Misunderstandings about perception
There are some major mistakes some people make with the course with regards to how perception works.
Many people start out with believing they're a person in a body, having perceptions of an objectively real physical world. And then they read the course and it seems to be saying that they're supposed to change their mind about the world.
So they think ok, in this real world there is a different way to look at things, so I should find another way to look at this SAME world. Which means there's a layer of interpretation between me and this world, and if I change my mind I'll see it in a different way.
One problem here is this in no way questions whether the world is even real or not. It also glosses over a major ACIM teaching - that projection makes perecption.
So then people encounter this idea and they interpret it to mean, I'm projecting some bad shit onto the objectively real world and I need to stop "projecting my stuff" onto it and see it in a friendlier way.
But this bypasses the fact that Jesus is telling you how perception works. We're practically saying that 1) I perceive the world to exist 2) Then I project onto it 3) Then I see my projections. Jesus doesn't say that.
He says projection MAKES perception. Which means that 1) You project, 2) THEN you perceive. "Perception is a RESULT, not a cause." Not that I first perceive a world then project onto it.
Many people seem to think that they first perceive that there is a world, and then you project on top of it. This is backwards. There IS no world there UNTIL you project a world. That's the whole point of this teaching. You are making up the world with your mind.
"You maintain the world in your mind with your thoughts."
Rather than consider that the physical world does not exist AT ALL beyond YOU dreaming it up, YOU making it, YOU hallucinating it entirely, people will rather stay far within the confines of a very basic worldview - that this world and universe are real and exist and this is all there is.
So what happens is people keep firmly ahold of basic assumptions. 1) That they are a small little weak limited person in a body who can't possibly have made this world. 2) This world and universe is real existence.
This ego-based worldview is not questioned whatsoever, the person doesn't even conceive if there being another reality, nor do they want to question whether bodies are real or whether this world could possibly be "just a dream."
"The body is a dream." "God did not create the body."
This results in a strangely adjusted view of ACIM that basically is locked into spacetime, does not question the reality or validity of anything physical, is threatened by any suggestion to the contrary, and wants to just focus on "seeing this world in a better way."
While this approach has some merit, in that the person might form at least a partially more loving approach to their life, it also falls short and is necessarily "capped" at how far they can go. Holding onto the reality of the world and body makes it impossible to rise up out of the dream, or to even consider that the world is a dream.
So there are some people doing some semblance of ACIM who are not really breaking out of the ego illusion. And their entire approach to the course is one that stays squarely within this world, in this body, finding ways to twist the course to make it "fit" into this narrow worldview. And that's a huge distance away from what the course is really trying to say.
"There is no world apart from what you wish" doesn't merely mean that your wishes project interpretations onto the world. It means that you WISH the world exists and so you make it up and dream it. And when you dream something else you make a different dream. And eventually you'll stop making up these dreams and return to heaven.
But that's not what these people want. They want to keep the world as their home and reality and never leave. And all of this is because of unquestioned assumptions. And nothing's really changes since they started the course because they just kept what they believed already and never doubted it.
Indeed common misconceptions (understandably so), which is also a way to try to import God into the dream and try to make it a better dream. It happens to many of us from time to time. Thanks so much for this clarification.
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