What it means to forgive the world
Friday, Jan 31, 2025
1374 words
6 mins 6 secs
"and earth the other's sorry outcome which is Heaven's opposite in every way."</p><p>
"For this world IS the opposite of Heaven, having been made to BE its opposite. And EVERYTHING here takes a direction EXACTLY opposite to what is true."</p><p>
In order to return TO heaven, you have to adopt a VIEWPOINT which is OPPOSITE TO EARTH. You have to adopt a way of seeing which is based on heaven's laws and nature.
You have to become able to look upon a world WHICH IS OPPOSITE to heaven, from a perspective that is ALIGNED WITH HEAVEN, so that you can FORGIVE the opposite world. You have to SWITCH SIDES, and side with God's Kingdom/reality INSTEAD OF Earth.</p><p>
The ONLY reason that you need to FORGIVE the world is PRECICELY BECAUSE it IS opposite to heaven. You would NOT need to forgive the world IF IT WAS HEAVEN. You need to forgive it BECAUSE IT IS AN ILLUSION.</p><p>
"The world you see is an illusion of a world. God did not create it, for what He creates must be eternal as Himself. Yet there is nothing in the world you see that will endure forever. Some things will last in time a little while longer than others. But the time will come when all things visible will have an end."</p><p>
Only illusory things are forgiven. Forgiveness makes things disappear. It doesn't make INTERPREATATIONS ABOUT the world disappear, it makes THE WORLD DISAPPEAR. You do not want to be in the business of making REALITY disappear. The purpose of forgiveness is to END THE WORLD.</p><p>
"And it is given you to be the means</p><p>
Through which His Voice is heard around the world</p><p>
To close all things of time, to end the sight</p><p>
Of all things visible; and to undo</p><p>
All things that change."</p><p>
In order to adopt a viewpoint which is ALIGNED WITH HEAVEN, as you look up a world which IS OPPOSITE TO HEAVEN, you have to be able to RECOGNIZE that Earth is not like heaven, is not of God, is not real, not true, is impossible, and does not exist.</p><p>
If you cannot adopt this viewpoint you cannot position yourself as EARTH'S OPPOSITE. To align with heaven you have to OPPOSE/DENY Earth. "The world you see must be denied." That means you do NOT believe anything it shows you or does, or that it even exists at all. THERE IS NO WORLD.</p><p>
You cannot have it both ways. You cannot keep Earth and forgive it. If you forgive it you are declaring that the things it does DO NOT APPLY, the things it does HAVE NO POWER, the things it does DO NOT EXIST, and the things it does ARE NOT OF GOD.</p><p>
Forgiving the world does not mean falling in love with it in a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP in which you want to KEEP it and have your cake while you eat it, while God himself powers the seasons to kill of life only to replace it shortly after.</p><p>
To forgive is to OVERLOOK. To overlook an OPPOSITE WORLD you have to look TO ITS OPPOSITE, to heaven, which is beyond the world. Looking AT heaven will cause you to NOT LOOK AT ITS OPPOSITE, because it's in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION. The world is seen OUTSIDE, heaven is INSIDE. This is why the body's eyes only point outwards.</p><p>
This does not mean you attack the world or hate it or judge it badly or hold it against itself or make it out to be a real sin or any of the rest of those unforgiving attitudes - which are designed to KEEP it. But it does mean that while you are being MORE LOVING, you are ALSO MORE SANE, and are RECOGNIZING that Earth is definitely NOT heaven. God COULD NOT subject his children to this!</p><p>
You in fact believe that Earth is heaven WHEN YOU ARE IN FALSE PERCEPTION. It means you believe that something which is AN ILLUSION, is in fact real. It means you DO NOT RECOGNIZE an illusion, and because of that you think it is total reality. Believing Earth is heaven is EGO and is backwards perception and is unforgiving.</p><p>
When you aligned with Earth's OPPOSITE, heaven, which is God's actual creation, you will nevertheless look out temporarily upon the Earth WITH LOVE, which is not love BECAUSE OF what the world is, but because of where you LOVE FROM. You bring heaven's love and light IN SOME FORM (reflection, image) into the Earth and REPLACE IT.</p><p>
The whole purpose of forgiveness is to REPLACE THE WORLD with heaven, ERASING IT, cancelling it out, and making it disappear. The only purpose of the world when it was made was to BLOT HEAVEN OUT and destroy God's kingdom. This speck of "heaven" has to be cleaned up and the trash has to be thrown out.</p><p>
You will indeed be more loving when you do this. In true perception you will simultaneously RECOGNIZE that EARTH IS OPPOSITE to heaven, while also being very happy and loving. That does not mean you are IN LOVE WITH it. It means you love it IN SPITE OF ITSELF. You extend loving meaning to it BECAUSE IT IS MEANINGLESS.</p><p>
Jesus refers to such an experience of forgiveness as a "happy fiction", or a "happy dream", precisely because Earth IS A FICTION, and not a reality. A happy fiction IS NOT a HAPPY REALITY! You can think of it like a "beautiful mistake" or a "forgiven mis-creation". You temporarily regard it as reflecting heaven (which you project onto it) WHILE ALSO NOT BEING IT. Which means an awareness that it is a FALSE world, which you are smiling upon and laughing as it leaves and takes all its murder and death with it.
"Forgiveness might be called a kind of happy fiction; a way in which the unknowing can bridge the gap between their perception and the truth."</p><p>
You forgive the world because it is NOT real. You forgive the world because it does NOT really exist. You forgive it because it is not really doing any of what it is doing, because it is A DREAM. Forgiveness is not designed to GIVE Earth reality. You already tried to do that in false perception and in the separation from God. The separation from God produced an OPPOSITE WORLD TO HEAVEN.</p><p>
Forgiveness TAKES REALITY AWAY from the Earth. The investment in physical sight is weakened. You give up everything the world is trying to offer. You recognize the Earth holds NOTHING that you want, or need, or could ever benefit from. You recognize it does nothing to you and cannot give you anything. You turn AWAY from Earth TOWARD heaven. You look for the light beyond the darkness, beyond matter, beyond bodies.</p><p>
Just because you're supposed to forgive the world doesn't mean you're forgiving it for what you PROJECTED ONTO it. It means you are forgiving ITS INHERENT NATURE. You are forgiving its murderousness and its brokenness and its failures and its constant dangers and its maliciousness and its cruelty. You are forgiving it because it can't operate any other way because it was MADE TO BE that way. You are forgiving SPACETIME.</p><p>
You are overlooking its shortcomings and limits BECAUSE IT HAS THEM. You are forgiving its deadliness BECAUSE it is deadly, and you're choosing not to hold its deadliness AGAINST it. You are forgiving it FOR BEING deadly. That does no STOP it being deadly. It only changes your approach and viewpoint about its deadliness, until the time comes that forgiveness is so complete that the deadly world STOPS EXISTING ENTIRELY and fades into nothingness.</p><p>
Earth is part of a system of death. "Without the idea of death there is no world." To forgive the system of spacetime is to forgive death. That does not mean that the world stops dying. It means you forgive it FOR having a nature of death. You forgive and love IN SPITE OF its deadly nature. And by doing so you are THINNING IT OUT so that it eventually VANISHES COMPLETELY.</p><p>
You do not want this world. It is not your home. You belong in God.</p>
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