Discover the true nature of God and his Kingdom in this groundbreaking ACIM book by Paul West. The book begins with the absolute truth and, through a clear and irrefutable logical process, explains the nature of God and his creations.
The book details the creation of the sonship, our co-creative ability, and the beautiful nature of our shared home in God. Available now in e-book, paperback and hardcover from Amazon.
See the BookExplore a wide variety of inspirational ACIM teachings in this extraordinary new series of 12 books. This series, insights on A Cousre in Miracles, covers many major topics and draws upon many years of writing.
Each book is available now at all Amazon websites, in Kindle e-book, paperback and hardcover editions.
See the SeriesThe new full concordance for the urtext is now online. It includes every volume and pamphlet and every word from A Course in Miracles. The concordance is categorized into approximate topical groups, from high-level to mid-level to low-level. The low level groups comprise synonyms and variants of words. You can also find word counts ie how many times each word occurs.
Go to the ACIM concordance or see the Full Word List.
Something like this has to be read carefully because all too often people quote bits of this as if it's saying "don't bother changing anything in the world", and it's NOT saying that.
"If the cause of the world...
We do not want to LOOK AT the fact that there is a NEED for healing. We actually are in denial that something HAS gone wrong, and that healing is necessary. And instead we have covered it up with...
"All forms of sickness, even unto death, are physical expressions of the FEAR OF AWAKENING. They are attempts to reinforce UNCONSCIOUSNESS out of fear of CONSCIOUSNESS."
The entire problem of the people of the world is that we're very...
Miracles assert only life. That there is nothing wrong. There is only innocence and wholeness.
"The perceptual content of miracles is wholeness."
Basically, the only way there can be a healing of any real kind, is if something which...
"It is NEVER God Who coerces you, because He SHARES His Will WITH you." God has given you freedom. This cannot be revoked. You are free to create, or to mis-create. God cannot oppose your will because it is...