We are all mentally ill and need help

Wednesday, Feb 05, 2025 797 words 3 mins 32 secs2 comments
An A Course in Miracles Blog  © 2025 Paul West

If you think this is not true, it is because you do not RECOGNIZE the insanity.

Insanity is actually a state of a LACK of recognition.

So when you are insane, you have even less ability to recognize that you are insane, which is why you are insane to begin with.

Therefore, to return to sanity, there has to be an increase in RECOGNITION of what everything really is.

A lack of recognition also makes you out of touch with reality. It's like you're in a state of hallucination instead of direct cognition.

When the recognition is at its maximum, you transition from being "out of touch", to having "reality contact."

A key requires that you have "a little willingness" to consider that you might be mistaken. That your recognition of what things are is faulty and limited. That there is a truth you do not see or recognize.

By having some willingness to be mistaken, which is humility and honesty, you can open up to a higher truth.

This invites the Holy Spirit to enter to heal your mind and help restore your sanity.

The world does not want to admit to how insane it is, because it's so insane that it doesn't think it is insane.

What is described in ACIM as "the real world" could be said to be simply a view of what's here WITHOUT insanity, a view in which you have full recognition.

And that means that until you reach that state, you are perceiving an UNREAL world. That means you are spending your whole life living in an unreal world, in a dream.

"This IS an insane world, and do not underestimate the actual extent of its insanity. There is no area of your perception that it has not touched, and your dream IS sacred to you."

"As you look with open eyes upon your world, it MUST occur to you that you have withdrawn into insanity. For you see what is not there, and hear what is soundless. Your behavioral MANIFESTATIONS of emotions are the OPPOSITE of what the emotions ARE. You communicate with no-one, and you are as isolated from reality, as if you were ALONE in all the universe. In your madness, you OVERLOOK REALITY COMPLETELY, and you see ONLY YOUR SPLIT MIND everywhere you look. God calls you and you do not hear, for you are preoccupied with your own voice. And the vision of Christ is not in your sight, for you look upon yourself ALONE."

"Sin is insanity. It is the means by which the mind is driven mad, and seeks to let illusions take the place of truth. And being mad, it sees illusions where truth should be, and where it really is. Sin gave the body eyes, for what is there the sinless would behold? What need have they of sights or sounds or touch? What would they hear or reach to grasp? What would they sense at all? To sense is not to know. And truth can be but filled with knowledge, and with nothing else."

"It is insanity that thinks these things. You call them laws, and put them under different names in a long catalogue of rituals that have no use and serve no purpose. You think you must obey the "laws" of medicine, of economics, and of health. Protect the body and you will be saved. These are not laws, but madness."

"Is it not strange that you believe to think you made the world you see is arrogance? God made it not. Of this you can be sure. What can He know of the ephemeral, the sinful and the guilty, the afraid, the suffering and lonely, and the mind which lives within a body that must die? You but accuse Him of insanity to think He made a world where such things seem to have reality. He is not mad. Yet only madness makes a world like this."

"From the world of bodies, MADE by insanity, insane messages seem to be returned to the mind which made it. And these messages bear witness to this world, pronouncing it as true. For YOU sent forth these messengers, to bring this BACK to you."

"It is the FUNCTION of insanity to TAKE THE PLACE of truth. It must be seen AS truth, to be believed. And, if it IS the truth, then must its opposite, which was the truth before, be madness now. Such a reversal, COMPLETELY turned around, with madness sanity, illusions true, attack a kindness, hatred love, and murder benediction, IS the goal the laws of chaos serve. These are the means by which the laws of God APPEAR to be reversed. Here do the laws of sin APPEAR to hold love captive, and let sin go free."

Link to: https://www.miraculousliving.com/blogs/a-course-in-miracles-blog/we-are-all-mentally-ill-and-need-help



In this world, the idea that the world does ANYTHING to cause you, runs opposite to the fact that you are an immortal being that cannot be changed by anything.

The idea that you are negatively affected by the world is something that you prefer to avoid. And the idea that you WANT to be “positively affected” by the world is something you prefer to have more of. But BOTH are forms of victimhood.

If you are changed by the world, the world can just as easily take away what it pretends to give. The world does NOT really give you anything you want, nor can it really take away anything you have.

All you have and all you want comes from God. The world is nothing.


i understand.. haven’t read the whole book so still have blind spots.

what about things that make the body/ego feel good, like love, a beautiful sunset and charity?

yes, they are not reality.. but it they’re harmless and bring positive feelings (that block true seeing, yes)

not even sure what my question is..

anyway, lovely site.. new fan!

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