Then if you decide to side with the idea that God is loving, then you MUST also reject the idea that sickness is real. And doing so is forgiveness.

Lesson 14 says...

"God did not create that war, and so it is not real."

God did not create that airplane crash, and so it is not real."

God did not create that disaster (specify) so it is not real."

God did not create that illness (specify with name of person) and so it is not real."

As you can see here, Jesus agrees that God must be NOT cruel, and must be loving, and therefore did NOT create sickness or illness or war or disasters.

Therefore, these things cannot be real. If they are not real, they must be an illusion or dream, some kind of fiction, which can't really be there. They must be some kind of hallucination or make-believe. And you must be mistaken if you are seeing them. And by forgiving, you should end up not seeing them, and they should disappear, because they don't exist.

"What if you recognized this world is a hallucination? What if you REALLY understood you made it up? What if you realized that those who SEEM to walk about in it, to sin and die, attack and murder and destroy themselves, are WHOLLY unreal? Could you have FAITH in what you see, if you ACCEPTED this? AND WOULD YOU SEE IT? Hallucinations disappear when they are RECOGNIZED for what they are. This IS the healing and the remedy. Believe them not, and they ARE gone. And all YOU need to do is recognize YOU DID THIS. Once you ACCEPT this simple fact, and take unto YOURSELF the power you GAVE them, YOU are released from them."

Link to: https://www.miraculousliving.com/blogs/a-course-in-miracles-blog/what-would-god-be-like-if-this-world-were-real


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