It's okay to change the world, sort of

Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 559 words 2 mins 29 secs
An A Course in Miracles Blog  © 2025 Paul West

Something like this has to be read carefully because all too often people quote bits of this as if it's saying "don't bother changing anything in the world", and it's NOT saying that.

"If the cause of the world you see is attack thoughts, you must learn that it is these thoughts which you do not want. There is no point in lamenting the world. There is no point in trying to change the world. It is incapable of change because it is merely an effect. But there is indeed a point in changing your thoughts about the world. Here you are changing the cause. The effects will change automatically."

What it says is that the world you're seeing is the result of something you are projecting out of your mind, and therefore it makes no sense to try messing with the picture out there - you are better off changing the content of the film reel in your mind so that it projects a different world.

It in no way says that you should never try to change the world. It in fact is an instruction on HOW to change the world. Or in other words, how to SWITCH TO a different world that has the changes you want built into it.

Change your mind, so that it causes a different world to be projected. That's what it's saying. If you don't realize that your mind projects the world you'll start wrangling with the world itself trying to force it to change AGAINST your mind's projections, and there's no point doing that because you'll just keep projecting the same world. If you want to see a different world you have to change your mind SO THAT you project a different world entirely.

This also means that when it says to change your mind ABOUT the world, it does not mean that you keep THE SAME WORLD and change your mind about it. It means you need to change your mind so that it is different in its state than it was in before, SO THAT it projects a DIFFERENT world. The state of mind and its thoughts "about" the world it had projected before, has changed, NOT so that you see THE SAME world in a different way, but so that your changed mind makes a NEW world. In fact, the quote might as well also say "don't bother changing your mind ABOUT this world, because that won't change THIS world - change your mind and make a different one."

The problem people have is they think there is an objective world out there that you project onto or perceive, rather than realizing that your mind MAKES the world. If you don't like what you've made, make something else! That's what it's saying. Don't change the effect of what you already chose in the past. Don't change your mind about the SAME world and try keeping it in with a different perception. Choose something different and make something new. The world you see is what you project TO see. Projection makes perception.

In effect, you CAN'T change the world anyway, and changing your mind about the world switches to ANOTHER world. The world is just an effect. Like a picture on a movie screen. If you don't like it, change what's in the projector and watch something else.

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